Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-pre.884 Author: pre Time: 5 September 2019, 10:26:18.328476 am UUID: 24fb9919-2314-e04e-bbe9-56ac6134b493 Ancestors: Tools-pre.883 Fixes some calls to now deprecated methods in ChangeSorter and FileList (previously missed as they were self class sends). =============== Diff against Tools-pre.883 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>fileIntoNewChangeSet (in category 'changeSet menu') ----- fileIntoNewChangeSet "Obtain a file designation from the user, and file its contents into a new change set whose name is a function of the filename. Show the new set and leave the current changeSet unaltered." self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. ChangeSet promptForDefaultChangeSetDirectoryIfNecessary. (FileChooserDialog openOn: ChangeSet defaultChangeSetDirectory) ifNotNil: [:fileName | FileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [:stream | | localName | localName := FileDirectory localNameFor: fileName. + (ChangeSet newChangesFromStream: stream named: localName) - (self class newChangesFromStream: stream named: localName) ifNotNil: [:aNewChangeSet | self showChangeSet: aNewChangeSet]]].! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>fileOutClass (in category 'class list') ----- fileOutClass "this is a hack!!!! makes a new change set, called the class name, adds author initials to try to make a unique change set name, files it out and removes it. kfr 16 june 2000" | aSet | "File out the selected class set." + aSet := ChangeSet newChangeSet: (self withoutItemAnnotation: currentClassName). - aSet := self class newChangeSet: (self withoutItemAnnotation: currentClassName). aSet absorbClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass name from: myChangeSet. aSet fileOut. + ChangeSet removeChangeSet: aSet. - self class removeChangeSet: aSet. parent modelWakeUp. "notice object conversion methods created" ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>newSet (in category 'changeSet menu') ----- newSet "Create a new changeSet and show it., making it the current one. Reject name if already in use." | aSet | self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. + aSet := ChangeSet newChangeSet. - aSet := self class newChangeSet. aSet ifNotNil:[ self update. self showChangeSet: aSet. self changed: #relabel]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>promoteToTopChangeSet (in category 'changeSet menu') ----- promoteToTopChangeSet "Move the selected change-set to the top of the list" + ChangeSet promoteToTop: myChangeSet. - self class promoteToTop: myChangeSet. (parent ifNil: [self]) modelWakeUp! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>setRecentUpdatesMarker (in category 'changeSet menu') ----- setRecentUpdatesMarker "Allow the user to change the recent-updates marker" | result | result := UIManager default request: ('Enter the lowest change-set number that you wish to consider "recent"? (note: highest change-set number + in this image at this time is ', ChangeSet highestNumberedChangeSet asString, ')') initialAnswer: ChangesOrganizer recentUpdateMarker recentUpdateMarker asString. - in this image at this time is ', ChangeSet highestNumberedChangeSet asString, ')') initialAnswer: self class recentUpdateMarker asString. (result notNil and: [result startsWithDigit]) ifTrue: + [ChangesOrganizer recentUpdateMarker: result asInteger. - [self class recentUpdateMarker: result asInteger. Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [SystemWindow wakeUpTopWindowUponStartup]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList class>>removeObsolete (in category 'class initialization') ----- removeObsolete "FileList removeObsolete" + FileServices removeObsolete + ! - self registeredFileReaderClasses copy - do:[:cls| cls isObsolete ifTrue:[self unregisterFileReader: cls]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>itemsForDirectory: (in category 'file list menu') ----- itemsForDirectory: dir | services | services := OrderedCollection new. dir ifNotNil: [ services + addAll: (FileServices itemsForDirectory: dir). - addAll: (self class itemsForDirectory: dir). services last useLineAfter: true. ]. services add: self serviceAddNewFile. services add: self serviceAddNewDirectory. ^ services! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>itemsForFile: (in category 'file list menu') ----- itemsForFile: fullName "Answer a list of services appropriate for a file of the given full name" + ^ (FileServices itemsForFile: fullName) , (self myServicesForFile: fullName suffix: (FileServices suffixOf: fullName))! - | suffix | - suffix := self class suffixOf: fullName. - ^ (self class itemsForFile: fullName) , (self myServicesForFile: fullName suffix: suffix)! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>registeredFileReaderClasses (in category 'private') ----- registeredFileReaderClasses "return the list of classes that provide file reader services" + ^ FileServices registeredFileReaderClasses! - ^ self class registeredFileReaderClasses! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>servicesFromSelectorSpecs: (in category 'own services') ----- servicesFromSelectorSpecs: symbolArray "Answer an array of services represented by the incoming symbols, eliminating any that do not have a currently-registered service. Pass the symbol #- along unchanged to serve as a separator between services" "FileList new servicesFromSelectorSpecs: #(fileIn: fileIntoNewChangeSet: browseChangesFile:)" | services col | col := OrderedCollection new. + services := FileServices allRegisteredServices, (self myServicesForFile: #dummy suffix: '*'). - services := self class allRegisteredServices, (self myServicesForFile: #dummy suffix: '*'). symbolArray do: [:sel | | res | sel == #- ifTrue: [col add: sel] ifFalse: [res := services detect: [:each | each selector = sel] ifNone: [nil]. res notNil ifTrue: [col add: res]]]. ^ col! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileList>>suffixOfSelectedFile (in category 'file list menu') ----- suffixOfSelectedFile "Answer the file extension of the receiver's selected file" + ^ FileServices suffixOf: self fullName.! - ^ self class suffixOf: self fullName.! |
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