The Trunk: Tools-kfr.603.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-kfr.603.mcz

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-kfr.603
Author: kfr
Time: 26 April 2015, 3:25:51.325 pm
UUID: 3963fb45-68a1-9a4e-b9bb-1246b9dd482b
Ancestors: Tools-mt.602

changes to ArchiveViewer button layout to use standard button font.

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.602 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ArchiveViewer>>createButtonBar (in category 'initialization') -----
+ | bar font |
+ font := Preferences standardButtonFont.
- | bar narrowFont registeredFonts |
- registeredFonts := OrderedCollection new.
- TextStyle knownTextStylesWithoutDefault do:
- [:st | (TextStyle named: st) fonts do: [:f | registeredFonts addLast: f]].
- narrowFont := registeredFonts detectMin:
- [:ea | ea widthOfString: 'Contents' from: 1 to: 8].
  bar := AlignmentMorph newRow.
  color: self defaultBackgroundColor;
  rubberBandCells: false;
  vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  cellInset: 6 @ 0.
+ #(#('new archive' #canCreateNewArchive #createNewArchive 'Create a new, empty archive and discard this one') #('load archive' #canOpenNewArchive #openNewArchive 'Open another archive and discard this one') #('save archive' #canSaveArchive #saveArchive 'Save this archive under a new name') #('extract all' #canExtractAll #extractAll 'Extract all this archive''s members into a directory') #('add file' #canAddMember #addMember 'Add a file to this archive') #('add clipboard' #canAddMember #addMemberFromClipboard 'Add the contents of the clipboard as a new file') #('add dir ' #canAddMember #addDirectory 'Add the entire contents of a directory, with all of its subdirectories') #('extract member' #canExtractMember #extractMember 'Extract the selected member to a file') #('delete member' #canDeleteMember #deleteMember 'Remove the selected member from this archive') #('rename member' #canRenameMember #renameMember 'Rename the selected member') #('view all' #canViewAllContents #changeViewAllContents 'Toggle the view of all the selected member''s contents'))
- #(#('New\Archive' #canCreateNewArchive #createNewArchive 'Create a new, empty archive and discard this one') #('Load\Archive' #canOpenNewArchive #openNewArchive 'Open another archive and discard this one') #('Save\Archive As' #canSaveArchive #saveArchive 'Save this archive under a new name') #('Extract\All' #canExtractAll #extractAll 'Extract all this archive''s members into a directory') #('Add\File' #canAddMember #addMember 'Add a file to this archive') #('Add from\Clipboard' #canAddMember #addMemberFromClipboard 'Add the contents of the clipboard as a new file') #('Add\Directory' #canAddMember #addDirectory 'Add the entire contents of a directory, with all of its subdirectories') #('Extract\Member As' #canExtractMember #extractMember 'Extract the selected member to a file') #('Delete\Member' #canDeleteMember #deleteMember 'Remove the selected member from this archive') #('Rename\Member' #canRenameMember #renameMember 'Rename the selected member') #('View All\Contents' #canViewAllContents #changeViewAllContents 'Toggle the view of all the selected member''s contents'))
  [:arr |
+ | button |
- | buttonLabel button |
- buttonLabel := (TextMorph new)
- string: arr first withCRs
- fontName: narrowFont familyName
- size: narrowFont pointSize
- wrap: false;
- hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
- lock;
- yourself.
  (button := PluggableButtonMorph
  on: self
  getState: arr second
  action: arr third)
+ vResizing: #rigid;
- vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  hResizing: #spaceFill;
  onColor: self buttonOnColor offColor: self buttonOffColor;
+ label: arr first withCRs;
- label: buttonLabel;
  setBalloonText: arr fourth.
+ bar addMorphBack: button].
- bar addMorphBack: button.
- buttonLabel composeToBounds].