Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-nice.741
Author: nice
Time: 25 December 2016, 3:13:35.841637 pm
UUID: 7c93c98f-3f12-44f0-bb60-f9b19d91a3c9
Ancestors: Tools-bf.740
Salvage MessageTrace by using asString rather than stringVersion, because stringVersion might be uninitialized
=============== Diff against Tools-bf.740 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MessageTrace>>filterFrom: (in category 'filtering') -----
filterFrom: aBlock
"Filter the receiver's list down to only those items that satisfy aBlock, which takes a class an a selector as its arguments."
| newList newAutoSelectStrings newMessageSelections oldList |
oldList := Dictionary new.
messageList do: [ : each | oldList at: each put: each ].
newList := messageList class new.
newAutoSelectStrings := autoSelectStrings class new.
newMessageSelections := messageSelections class new.
messageList withIndexDo:
[ : each : index | (self class
parse: each
toClassAndSelector: aBlock) ifTrue:
[ newList add: each.
newAutoSelectStrings add: (autoSelectStrings at: index).
newMessageSelections add: (messageSelections at: index) ] ].
(self setFilteredList: newList) ifTrue:
[ autoSelectStrings := newAutoSelectStrings.
messageList do:
+ [ : each | each stringVersion: (oldList at: each) asString ] ]!
- [ : each | each stringVersion: (oldList at: each) stringVersion ] ]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MessageTrace>>indentEverything (in category 'indenting') -----
+ messageList do: [ :each | each stringVersion: (self indentionPrefixOfSize: 1), each asString ]
- messageList do: [ :each | each stringVersion: (self indentionPrefixOfSize: 1), each stringVersion ]
Item was changed:
----- Method: MessageTrace>>indentionLevelAt: (in category 'private accessing') -----
indentionLevelAt: msgListIndex
+ ^ self indentionsIn: (messageList at: msgListIndex) asString!
- ^ self indentionsIn: (messageList at: msgListIndex) stringVersion!