Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-nice.1040 Author: nice Time: 14 April 2021, 11:41:49.287889 pm UUID: 30dc2572-5638-c849-a103-cd00af68fca7 Ancestors: Tools-mt.1039, Tools-tcj.834, Tools-mva.748, Tools-ct.1006, Tools-ct.1020, Tools-ct.1031 Merge commit Tools-mt.1039: Complements Kernel-mt.1385 Tools-tcj.834: Add 'alphabetize' to Package Pane Browser's class category menu, as is found on standard Browser. Tools-mva.748: fix selecting a directory in the left pane in a MVC project FileList on Mac and Linux (and it still works on Windows afterwards) Tools-ct.1006: Complements Compiler-ct.449 (CompilationCue in SyntaxErrorNotification). Fixes syntax highlighting in SyntaxError window. Tools-ct.1020: Fixes code styling in change sorters. Tools-ct.1031: Fixes styling in change sorters if no real method is selected. No need to invoke Shout on messages such as "method was removed". =============== Diff against Tools-mt.1039 =============== Item was changed: CodeHolder subclass: #ChangeSorter + instanceVariableNames: 'parent myChangeSet currentClassName currentSelector priorChangeSetList contentsAreStyleable' - instanceVariableNames: 'parent myChangeSet currentClassName currentSelector priorChangeSetList' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tools-Changes'! + !ChangeSorter commentStamp: 'ct 3/10/2021 18:24' prior: 0! - !ChangeSorter commentStamp: 'wiz 2/3/2010 23:38' prior: 0! I display a ChangeSet. Two of me are in a DualChangeSorter. aStringOrNil Instance Variables currentClassName: <aStringOrNil> currentSelector: <aStringOrNil> myChangeSet: <aChangeSet> parent: <aDualChangeSorterOrNil> priorChangeSetList: <aCollection> + contentsAreStyleable <aBoolean> currentClassName - string parseable into class-name [class] [class trait] needs to be fitlered by (self withoutItemAnnotation: currentClassName) to remove pakaging note currentSelector - string parseable into selector-name needs to be fitlered by (self withoutItemAnnotation: currentSelector) to remove pakaging note myChangeSet - name of current changeset parent -the dual changesorter that contains this one. Used for dealing with the other half. priorChangeSetList + - holds the current change set list. Used to detect changes in list when a newly generated list no long match the prior list.! - - holds the current change set list. Used to detect changes in list when a newly generated list no long match the prior list. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>aboutToStyle: (in category 'code pane') ----- aboutToStyle: aStyler "This is a notification that aStyler is about to re-style its text. Set the classOrMetaClass in aStyler, so that identifiers will be resolved correctly. Answer true to allow styling to proceed, or false to veto the styling" + contentsAreStyleable ~= false ifFalse: [^false]. - self isModeStyleable ifFalse: [^false]. - self currentSelector ifNil: [^false]. aStyler classOrMetaClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>buildWith:in:rect: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- buildWith: builder in: window rect: rect | csListHeight msgListHeight csMsgListHeight listSpec textSpec | contents := ''. csListHeight := 0.25. msgListHeight := 0.25. csMsgListHeight := csListHeight + msgListHeight. listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new. listSpec model: self; list: #changeSetList; getSelected: #currentCngSet; setSelected: #showChangeSetNamed:; menu: #changeSetMenu:shifted:; keyPress: #changeSetListKey:from:; dragItem: #dragChangeSet:; autoDeselect: false; frame: (((0@0 extent: 0.5@csListHeight) scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin). window children add: listSpec. listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new. listSpec model: self; list: #classList; getSelected: #currentClassName; setSelected: #currentClassName:; menu: #classListMenu:shifted:; keyPress: #classListKey:from:; dragItem: #dragClass:; frame: (((0.5@0 extent: 0.5@csListHeight) scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin). window children add: listSpec. listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new. listSpec model: self; list: #messageList; getSelected: #currentSelector; setSelected: #currentSelector:; menu: #messageMenu:shifted:; keyPress: #messageListKey:from:; dragItem: #dragMessage:; frame: (((0@csListHeight extent: 1@msgListHeight) scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin). window children add: listSpec. + textSpec := builder pluggableCodePaneSpec new. - textSpec := builder pluggableTextSpec new. textSpec model: self; getText: #contents; setText: #contents:notifying:; selection: #contentsSelection; menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:; frame: (((0@csMsgListHeight corner: 1@1) scaleBy: rect extent) translateBy: rect origin). window children add: textSpec. ^window! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>setContents (in category 'code pane') ----- setContents "return the source code that shows in the bottom pane" | sel class strm changeType | self clearUserEditFlag. + contentsAreStyleable := false. myChangeSet ifNil: [^ contents := String empty]. "should not happen but can" currentClassName ifNil: [^ contents := myChangeSet preambleString ifNil: [String empty]]. class := self selectedClassOrMetaClass. (sel := self selectedMessageName) == nil ifFalse: [changeType := (myChangeSet atSelector: (sel := sel asSymbol) class: class). changeType == #remove ifTrue: [^ contents := 'Method has been removed (see versions)']. changeType == #addedThenRemoved ifTrue: [^ contents := 'Added then removed (see versions)']. class ifNil: [^ contents := 'Method was added, but cannot be found!!']. (class includesSelector: sel) ifFalse: [^ contents := 'Method was added, but cannot be found!!']. + contentsAreStyleable := true. contents := class sourceCodeAt: sel. (#(prettyPrint prettyDiffs) includes: contentsSymbol) ifTrue: [contents := class prettyPrinterClass format: contents in: class notifying: nil]. + self showingAnyKindOfDiffs ifTrue: [ + contentsAreStyleable := false. + contents := self diffFromPriorSourceFor: contents]. - self showingAnyKindOfDiffs - ifTrue: [contents := self diffFromPriorSourceFor: contents]. ^ contents := contents asText makeSelectorBoldIn: class] ifTrue: [strm := WriteStream on: (String new: 100). (myChangeSet classChangeAt: (self withoutItemAnnotation: currentClassName)) do: [:each | each = #remove ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'Entire class was removed.'; cr]. each = #addedThenRemoved ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'Class was added then removed.']. each = #rename ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'Class name was changed.'; cr]. each = #add ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'Class definition was added.'; cr]. each = #change ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'Class definition was changed.'; cr]. each = #reorganize ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'Class organization was changed.'; cr]. each = #comment ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: 'New class comment.'; cr. ]]. ^ contents := strm contents].! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>volumeListIndex: (in category 'volume list and pattern') ----- volumeListIndex: index "Select the volume name having the given index." | delim path | volListIndex := index. index = 1 ifTrue: [self directory: (FileDirectory on: '')] ifFalse: [delim := directory pathNameDelimiter. path := String streamContents: [:strm | 2 to: index do: [:i | strm nextPutAll: (volList at: i) withBlanksTrimmed. i < index ifTrue: [strm nextPut: delim]]]. + self directory: (FileDirectory on: path)]. - self directory: (directory on: path)]. brevityState := #FileList. self addPath: path. self changed: #fileList. self changed: #contents. self updateButtonRow.! Item was changed: ----- Method: PackagePaneBrowser>>mainPackageMenu: (in category 'package list') ----- mainPackageMenu: aMenu "Answer a Menu of operations on class packages to be displayed when the operate menu button is pressed." <packageListMenu> ^aMenu addList: #( ('find class...' findClass) ('recent classes...' recent) - ('reorganize' editSystemCategories) + ('alphabetize' alphabetizeSystemCategories) + - ('update' updatePackages)); yourself. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SyntaxError>>aboutToStyle: (in category 'text menu support') ----- aboutToStyle: aStyler aStyler classOrMetaClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass; + environment: notification environment; + context: notification context; parseAMethod: notification doitFlag not. ^ true! Item was changed: + (PackageInfo named: 'Tools') postscript: 'ChangeSorter allSubInstancesDo: [:sorter | + (sorter instVarNamed: ''contentsAreStyleable'') ifNil: [ + sorter instVarNamed: ''contentsAreStyleable'' put: true]].'! - (PackageInfo named: 'Tools') postscript: '(Smalltalk globals at: #ObjectsUnderInspection ifAbsent: [#()]) - do: [:objectUnderInspection | - ToolSet inspect: objectUnderInspection]. - Smalltalk globals removeKey: #ObjectsUnderInspection.'! |
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