Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-nice.819
Author: nice
Time: 6 June 2018, 11:30:43.993178 pm
UUID: 46babe2b-7912-436f-bf9e-95cdb40717c7
Ancestors: Tools-tpr.818
Use the well known (x ifNil: [...]) idiom rather than the longer (x ifNotNil: [:y | y] ifNil: [...])
=============== Diff against Tools-tpr.818 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ChangesOrganizer class>>assuredChangeSetNamed: (in category 'services') -----
assuredChangeSetNamed: aName
"Answer a change set of the given name. If one already exists, answer that, else create a new one and answer it."
+ ^(self changeSetNamed: aName)
- | existing |
- ^ (existing := self changeSetNamed: aName)
- ifNotNil:
- [existing]
[self basicNewChangeSet: aName]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>pcRange (in category 'stack list') -----
"Answer the indices in the source code for the method corresponding to
the selected context's program counter value."
(selectedContext isNil or: [methodText isEmptyOrNil]) ifTrue:
[^ 1 to: 0].
^selectedContext debuggerMap
+ rangeForPC: (selectedContext pc ifNil: [selectedContext method endPC])
- rangeForPC: (selectedContext pc ifNotNil: [:pc| pc] ifNil: [selectedContext method endPC])
in: selectedContext method
contextIsActiveContext: stackListIndex = 1!