Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-mt.917 Author: mt Time: 22 November 2019, 2:11:23.895303 pm UUID: 7a9645dc-bdfb-f949-b322-05f1162c7f9a Ancestors: Tools-ct.916, Tools-ct.902, Tools-ct.904 Merges Tools-ct.916, Tools-ct.902, Tools-ct.904. Changes #handleWarning: text to a different style and to use the new #suppressWarnings interface in Warning. =============== Diff against Tools-ct.916 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Inspector class>>openOn: (in category 'instance creation') ----- openOn: anObject "Create and schedule an instance of me on the model, anInspector. " + ^ self openOn: anObject withLabel: anObject defaultLabelForInspector! - ^ self openOn: anObject withEvalPane: true! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Inspector class>>openOn:withEvalPane: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - openOn: anObject withEvalPane: withEval - "Create and schedule an instance of me on the model, anInspector. " - - ^ self openOn: anObject withEvalPane: withEval withLabel: anObject defaultLabelForInspector! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Inspector class>>openOn:withEvalPane:withLabel: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - openOn: anObject withEvalPane: withEval withLabel: label - ^ToolBuilder open: (self inspect: anObject) label: label! Item was added: + ----- Method: Inspector class>>openOn:withLabel: (in category 'instance creation') ----- + openOn: anObject withLabel: label + + ^ ToolBuilder open: (self inspect: anObject) label: label! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>browseContext (in category 'stack list') ----- browseContext + ToolSet browseMethod: selectedContext method! - selectedContext - ifNil: [^ self]. - ToolSet browse: self selectedClass selector: self selectedSelector! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>changePriority (in category 'process actions') ----- changePriority | str newPriority nameAndRules | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. nameAndRules := self nameAndRulesForSelectedProcess. nameAndRules third ifFalse: [self inform: 'Nope, won''t change priority of ' , nameAndRules first. ^ self]. str := UIManager default request: 'New priority' initialAnswer: selectedProcess priority asString. newPriority := str asNumber asInteger. newPriority ifNil: [^ self]. (newPriority < 1 or: [newPriority > Processor highestPriority]) ifTrue: [self inform: 'Bad priority'. ^ self]. self class setProcess: selectedProcess toPriority: newPriority. self updateProcessList! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>chasePointers (in category 'process actions') ----- chasePointers | saved | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. saved := selectedProcess. [selectedProcess := nil. (Smalltalk includesKey: #PointerFinder) ifTrue: [PointerFinder on: saved] ifFalse: [self inspectPointers]] ensure: [selectedProcess := saved]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>debugProcess (in category 'process actions') ----- debugProcess | nameAndRules | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. nameAndRules := self nameAndRulesForSelectedProcess. nameAndRules third ifFalse: [self inform: 'Nope, won''t debug ' , nameAndRules first. ^ self]. self class debugProcess: selectedProcess.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>exploreContext (in category 'stack list') ----- exploreContext + selectedContext explore! - selectedContext ifNotNil: #explore! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>exploreProcess (in category 'process list') ----- exploreProcess + selectedProcess explore! - selectedProcess ifNotNil: #explore! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>exploreReceiver (in category 'stack list') ----- exploreReceiver + selectedContext receiver explore! - selectedContext ifNotNil: [ - selectedContext receiver explore]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>inspectContext (in category 'stack list') ----- inspectContext + selectedContext inspect! - selectedContext ifNotNil: #inspect! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>inspectPointers (in category 'process actions') ----- inspectPointers | tc pointers | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. tc := thisContext. pointers := PointerFinder pointersTo: selectedProcess except: { self processList. tc. self}. pointers isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self]. OrderedCollectionInspector openOn: pointers - withEvalPane: false withLabel: 'Objects pointing to ' , selectedProcess browserPrintString! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>inspectProcess (in category 'process list') ----- inspectProcess + selectedProcess inspect! - selectedProcess ifNotNil: #inspect! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>inspectReceiver (in category 'stack list') ----- inspectReceiver + selectedContext receiver inspect! - selectedContext ifNotNil: [ - selectedContext receiver inspect]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>messageTally (in category 'stack list') ----- messageTally | secString secs | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. secString := UIManager default request: 'Profile for how many seconds?' initialAnswer: '4'. secString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ self]. secs := secString asNumber asInteger. (secs isNil or: [secs isZero]) ifTrue: [^ self]. [ TimeProfileBrowser spyOnProcess: selectedProcess forMilliseconds: secs * 1000 ] forkAt: selectedProcess priority + 1.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>processListKey:from: (in category 'process list') ----- + processListKey: aKey from: aView + + aKey + caseOf: { + [$f] -> [^ self findContext]. + [$g] -> [^ self nextContext]. + [$a] -> [^ self toggleAutoUpdate]. + [$u] -> [^ self updateProcessList] } + otherwise: []. + selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self changed: #flash]. + ^ aKey + caseOf: { + [$i] -> [self inspectProcess]. + [$I] -> [self exploreProcess]. + [$c] -> [self chasePointers]. + [$P] -> [self inspectPointers]. + [$t] -> [self terminateProcess]. + [$r] -> [self resumeProcess]. + [$s] -> [self suspendProcess]. + [$d] -> [self debugProcess]. + [$p] -> [self changePriority]. + [$m] -> [self messageTally]. + [$S] -> [self signalSemaphore]. + [$k] -> [self moreStack]} + otherwise: [self arrowKey: aKey from: aView]! - processListKey: aKey from: aView - ^ aKey caseOf: { - [$i] -> [self inspectProcess]. - [$I] -> [self exploreProcess]. - [$c] -> [self chasePointers]. - [$P] -> [self inspectPointers]. - [$t] -> [self terminateProcess]. - [$r] -> [self resumeProcess]. - [$s] -> [self suspendProcess]. - [$d] -> [self debugProcess]. - [$p] -> [self changePriority]. - [$m] -> [self messageTally]. - [$f] -> [self findContext]. - [$g] -> [self nextContext]. - [$a] -> [self toggleAutoUpdate]. - [$u] -> [self updateProcessList]. - [$S] -> [self signalSemaphore]. - [$k] -> [self moreStack]} - otherwise: [self arrowKey: aKey from: aView]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>resumeProcess (in category 'process actions') ----- resumeProcess - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. self class resumeProcess: selectedProcess. self updateProcessList! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>signalSemaphore (in category 'process actions') ----- signalSemaphore - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. (selectedProcess suspendingList isKindOf: Semaphore) ifFalse: [^ self]. [selectedProcess suspendingList signal] fork. (Delay forMilliseconds: 300) wait. "Hate to make the UI wait, but it's convenient..." self updateProcessList! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>stackListKey:from: (in category 'views') ----- + stackListKey: aKey from: aView + + selectedContext ifNil: [^ self changed: #flash]. + ^ aKey + caseOf: { + [$c] -> [self inspectContext]. + [$C] -> [self exploreContext]. + [$i] -> [self inspectReceiver]. + [$I] -> [self exploreReceiver]. + [$b] -> [self browseContext]} + otherwise: [self arrowKey: aKey from: aView]! - stackListKey: aKey from: aView - ^ aKey caseOf: { - [$c] -> [self inspectContext]. - [$C] -> [self exploreContext]. - [$i] -> [self inspectReceiver]. - [$I] -> [self exploreReceiver]. - [$b] -> [self browseContext]} - otherwise: [self arrowKey: aKey from: aView]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>suspendProcess (in category 'process actions') ----- suspendProcess | nameAndRules | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. selectedProcess isSuspended ifTrue: [^ self]. nameAndRules := self nameAndRulesForSelectedProcess. nameAndRules second ifFalse: [self inform: 'Nope, won''t suspend ' , nameAndRules first. ^ self]. self class suspendProcess: selectedProcess. self updateProcessList! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>terminateProcess (in category 'process actions') ----- terminateProcess | nameAndRules | - selectedProcess ifNil: [^ self]. nameAndRules := self nameAndRulesForSelectedProcess. nameAndRules second ifFalse: [self inform: 'Nope, won''t kill ' , nameAndRules first. ^ self]. self class terminateProcess: selectedProcess. self updateProcessList! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardToolSet class>>handleWarning: (in category 'debugging - handlers') ----- handleWarning: aWarning "Double dispatch. Let the active process take care of that warning, which usually calls back here to #debugProcess:..." + | message | + message := '{1}\\{2}' withCRs asText format: { + "First, show the actual text of this warning." + aWarning messageText. + "Second, append some helpful information that apply to all kinds of warnings." + ('{1} {2}' asText format: { + 'Select "Proceed" to continue or close this window to cancel the operation.' translated. + 'If you do not want to be interrupted anymore, you can {1} this kind of warning. You can also {2}, which resets such warnings on the next image startup.' translated asText format: { + "Provide clickable text links so that the user can directly suppress warnings." + 'always suppress' asText + addAttribute: (PluggableTextAttribute evalBlock: [ + aWarning class suppressWarnings. + self inform: ('All ''{1}'' warnings will be suppressed.' translated format: {aWarning class name})]). + 'suppress temporarily' asText + addAttribute: (PluggableTextAttribute evalBlock: [ + aWarning class suppressAndResetOnStartUp. + self inform: ('All ''{1}'' warnings will be suppressed\and reset on the next image startup.' withCRs translated format: {aWarning class name})])}. + }) addAttribute: ( + "Show this helpful information in a smaller font." + TextFontReference toFont: Preferences standardButtonFont)}. + ^ Processor activeProcess debug: aWarning signalerContext title: 'Warning' translated full: false + contents: message! - contents: aWarning messageText , '\\Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.' withCRs translated! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardToolSet class>>inspect:label: (in category 'inspecting') ----- inspect: anObject label: aString "Open an inspector on the given object. The tool set must know which inspector type to use for which object - the object cannot possibly know what kind of inspectors the toolset provides." + ^ anObject inspectorClass openOn: anObject withLabel: aString! - ^ anObject inspectorClass openOn: anObject withEvalPane: true withLabel: aString! |
Hi all. Note that we have not so much UI-design possibilities for that "Warning window" at the moment. Something like this is not that simple at the moment: For example, we cannot rely on DialogWindow >> #getUserResponse to "suspend" the control flow. Debugger itself is not that flexible at the moment. Best, Marcel
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