Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-mva.748
Author: mva
Time: 15 March 2017, 4:58:37.421419 pm
UUID: 8ef7567d-e7b4-4879-81de-6bce929e3bbf
Ancestors: Tools-ul.747
fix selecting a directory in the left pane in a MVC project FileList on Mac and Linux (and it still works on Windows afterwards)
=============== Diff against Tools-ul.747 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileList>>volumeListIndex: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
volumeListIndex: index
"Select the volume name having the given index."
| delim path |
volListIndex := index.
index = 1
ifTrue: [self directory: (FileDirectory on: '')]
ifFalse: [delim := directory pathNameDelimiter.
path := String streamContents: [:strm |
2 to: index do: [:i |
strm nextPutAll: (volList at: i) withBlanksTrimmed.
i < index ifTrue: [strm nextPut: delim]]].
+ self directory: (FileDirectory on: path)].
- self directory: (directory on: path)].
brevityState := #FileList.
self addPath: path.
self changed: #fileList.
self changed: #contents.
self updateButtonRow.!