The Trunk: Tools-kfr.930.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-kfr.930.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-kfr.930
Author: kfr
Time: 9 February 2020, 9:02:29.519512 pm
UUID: 5ba34f14-47a5-3d41-b77a-e043dad99316
Ancestors: Tools-mt.929

Form preview was displaying wrong colors. Convert preview form to screen depth to make colors display correctly

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.929 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>readGraphicContents (in category 'private') -----
  | form maxExtent ext |
+ form := (Form fromFileNamed: self fullName) asFormOfDepth: Display depth.
- form := Form fromFileNamed: self fullName.
  maxExtent := lastGraphicsExtent := self availableGraphicsExtent.
  ext := form extent.
  (maxExtent notNil and: [form extent <= maxExtent]) ifFalse: [
  form := form magnify: form boundingBox by: (maxExtent x / form width min: maxExtent y / form height) asPoint smoothing: 3].
  contents :=  ('Image extent: ', ext printString) asText,
  (String with: Character cr),
  (Text string: ' '
  attribute: (TextFontReference toFont:
  (FormSetFont new
  fromFormArray: (Array with: form)
  asciiStart: Character space asInteger
  ascent: form height))).
  brevityState := #graphic.