The Trunk: Tools-mt.955.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-mt.955.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-mt.955
Author: mt
Time: 5 March 2020, 3:19:50.650454 pm
UUID: c6edc6b3-361b-1c40-ba50-686fe7cb3e3d
Ancestors: Tools-mt.954

Complete the "#classHierarchy -> #browseClassHierarchy" rename-method refactoring, which was started in 2018 for the ObjectExplorer.

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.954 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Browser>>browseClassHierarchy (in category 'multi-window support') -----
+ browseClassHierarchy
+ "Overridden to consider multi-window state and hierarchy browser."
+ | behavior newBrowser |
+ (behavior := self selectedClassOrMetaClass) isNil ifTrue:
+ [^self].
+ (self isPackage "PackageBrowser panes can't support a hierarchy browser; not sure why."
+ or: [self multiWindowState isNil]) ifTrue:
+ [^super browseClassHierarchy].
+ (newBrowser := HierarchyBrowser new initHierarchyForClass: behavior)
+ selectMessageCategoryNamed: self selectedMessageCategoryName;
+ selectMessageNamed: self selectedMessageName;
+ editSelection: editSelection.
+ self multiWindowState addWindow: newBrowser!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Browser>>classHierarchy (in category 'multi-window support') -----
- classHierarchy
- | behavior newBrowser |
- (behavior := self selectedClassOrMetaClass) isNil ifTrue:
- [^self].
- (self isPackage "PackageBrowser pains can't support a hierarchy browser; not sure why."
- or: [self multiWindowState isNil]) ifTrue:
- [^super classHierarchy].
- (newBrowser := HierarchyBrowser new initHierarchyForClass: behavior)
- selectMessageCategoryNamed: self selectedMessageCategoryName;
- selectMessageNamed: self selectedMessageName;
- editSelection: editSelection.
- self multiWindowState addWindow: newBrowser
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Browser>>mainMessageListMenu: (in category 'message functions') -----
  mainMessageListMenu: aMenu
  <messageListMenuShifted: false>
  ^ aMenu addList: #(
  ('what to show...' offerWhatToShowMenu)
  ('toggle break on entry' toggleBreakOnEntry)
  ('browse full (b)' browseMethodFull)
+ ('browse hierarchy (h)' browseClassHierarchy)
- ('browse hierarchy (h)' classHierarchy)
  ('browse protocol (p)' browseFullProtocol)
  ('fileOut' fileOutMessage)
  ('printOut' printOutMessage)
  ('copy selector (c)' copySelector)
  ('copy reference (C)' copyReference)
  ('senders of... (n)' browseSendersOfMessages)
  ('implementors of... (m)' browseMessages)
  ('inheritance (i)' methodHierarchy)
  ('versions (v)' browseVersions)
  ('references... (r)' browseVariableReferences)
  ('assignments... (a)' browseVariableAssignments)
  ('class refs (N)' browseClassRefs)
  ('remove method (x)' removeMessage)
  ('explore method' exploreMethod)
  ('inspect method' inspectMethod));

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CodeHolder>>messageListKey:from: (in category 'message list menu') -----
  messageListKey: aChar from: view
  "Respond to a Command key.  I am a model with a code pane, and I also
  have a listView that has a list of methods.  The view knows how to get
  the list and selection."
  | sel class |
  aChar == $D ifTrue: [^ self toggleDiffing].
  sel := self selectedMessageName.
  aChar == $m ifTrue:  "These next two put up a type in if no message selected"
  [^ self useSelector: sel orGetSelectorAndSendQuery: #browseAllImplementorsOf: to: self ].
  aChar == $n ifTrue:
  [^ self useSelector: sel orGetSelectorAndSendQuery: #browseAllCallsOn: to: self ].
  aChar == $d ifTrue: [^ self removeMessageFromBrowser].
  "The following require a class selection"
  (class := self selectedClassOrMetaClass) ifNil: [^ self arrowKey: aChar from: view].
  aChar == $b ifTrue: [^ ToolSet browse: class selector: sel].
  aChar == $N ifTrue: [^ self browseClassRefs].
  aChar == $i ifTrue: [^ self methodHierarchy].
+ aChar == $h ifTrue: [^ self browseClassHierarchy].
- aChar == $h ifTrue: [^ self classHierarchy].
  aChar == $p ifTrue: [^ self browseFullProtocol].
  aChar == $r ifTrue: [^ self browseVariableReferences].
  aChar == $a ifTrue: [^ self browseVariableAssignments].
  (aChar == $Y and: [self canShowMultipleMessageCategories])
  ifTrue: [^ self showHomeCategory].
  "The following require a method selection"
  sel ifNotNil:
  [aChar == $o ifTrue: [^ self fileOutMessage].
  aChar == $c ifTrue: [^ self copySelector].
  aChar == $v ifTrue: [^ self browseVersions].
  aChar == $x ifTrue: [^ self removeMessage].
  aChar == $C ifTrue: [ self copyReference ]].
  ^ self arrowKey: aChar from: view!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CodeHolder>>optionalButtonPairs (in category 'controls') -----
  "Answer a tuple (formerly pairs) defining buttons, in the format:
  button label
  selector to send
  help message"
  | aList |
  aList := #(
  ('browse' browseMethodFull 'view this method in a browser')
  ('senders' browseSendersOfMessages 'browse senders of...')
  ('implementors' browseMessages 'browse implementors of...')
  ('versions' browseVersions 'browse versions')),
  (Preferences decorateBrowserButtons
  [{#('inheritance' methodHierarchy 'browse method inheritance
  green: sends to super
  tan: has override(s)
  mauve: both of the above
  pink: is an override but doesn''t call super
  pinkish tan: has override(s), also is an override but doesn''t call super' )}]
  [{#('inheritance' methodHierarchy 'browse method inheritance')}]),
+ ('hierarchy' browseClassHierarchy 'browse class hierarchy')
- ('hierarchy' classHierarchy 'browse class hierarchy')
  ('vars' browseVariableReferences 'references...')).
  ^ aList!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Debugger>>browseClassHierarchy (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ browseClassHierarchy
+ "Create and schedule a class list browser on the receiver's hierarchy."
+ (self selectedMessageName = #doesNotUnderstand: and: [ self selectedClassOrMetaClass = Object ])
+ ifTrue:
+ [ self systemNavigation
+ spawnHierarchyForClass: self receiverClass
+ selector: self selectedMessageName ]
+ ifFalse: [ super browseClassHierarchy ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Debugger>>classHierarchy (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
- classHierarchy
- "Create and schedule a class list browser on the receiver's hierarchy."
- (self selectedMessageName = #doesNotUnderstand: and: [ self selectedClassOrMetaClass = Object ])
- ifTrue:
- [ self systemNavigation
- spawnHierarchyForClass: self receiverClass
- selector: self selectedMessageName ]
- ifFalse: [ super classHierarchy ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>shiftedContextStackMenu: (in category 'context stack menu') -----
  shiftedContextStackMenu: aMenu
  "Set up the menu appropriately for the context-stack-list, shifted"
  <contextStackMenuShifted: true>
  ^ aMenu addList: #(
+ ('browse class hierarchy' browseClassHierarchy)
- ('browse class hierarchy' classHierarchy)
  ('browse class' browseClass)
  ('implementors of sent messages' browseAllMessages)
  ('change sets with this method' findMethodInChangeSets)
  ('inspect instances' inspectInstances)
  ('inspect subinstances' inspectSubInstances)
  ('revert to previous version' revertToPreviousVersion)
  ('remove from current change set' removeFromCurrentChanges)
  ('revert & remove from changes' revertAndForget));

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Inspector>>inspectorKey:from: (in category 'menu commands') -----
  inspectorKey: aChar from: view
  "Respond to a Command key issued while the cursor is over my field list"
  aChar == $i ifTrue: [^ self selection inspect].
  aChar == $I ifTrue: [^ self selection explore].
  aChar == $b ifTrue: [^ self browseClass].
+ aChar == $h ifTrue: [^ self browseClassHierarchy].
- aChar == $h ifTrue: [^ self classHierarchy].
  aChar == $c ifTrue: [^ self copyName].
  aChar == $p ifTrue: [^ self browseFullProtocol].
  aChar == $N ifTrue: [^ self browseClassRefs].
  aChar == $t ifTrue: [^ self tearOffTile].
  aChar == $v ifTrue: [^ self viewerForValue].
  ^ self arrowKey: aChar from: view!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Inspector>>mainFieldListMenu: (in category 'menu commands') -----
  mainFieldListMenu: aMenu
  "Arm the supplied menu with items for the field-list of the receiver"
  "gets overriden by subclasses, _whithout_ the <fieldListMenu>"
  aMenu addStayUpItemSpecial.
  aMenu addList: #(
  ('inspect (i)' inspectSelection)
  ('explore (I)' exploreSelection)).
  self addCollectionItemsTo: aMenu.
  aMenu addList: #(
  ('method refs to this inst var' referencesToSelection)
  ('methods storing into this inst var' defsOfSelection)
  ('objects pointing to this value' objectReferencesToSelection)
  ('chase pointers' chasePointers)
  ('explore pointers' explorePointers)
  ('browse full (b)' browseClass)
+ ('browse hierarchy (h)' browseClassHierarchy)
- ('browse hierarchy (h)' classHierarchy)
  ('browse protocol (p)' browseFullProtocol)
  ('references... (r)' browseVariableReferences)
  ('assignments... (a)' browseVariableAssignments)
  ('class refs (N)' browseClassRefs)
  ('copy name (c)' copyName)
  ('basic inspect' inspectBasic)).
  Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue:
  [aMenu addList: #(
  ('tile for this value (t)' tearOffTile)
  ('viewer for this value (v)' viewerForValue))].
  ^ aMenu
  " -
  ('alias for this value' aliasForValue)
  ('watcher for this slot' watcherForSlot)"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageSet>>mainMessageListMenu: (in category 'message list') -----
  mainMessageListMenu: aMenu
  "Answer the message-list menu"
  <messageListMenuShifted: false>
  aMenu addList: #(
  ('what to show...' offerWhatToShowMenu)
  ('toggle break on entry' toggleBreakOnEntry)
  ('browse full (b)' browseMethodFull)
+ ('browse hierarchy (h)' browseClassHierarchy)
- ('browse hierarchy (h)' classHierarchy)
  ('browse protocol (p)' browseFullProtocol)
  ('fileOut' fileOutMessage)
  ('printOut' printOutMessage)
  ('copy selector (c)' copySelector)
  ('copy reference (C)' copyReference)
  ('senders of... (n)' browseSendersOfMessages)
  ('implementors of... (m)' browseMessages)
  ('inheritance (i)' methodHierarchy)
  ('versions (v)' browseVersions)
  ('references... (r)' browseVariableReferences)
  ('assignments... (a)' browseVariableAssignments)
  ('class refs (N)' browseClassRefs)
  ('remove method (x)' removeMessage)
  ('explore method' exploreMethod)
  ('inspect method' inspectMethod)).
  ^ aMenu!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectExplorer>>browseClassHierarchy (in category 'menus - actions') -----
  "Create and schedule a class list browser on the receiver's hierarchy."
  self systemNavigation
  spawnHierarchyForClass: self selectedClass
+ selector: nil.!
- selector: nil
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: StringHolder>>browseClassHierarchy (in category '*Tools') -----
+ browseClassHierarchy
+ "Create and schedule a class list browser on the receiver's hierarchy."
+ self systemNavigation
+ spawnHierarchyForClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass "OK if nil"
+ selector: self selectedMessageName!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StringHolder>>classHierarchy (in category '*Tools') -----
- classHierarchy
- "Create and schedule a class list browser on the receiver's hierarchy."
- self systemNavigation
- spawnHierarchyForClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass "OK if nil"
- selector: self selectedMessageName
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StringHolder>>messageListKey:from: (in category '*Tools') -----
  messageListKey: aChar from: view
  "Respond to a Command key.  I am a model with a code pane, and I also
  have a listView that has a list of methods.  The view knows how to get
  the list and selection."
  | sel class |
  aChar == $D ifTrue: [^ self toggleDiffing].
  sel := self selectedMessageName.
  aChar == $m ifTrue:  "These next two put up a type in if no message selected"
  [^ self useSelector: sel orGetSelectorAndSendQuery: #browseAllImplementorsOf: to: self systemNavigation].
  aChar == $n ifTrue:
  [^ self useSelector: sel orGetSelectorAndSendQuery: #browseAllCallsOn: to: self systemNavigation].
  "The following require a class selection"
  (class := self selectedClassOrMetaClass) ifNil: [^ self arrowKey: aChar from: view].
  aChar == $b ifTrue: [^ ToolSet browse: class selector: sel].
  aChar == $N ifTrue: [^ self browseClassRefs].
  aChar == $i ifTrue: [^ self methodHierarchy].
+ aChar == $h ifTrue: [^ self browseClassHierarchy].
- aChar == $h ifTrue: [^ self classHierarchy].
  aChar == $p ifTrue: [^ self browseFullProtocol].
  "The following require a method selection"
  sel ifNotNil:
  [aChar == $o ifTrue: [^ self fileOutMessage].
  aChar == $c ifTrue: [^ self copySelector].
  aChar == $C ifTrue: [^ self copyReference].
  aChar == $v ifTrue: [^ self browseVersions].
  aChar == $x ifTrue: [^ self removeMessage]].
  ^ self arrowKey: aChar from: view!