Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-mt.584 Author: mt Time: 12 April 2015, 7:13:53.589 pm UUID: a5f20353-d6c2-f84e-bf86-a470a2e42610 Ancestors: Tools-mt.583 Make file list tool work in MVC again. =============== Diff against Tools-mt.583 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: FileList class>>openInMVC (in category 'mvc compatibility') ----- + openInMVC + "Open a view of an instance of me on the default directory." + + | dir aFileList topView volListView templateView fileListView fileContentsView underPane pHeight | + dir := FileDirectory default. + aFileList := self new directory: dir. + topView := StandardSystemView new. + topView + model: aFileList; + label: dir pathName; + minimumSize: 200@200. + topView borderWidth: 1. + + volListView := PluggableListView on: aFileList + list: #volumeList + selected: #volumeListIndex + changeSelected: #volumeListIndex: + menu: #volumeMenu:. + volListView autoDeselect: false. + volListView window: (0@0 extent: 80@45). + topView addSubView: volListView. + + templateView _ PluggableTextView on: aFileList + text: #pattern + accept: #pattern:. + templateView askBeforeDiscardingEdits: false. + templateView window: (0@0 extent: 80@15). + topView addSubView: templateView below: volListView. + + aFileList wantsOptionalButtons + ifTrue: + [underPane := aFileList optionalButtonViewForMVC. + underPane isNil + ifTrue: [pHeight := 60] + ifFalse: [ + topView addSubView: underPane toRightOf: volListView. + pHeight := 60 - aFileList optionalButtonHeight]] + ifFalse: + [underPane := nil. + pHeight := 60]. + + fileListView := PluggableListView on: aFileList + list: #fileList + selected: #fileListIndex + changeSelected: #fileListIndex: + menu: #fileListMenu:. + fileListView window: (0@0 extent: 120@pHeight). + underPane isNil + ifTrue: [topView addSubView: fileListView toRightOf: volListView] + ifFalse: [topView addSubView: fileListView below: underPane]. + fileListView controller terminateDuringSelect: true. "Pane to left may change under scrollbar" + + fileContentsView := PluggableTextView on: aFileList + text: #contents accept: #put: + readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #fileContentsMenu:shifted:. + fileContentsView window: (0@0 extent: 200@140). + topView addSubView: fileContentsView below: templateView. + + topView controller open! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>entriesMatching: (in category 'private') ----- entriesMatching: patternString "Answer a list of directory entries which match the patternString. The patternString may consist of multiple patterns separated by ';'. Each pattern can include a '*' or '#' as wildcards - see String>>match:" | entries patterns | + entries := directory entries reject:[:e| Smalltalk isMorphic and: [e isDirectory]]. - entries := directory entries reject:[:e| e isDirectory]. patterns := patternString findTokens: ';'. (patterns anySatisfy: [:each | each = '*']) ifTrue: [^ entries]. ^ entries select: [:entry | patterns anySatisfy: [:each | each match: entry name]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileList>>optionalButtonViewForMVC (in category 'mvc compatibility') ----- + optionalButtonViewForMVC + "Answer a view of optional buttons" + + | aView bHeight windowWidth offset previousView aButtonView wid services sel allServices | + aView := View new model: self. + bHeight := self optionalButtonHeight. + windowWidth := 120. + aView window: (0 @ 0 extent: windowWidth @ bHeight). + offset := 0. + allServices := self universalButtonServices. + services := allServices copyFrom: 1 to: (allServices size min: 5). + previousView := nil. + services + do: [:service | sel := service selector. + aButtonView := sel asString numArgs = 0 + ifTrue: [PluggableButtonView + on: service provider + getState: (service extraSelector == #none + ifFalse: [service extraSelector]) + action: sel] + ifFalse: [PluggableButtonView + on: service provider + getState: (service extraSelector == #none + ifFalse: [service extraSelector]) + action: sel + getArguments: #fullName + from: self]. + service selector = services last selector + ifTrue: [wid := windowWidth - offset] + ifFalse: [aButtonView + borderWidthLeft: 0 + right: 1 + top: 0 + bottom: 0. + wid := windowWidth // services size - 2]. + aButtonView label: service buttonLabel asParagraph; + window: (offset @ 0 extent: wid @ bHeight). + offset := offset + wid. + service selector = services first selector + ifTrue: [aView addSubView: aButtonView] + ifFalse: [aView addSubView: aButtonView toRightOf: previousView]. + previousView := aButtonView]. + ^ aView! |
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