The Trunk: Tools-nice.213.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-nice.213.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-nice.213
Author: nice
Time: 21 March 2010, 9:50:48.016 pm
UUID: 2d2bc707-c5e3-0648-b612-51feb01345b7
Ancestors: Tools-bf.212

1) Avoid sending at: to a DirectoryEntry, it is deprecated
2) replace SortedCollection with #sort:

=============== Diff against Tools-bf.212 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2>>listForPatterns: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
  listForPatterns: anArray
  "Make the list be those file names which match the patterns."
  | sizePad newList |
  directory ifNil: [^#()].
  (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
  fileSelectionBlock arguments: {directory entries}.
  newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
  fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
  ] ifFalse: [
  newList := Set new.
  anArray do: [ :pat |
  newList addAll: (directory entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat]) ].
+ newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
- newList := newList asSortedCollection: self sortBlock.
  sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
  asStringWithCommas size.
+ ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!
- newList := newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ].
- ^ newList asArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableFileList>>listForPattern: (in category 'file list menu') -----
  listForPattern: pat
  "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."
  | entries sizePad newList allFiles |
  entries := directory entries select: fileFilterBlock.
+ sizePad := (entries inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
- sizePad := (entries inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: (entry at: 5)])
  asStringWithCommas size - 1.
+ newList := OrderedCollection new: entries size.
- newList := (SortedCollection new: 30) sortBlock: self sortBlock.
  allFiles := pat = '*'.
  entries do:
  [:entry | "<dirflag><name><creationTime><modificationTime><fileSize>"
+ (allFiles or: [entry isDirectory or: [pat match: entry name]]) ifTrue:
- (allFiles or: [entry isDirectory or: [pat match: entry first]]) ifTrue:
  [newList add: entry]].
+ newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
  newList := newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ].
  volList size = 1 ifTrue:
  ["Include known servers along with other desktop volumes"
+ ^newList ,
+ (ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [:n | '^' , n , self folderString])].
- ^ newList asArray ,
- (ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [:n | '^' , n , self folderString])].
  newFiles := OrderedCollection new.
+ ^ newList!
- ^ newList asArray.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>listForPattern: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
  listForPattern: pat
  "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."
  | sizePad newList |
+ newList := (self entriesMatching: pat) asArray sort: self sortBlock.
- newList := (self entriesMatching: pat) asSortedCollection: self sortBlock.
  sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: (entry at: 5)])
  asStringWithCommas size - 1.
  newList := newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ].
  volList size = 1 ifTrue:
  ["Include known servers along with other desktop volumes"
+ ^ newList ,
- ^ newList asArray ,
  (ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [:n | '^' , n , self folderString])].
+ ^ newList!
- ^ newList asArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>listForPatterns: (in category 'private') -----
  listForPatterns: anArray
  "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."
  | sizePad newList |
  newList := Set new.
  anArray do: [ :pat | newList addAll: (self entriesMatching: pat) ].
+ newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
+ sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
- newList := (SortedCollection sortBlock: self sortBlock) addAll: newList; yourself.
- sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: (entry fileSize)])
  asStringWithCommas size.
  newList := newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ].
  volList size = 1 ifTrue:
  ["Include known servers along with other desktop volumes"
+ ^ newList  ,
+ (ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [:n | '^' , n , self folderString])].
+ ^ newList!
- ^ newList asArray ,
- (ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [:n | '^' , n , self folderString])].
- ^ newList asArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2>>listForPattern: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
  listForPattern: pat
  "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."
  | sizePad newList entries |
  directory ifNil: [^#()].
  entries := (Preferences eToyLoginEnabled
  and: [Utilities authorNamePerSe notNil])
  ifTrue: [directory matchingEntries: {'submittedBy: ' , Utilities authorName.} ]
  ifFalse: [directory entries].
  (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
  fileSelectionBlock arguments: {entries}.
  newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
  fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
  ] ifFalse: [
  newList := entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat].
+ newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
+ sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
- newList := newList asSortedCollection: self sortBlock.
- sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: (entry at: 5)])
  asStringWithCommas size - 1.
+ ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!
- newList := newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ].
- ^ newList asArray!