Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-mt.894 Author: mt Time: 26 September 2019, 11:51:47.732232 am UUID: 49cc71d2-c009-b546-a310-b7bc31cd2eb0 Ancestors: Tools-mt.893 Fixes recent regression with "create" button in debugger notifier. Cleans up message categories to make the notifier functionality more clear. =============== Diff against Tools-mt.893 =============== Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>askForCategoryIn:default: (in category 'notifier support') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>askForCategoryIn:default: (in category 'context stack menu') ----- askForCategoryIn: aClass default: aString | categories index category | categories := OrderedCollection with: 'new ...'. categories addAll: (aClass allMethodCategoriesIntegratedThrough: Object). index := UIManager default chooseFrom: categories title: 'Please provide a good category for the new method!!' translated. index = 0 ifTrue: [^ aString]. category := index = 1 ifTrue: [UIManager default request: 'Enter category name:'] ifFalse: [categories at: index]. ^ category isEmpty ifTrue: [^ aString] ifFalse: [category]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>askForSuperclassOf:toImplement:ifCancel: (in category 'notifier support') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>askForSuperclassOf:toImplement:ifCancel: (in category 'private') ----- askForSuperclassOf: aClass toImplement: aSelector ifCancel: cancelBlock | classes chosenClassIndex | classes := aClass withAllSuperclasses. chosenClassIndex := UIManager default chooseFrom: (classes collect: [:c | c name]) title: 'Define #', aSelector, ' in which class?'. chosenClassIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ cancelBlock value]. ^ classes at: chosenClassIndex! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>askForSuperclassOf:upTo:toImplement:ifCancel: (in category 'notifier support') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>askForSuperclassOf:upTo:toImplement:ifCancel: (in category 'private') ----- askForSuperclassOf: aClass upTo: superclass toImplement: aSelector ifCancel: cancelBlock | classes chosenClassIndex | classes := aClass withAllSuperclasses reject: [:cls | aClass isKindOf: cls]. chosenClassIndex := UIManager default chooseFrom: (classes collect: [:c | c name]) title: 'Define #', aSelector, ' in which class?'. chosenClassIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ cancelBlock value]. ^ classes at: chosenClassIndex! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>contextStackIndex (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>contextStackIndex (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- contextStackIndex "Answer the index of the selected context." ^contextStackIndex! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>contextStackList (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>contextStackList (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- contextStackList "Answer the array of contexts." ^contextStackList! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>createImplementingMethod (in category 'notifier buttons') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>createImplementingMethod (in category 'private') ----- createImplementingMethod "Should only be called when this Debugger was created in response to a NotYetImplemented exception. All we need to do is pop the signalling context off the stack and open the #notYetImplemented method." | signallingContext | + self initializeFull. signallingContext := self selectedContext sender. "Pop the signalling context off the stack" self resetContext: signallingContext. self debug.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>createMethod (in category 'notifier buttons') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>createMethod (in category 'private') ----- createMethod "Should only be called when this Debugger was created in response to a MessageNotUnderstood exception. Create a stub for the method that was missing and proceed into it." | msg chosenClass | + self initializeFull. msg := self contextStackTop exceptionMessage. chosenClass := self askForSuperclassOf: self contextStackTop receiver class toImplement: msg selector ifCancel: [^self]. self implementMissingMethod: msg inClass: chosenClass.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>createOverridingMethod (in category 'notifier buttons') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>createOverridingMethod (in category 'private') ----- createOverridingMethod "Should only be called when this Debugger was created in response to a SubclassResponsibility exception. Create a stub for the method that needs overriding and proceed into it. Let the user only select a class in the inheritance chain between the actual class and the class declaring the subclassResponsibility." | chosenClass msg category | + self initializeFull. msg := self contextStackTop exceptionMessage. chosenClass := self askForSuperclassOf: self contextStackTop receiver class upTo: self contextStackTop sender method methodClass toImplement: msg selector ifCancel: [^self]. "Use the same category as the marker method." category := self contextStackTop sender selectorCategory. self implementOverridingMethod: msg inClass: chosenClass inCategory: category.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>debugAt: (in category 'notifier buttons') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>debugAt: (in category 'initialize') ----- debugAt: anInteger "Opens a full debugger with the given index selected. See #initializeFull to understand why contextStackIndex is set directly." contextStackIndex := anInteger. ^ self debug! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>expandNotifierStack (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>expandNotifierStack (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- expandNotifierStack "Show a small amount of stack in the context pane. Useful for notifiers." self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. self newStack: (self contextStackTop stackOfSize: self class notifierStackSize). self changed: #contextStackList. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>expandStack (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>expandStack (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- expandStack "Show a substantial amount of stack in the context pane." self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. self newStack: (self contextStackTop stackOfSize: self class fullStackSize). self changed: #contextStackList. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>fullyExpandStack (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>fullyExpandStack (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- fullyExpandStack "Expand the stack to include all of it. Well, almost all of it, we better maintain sane limits too." self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. self newStack: (self contextStackTop stackOfSize: self class stackSizeLimit - contextStack size). self changed: #contextStackList.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>implementMissingMethod:inClass: (in category 'notifier support') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>implementMissingMethod:inClass: (in category 'context stack menu') ----- implementMissingMethod: aMessage inClass: aClass ^ self implementMissingMethod: aMessage inClass: aClass inCategory: (self askForCategoryIn: aClass default: 'as yet unclassified').! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>implementMissingMethod:inClass:inCategory: (in category 'notifier support') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>implementMissingMethod:inClass:inCategory: (in category 'context stack menu') ----- implementMissingMethod: aMessage inClass: aClass inCategory: aSymbol "Create a stub implementation of the missing message and sew it onto the top of the stack, ensuring the context's arguments are set correctly. Debug the new context." self pushStubMethodOnStack: aMessage inClass: aClass inCategory: aSymbol. "Cut out the sender context. This is the context that signalled the MessageNotUnderstood." self selectedContext privSender: self selectedContext sender. self resetContext: self selectedContext. self debug.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>implementOverridingMethod:inClass:inCategory: (in category 'notifier support') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>implementOverridingMethod:inClass:inCategory: (in category 'context stack menu') ----- implementOverridingMethod: aMessage inClass: aClass inCategory: aSymbol "Create a stub implementation of the overriding message and sew it onto the top of the stack, ensuring the context's arguments are set correctly. Debug the new context." self pushStubMethodOnStack: aMessage inClass: aClass inCategory: aSymbol. "Cut out the sender context. This is the context that signalled the SubclassResponsibility." self selectedContext privSender: self selectedContext sender sender. self resetContext: self selectedContext. self debug.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>messageHelpAt: (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>messageHelpAt: (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- messageHelpAt: anIndex "Show the first n lines of the sources code of the selected message." | method | Preferences balloonHelpInMessageLists ifFalse: [^ nil]. contextStack size < anIndex ifTrue: [^ nil]. method := (contextStack at: anIndex) method. ^ self messageHelpForMethod: method.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>messageIconAt: (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>messageIconAt: (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- messageIconAt: anIndex Browser showMessageIcons ifFalse: [^ nil]. ^ ToolIcons iconNamed: (ToolIcons iconForClass: (contextStack at: anIndex) method methodClass selector: (contextStack at: anIndex) method selector)! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>messageListIndex (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>messageListIndex (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- messageListIndex "Answer the index of the currently selected context." ^contextStackIndex! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Debugger>>populateImplementInMenu: (in category 'context stack menu') ----- - populateImplementInMenu: aMenu - - | msg | - msg := self selectedContext at: 1. - self selectedContext receiver class withAllSuperclasses do: - [:each | - aMenu add: each name target: self selector: #implementMissingMethod:inClass: argumentList: (Array with: msg with: each)]. - ^ aMenu - - ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>selectedMessage (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>selectedMessage (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- selectedMessage "Answer the source code of the currently selected context." | aContext | ^contents := (aContext := self selectedContext) debuggerMap sourceText asText makeSelectorBoldIn: aContext home receiver class! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>selectedMessageName (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>selectedMessageName (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- selectedMessageName "Answer the message selector of the currently selected context. If the method is unbound we can still usefully answer its old selector." | selector | selector := self selectedContext selector. ^(selector ~~ self selectedContext method selector and: [selector beginsWith: 'DoIt']) ifTrue: [self selectedContext method selector] ifFalse: [selector]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: Debugger>>toggleContextStackIndex: (in category 'context stack - message list') ----- - ----- Method: Debugger>>toggleContextStackIndex: (in category 'context stack (message list)') ----- toggleContextStackIndex: anInteger "If anInteger is the same as the index of the selected context, deselect it. Otherwise, the context whose index is anInteger becomes the selected context." self contextStackIndex: (contextStackIndex = anInteger ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [anInteger]) oldContextWas: (contextStackIndex = 0 ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [contextStack at: contextStackIndex])! |
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