The Trunk: Tools-nice.447.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-nice.447.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-nice.447
Author: nice
Time: 24 February 2013, 6:32:05.033 pm
UUID: c213012a-b66a-4d1e-99cc-a707e054efc9
Ancestors: Tools-fbs.446

Diminish excessive usage of ReadWriteStream

=============== Diff against Tools-fbs.446 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CodeHolder>>annotationForSelector:ofClass: (in category 'annotation') -----
  annotationForSelector: aSelector ofClass: aClass
  "Provide a line of content for an annotation pane, representing  
  information about the given selector and class"
  | separator aStream requestList |
  aSelector == #Comment
  ifTrue: [^ self annotationForClassCommentFor: aClass].
  aSelector == #Definition
  ifTrue: [^ self annotationForClassDefinitionFor: aClass].
  aSelector == #Hierarchy
  ifTrue: [^ self annotationForHierarchyFor: aClass].
+ aStream := (String new: 512) writeStream.
- aStream := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
  requestList := self annotationRequests.
  separator := requestList size > 1
  ifTrue: [self annotationSeparator]
  ifFalse: [''].
  do: [:aRequest | | aString sendersCount aComment aCategory implementorsCount aList stamp |
  aRequest == #firstComment
  ifTrue: [aComment := aClass firstCommentAt: aSelector.
  aComment isEmptyOrNil
  ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: aComment , separator]].
  aRequest == #masterComment
  ifTrue: [aComment := aClass supermostPrecodeCommentFor: aSelector.
  aComment isEmptyOrNil
  ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: aComment , separator]].
  aRequest == #documentation
  ifTrue: [aComment := aClass precodeCommentOrInheritedCommentFor: aSelector.
  aComment isEmptyOrNil
  ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: aComment , separator]].
  aRequest == #timeStamp
  ifTrue: [stamp := self timeStamp.
  nextPutAll: (stamp size > 0
  ifTrue: [stamp , separator]
  ifFalse: ['no timeStamp' , separator])].
  aRequest == #messageCategory
  ifTrue: [aCategory := aClass organization categoryOfElement: aSelector.
  ifNotNil: ["woud be nil for a method no longer present,  
  e.g. in a recent-submissions browser"
  aStream nextPutAll: aCategory , separator]].
  aRequest == #sendersCount
  ifTrue: [sendersCount := (self systemNavigation allCallsOn: aSelector) size.
  sendersCount := sendersCount = 1
  ifTrue: ['1 sender']
  ifFalse: [sendersCount printString , ' senders'].
  aStream nextPutAll: sendersCount , separator].
  aRequest == #implementorsCount
  ifTrue: [implementorsCount := self systemNavigation numberOfImplementorsOf: aSelector.
  implementorsCount := implementorsCount = 1
  ifTrue: ['1 implementor']
  ifFalse: [implementorsCount printString , ' implementors'].
  aStream nextPutAll: implementorsCount , separator].
  aRequest == #priorVersionsCount
  ifTrue: [self
  addPriorVersionsCountForSelector: aSelector
  ofClass: aClass
  to: aStream].
  aRequest == #priorTimeStamp
  ifTrue: [stamp := VersionsBrowser
  timeStampFor: aSelector
  class: aClass
  reverseOrdinal: 2.
  ifNotNil: [aStream nextPutAll: 'prior time stamp: ' , stamp , separator]].
  aRequest == #recentChangeSet
  ifTrue: [aString := ChangesOrganizer mostRecentChangeSetWithChangeForClass: aClass selector: aSelector.
  aString size > 0
  ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: aString , separator]].
  aRequest == #allChangeSets
  ifTrue: [aList := ChangesOrganizer allChangeSetsWithClass: aClass selector: aSelector.
  aList size > 0
  ifTrue: [aList size = 1
  ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'only in change set ']
  ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'in change sets: '].
  do: [:aChangeSet | aStream nextPutAll: aChangeSet name , ' ']]
  ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'in no change set'].
  aStream nextPutAll: separator]].
  ^ aStream contents!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TimeProfileBrowser>>runBlock:pollingEvery: (in category 'private') -----
  runBlock: aBlock pollingEvery: pollPeriod
+ | list result |
- | stream list result |
  block := MessageSend
  receiver: self
  selector: #runBlock:pollingEvery:
  arguments: {
  pollPeriod}. "so we can re-run it"
  tally := MessageTally new.
  reportOtherProcesses: false;
  maxClassNameSize: 1000;
  maxClassPlusSelectorSize: 1000;
  maxTabs: 100.
  result := tally spyEvery: pollPeriod on: aBlock.
+ list := OrderedCollection withAll: (String streamContents: [ :s | tally report: s]) lines.
- stream := ReadWriteStream
- with: (String streamContents: [ :s |
- tally report: s]).
- stream reset.
- list := OrderedCollection new.
- [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [list add: stream nextLine].
  self initializeMessageList: list.
  self changed: #messageList.
  self changed: #messageListIndex.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TimeProfileBrowser>>runProcess:forMilliseconds:pollingEvery: (in category 'private') -----
  runProcess: aProcess forMilliseconds: msecDuration pollingEvery: pollPeriod
+ | list result |
- | stream list result |
  block := MessageSend
  receiver: self
  selector: #runProcess:forMilliseconds:pollingEvery:
  arguments: {
  pollPeriod}. "so we can re-run it"
  tally := MessageTally new.
  reportOtherProcesses: false;
  maxClassNameSize: 1000;
  maxClassPlusSelectorSize: 1000;
  maxTabs: 100.
  result := tally
  spyEvery: pollPeriod
  onProcess: aProcess
  forMilliseconds: msecDuration.
+ list := OrderedCollection withAll: (String streamContents: [ :s | tally report: s]) lines.
- stream := ReadWriteStream
- with: (String streamContents: [ :s |
- tally report: s]).
- stream reset.
- list := OrderedCollection new.
- [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [list add: stream nextLine].
  self initializeMessageList: list.
  self changed: #messageList.
  self changed: #messageListIndex.