tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tools-tpr.775.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-tpr.775 Author: tpr Time: 21 November 2017, 6:24:43.547157 pm UUID: 7acfda2c-b48e-4d7e-8504-abba58b1a5e8 Ancestors: Tools-dtl.774 Change FileSaverDialog etc to prefer to use filename suffices instead of general patterns - though the patterns still work - and rework the way they are built to allow a bit more flexibility. Remove the text entry view from the FileChooserDialog since it served no very helpful purpose. =============== Diff against Tools-dtl.774 =============== Item was changed: Model subclass: #FileAbstractSelectionDialog + instanceVariableNames: 'patternList directory directoryCache message listIndex fileName finalChoice nameList sizeList dateList' - instanceVariableNames: 'pattern directory directoryCache message listIndex fileName finalChoice nameList sizeList dateList' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tools-FileDialogs'! + !FileAbstractSelectionDialog commentStamp: 'tpr 11/21/2017 18:18' prior: 0! - !FileAbstractSelectionDialog commentStamp: 'tpr 11/13/2017 11:08' prior: 0! FileAbstractSelectionDialog is the abstract superclass for the file chooser & saver modal dialogs. The UI provides a message to the user, a text input field, a directory tree widget and a list of files within any chosen directory, and buttons to accept the selected file name/path or cancel the operation. See subclass comments and class side methods for specific usage examples. Instance Variables directory: <FileDirectory> used for the currently selected directory directoryCache: <WeakIdentityKeyDictionary> used to cache a boolean to help us more quickly populate the directory tree widget when revisiting a directory fileName: <String|nil> the name of the currently selected file, if any finalChoice: <String|nil> pathname of the finally chosen file, returned as the result of accepting; nil is returned otherwise list: <Array> the list of String of filenames (and date/size) that match the current pattern listIndex: <Integer> list index of the currently selected file + patternList: <OrderedCollection of String> the patterns are held as a collection of string that may include * or # wildcards. See FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>#parsePatternString for details - pattern: <String> the pattern is held as a string that may include * or # wildcasrds. See FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>#parsePatternString for details message: <String> a message to the user to explain what is expected nameList,DateList, sizeList: <Array> the list of file names matching the pattern and the appropriate date and size values, formatted for a PluggableMultiColumnListMorph! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog class>>open (in category 'instance creation') ----- - open - "open a modal dialog to choose or save a file. Start the dialog with the default directory selected" - - ^self openOn: FileDirectory default - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>buildWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- buildWith: builder "assemble the spec for the common chooser/saver dialog UI" + ^self subclassResponsibility! - | windowSpec window | - windowSpec := self buildWindowWith: builder specs: { - (self topConstantHeightFrame: self textViewHeight - fromLeft: 0 - width: 1) -> [self buildTextInputWith: builder]. - (self frameOffsetFromTop: self textViewHeight - fromLeft: 0.25 - width: 0.75 - offsetFromBottom: self buttonHeight) -> [self buildFileListWith: builder]. - (self frameOffsetFromTop: self textViewHeight - fromLeft: 0 - width: 0.25 - offsetFromBottom: self buttonHeight) -> [self buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder]. - }. - windowSpec buttons add:( builder pluggableButtonSpec new - model: self; - label: 'Accept'; - action: #acceptFileName). - windowSpec buttons add:( builder pluggableButtonSpec new - model: self; - label: 'Cancel'; - action: #cancelFileChooser). - window := builder build: windowSpec. - self changed: #selectedPath. - ^window - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>defaultPattern (in category 'path and pattern') ----- - defaultPattern - - ^'*'! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>defaultPatternList (in category 'path and pattern') ----- + defaultPatternList + + ^#('*')! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>directory (in category 'directory tree') ----- directory "If nobody has set a specific directory we need a plausible default" + ^ directory ifNil: [ directory := FileDirectory default]! - ^ directory ifNil: [ FileDirectory default]! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>directory: (in category 'directory tree') ----- directory: aFileDirectory "Set the path of the directory to be displayed in the directory tree pane" + directory := aFileDirectory! - self okToChange ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. - self modelSleep. - directory := aFileDirectory. - self modelWakeUp. - self changed: #directory! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>entriesMatching: (in category 'file list') ----- entriesMatching: patternList "Answer a list of directory entries which match any of the patterns. See #parsePatternString for the pattern rules" | entries | "This odd clause helps supports MVC projects; the file list & directory views are built from a list that includes directories. In Morphic we filter out the directories because they are entirely handled by the direcctory tree morph" entries := Smalltalk isMorphic + ifTrue:[self directory fileEntries ] + ifFalse:[self directory entries]. - ifTrue:[directory fileEntries ] - ifFalse:[directory entries]. (patternList anySatisfy: [:each | each = '*']) ifTrue: [^ entries]. ^ entries select: [:entry | patternList anySatisfy: [:each | each match: entry name]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>fileListIndex: (in category 'file list') ----- + fileListIndex: anInteger + "We've selected the file at the given index, so find the file name." + + self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. + listIndex := anInteger. + listIndex = 0 + ifTrue: [fileName := nil] + ifFalse: [fileName := nameList at: anInteger]. "open the file selected" + + self + changed: #fileListIndex; + changed: #inputText! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>getUserResponse (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- + getUserResponse + "open the dialog modally and get a user response" + + ToolBuilder open: self. + ^self finalChoice! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initialize super initialize. directoryCache := WeakIdentityKeyDictionary new. listIndex := 0. + patternList := self defaultPatternList! - pattern := self defaultPattern! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>listForPatterns: (in category 'path and pattern') ----- listForPatterns: arrayOfPatterns + "build lists of name, date and size for those file names which match any of the patterns in the array. + We use a Set to avoid duplicates and sort them by name" - "return a list of those file names which match any of the patterns in the array." | newList | newList := Set new. newList addAll: (self entriesMatching: arrayOfPatterns). newList := newList sorted: [:a :b| a name <= b name]. nameList := newList collect:[:e| e name]. dateList := newList collect:[:e| ((Date fromSeconds: e modificationTime ) printFormat: #(3 2 1 $. 1 1 2)) , ' ' , (String streamContents: [:s | (Time fromSeconds: e modificationTime \\ 86400) print24: true on: s])]. sizeList := newList collect:[:e| e fileSize asStringWithCommas] ! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>message: (in category 'ui details') ----- + message: aStringOrText + "set the user message to be dispalyed at the top of the dialog - it should guide the user as to what they must do" + + message := aStringOrText! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>parsePatternString (in category 'file list') ----- - parsePatternString - "The pattern is held as a string that may have three simple tokens included along with normal characters; - a) a ; or LF or CR splits the string into separate patterns and filenames matching any of them will be included in list - b) a * matches any number of characters - c) a # matches one character" - - | patterns | - patterns := OrderedCollection new. - (pattern findTokens: (String with: Character cr with: Character lf with: $;)) - do: [ :each | - (each includes: $*) | (each includes: $#) - ifTrue: [ patterns add: each] - ifFalse: [each isEmpty - ifTrue: [ patterns add: '*'] - ifFalse: [ patterns add: '*' , each , '*']]]. - - ^patterns! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>parsePatternString: (in category 'file list') ----- + parsePatternString: aStringOrNil + "The pattern is a string that may have three simple tokens included along with normal characters; + a) a ; or LF or CR splits the string into separate patterns and filenames matching any of them will be included in list + b) a * matches any number of characters + c) a # matches one character" + + | patterns | + aStringOrNil ifNil:[^self defaultPatternList]. + patterns := OrderedCollection new. + (aStringOrNil findTokens: (String with: Character cr with: Character lf with: $;)) + do: [ :each | + (each includes: $*) | (each includes: $#) + ifTrue: [ patterns add: each] + ifFalse: [each isEmptyOrNil + ifTrue: [ patterns add: '*'] + ifFalse: [ patterns add: '*' , each , '*']]]. + + ^patterns! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>pattern: (in category 'path and pattern') ----- pattern: textOrStringOrNil + "Make sure the pattern source string is neither nil nor empty. + We can strictly speaking handle arbitrary patterns to match against the filenames but in general we need to use suffices, so see #suffix: and #suffixList: " - "Make sure the pattern source string is neither nil nor empty" + patternList := self parsePatternString: textOrStringOrNil! - textOrStringOrNil - ifNil: [pattern := '*'] - ifNotNil: [pattern := textOrStringOrNil asString]. - pattern isEmpty ifTrue: [pattern := '*']! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>selectedPath (in category 'path and pattern') ----- selectedPath "Return an array of directories representing the path from directory up to the root; used to build the directory tree morph" | top here | top := FileDirectory root. + here := self directory. - here := directory. ^(Array streamContents:[:s| | next | s nextPut: here. [next := here containingDirectory. top pathName = next pathName] whileFalse:[ s nextPut: next. here := next. ]]) reversed.! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>setDirectoryTo: (in category 'directory tree') ----- setDirectoryTo: dir "Set the current directory shown in the FileList. Does not allow setting the directory to nil since this blows up in various places." dir ifNil:[^self]. + "okToChange is probably redundant. + modelSleep/Wake is related to use of ServerDirectories, which are not yet hooked up" + self okToChange ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. + self modelSleep. self directory: dir. + self modelWakeUp. + self changed: #directory. self updateFileList. self changed: #inputText! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>suffix: (in category 'path and pattern') ----- + suffix: textOrStringOrNil + "Make a pattern from a single filename suffix string, i.e. 'jpg'" + + self suffixList: (Array with: textOrStringOrNil )! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>suffixList: (in category 'path and pattern') ----- + suffixList: listOfStrings + "Make a pattern list from a one or more filename suffix strings in a list , i.e. #('jpg' 'mpeg') " + + listOfStrings isEmptyOrNil + ifTrue: [patternList := self defaultPatternList] + ifFalse: [patternList := OrderedCollection new. + listOfStrings do: [:each| + each isEmptyOrNil ifFalse:[ patternList add: '*.',each] ] ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>updateFileList (in category 'file list') ----- updateFileList + "Update my files list with file names in the current directory that match the patternList." - "Update my files list with file names in the current directory that match the pattern. - The pattern string may have embedded newlines or semicolons; these separate multiple different patterns." Cursor wait + showWhile: [self listForPatterns: patternList. - showWhile: [self listForPatterns: self parsePatternString. listIndex := 0. self changed: #fileList]! Item was changed: FileAbstractSelectionDialog subclass: #FileChooserDialog instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tools-FileDialogs'! + !FileChooserDialog commentStamp: 'tpr 11/21/2017 18:02' prior: 0! - !FileChooserDialog commentStamp: 'tpr 11/13/2017 11:46' prior: 0! A FileChooserDialog is a modal dialog to allow choosing a file. The full file name is returned, or nil if no selection was made. - Users can enter a pattern in the text input field that will be read as a directory path and an optional pattern (see comments about pattern in my superclass) to define the files in the file list. Normal usage would be myFilename := FileChooserDialog openOn: myApplicationDefaultDirectory pattern: '*.myapp' message: 'Choose the file to load' + to find a file with a name matching *.myapp and with the directory initial choice set to myApplicationDefaultDirectory. Only filenames matching the pattern will appear in the file list view. + ! - to find a file with a name matching *.myapp and with the directory initial choice set to myApplicationDefaultDirectory. It would be quite possible to choose a file from any other directory and with any other pattern match if the user wishes, so the file name must be carefully checked. - - Simpler usage might be - myFilename := FileChooserDialog open - or - myFilename := FileChoosverDialog openOn: FileDirectory default - - see the class side methods for details. See my parent class for most implementation details! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileChooserDialog class>>openOn: (in category 'instance creation') ----- openOn: aDirectory "open a modal dialog to choose a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and files matching the default 'everything' pattern" + ^self new directory: aDirectory; + getUserResponse! - ^self openOn: aDirectory pattern: nil - - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog class>>openOn:pattern: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString - "open a modal dialog to choose a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and files matching the pattern" - - ^self new openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString - - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog class>>openOn:pattern:message: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString message: messageString - "open a modal dialog to choose a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and files matching the pattern" - - ^self new openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString message: messageString - - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileChooserDialog>>buildWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- + buildWith: builder + "assemble the spec for the chooser dialog UI" + + | windowSpec window | + windowSpec := self buildWindowWith: builder specs: { + (self frameOffsetFromTop: 0 + fromLeft: 0.25 + width: 0.75 + offsetFromBottom: self buttonHeight) -> [self buildFileListWith: builder]. + (self frameOffsetFromTop: 0 + fromLeft: 0 + width: 0.25 + offsetFromBottom: self buttonHeight) -> [self buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder]. + }. + windowSpec buttons add:( builder pluggableButtonSpec new + model: self; + label: 'Accept'; + action: #acceptFileName). + windowSpec buttons add:( builder pluggableButtonSpec new + model: self; + label: 'Cancel'; + action: #cancelFileChooser). + window := builder build: windowSpec. + self changed: #selectedPath. + ^window + ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog>>fileListIndex: (in category 'file list') ----- - fileListIndex: anInteger - "We've selected the file at the given index, so find the file name." - - self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. - listIndex := anInteger. - listIndex = 0 - ifTrue: [fileName := nil] - ifFalse: [fileName :=nameList at: anInteger]. "open the file selected" - - self changed: #fileListIndex! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog>>inputText (in category 'path and pattern') ----- - inputText - "Answers path and pattern together" - - ^directory fullName, directory slash, pattern! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog>>inputText: (in category 'path and pattern') ----- - inputText: stringOrText - "both path and pattern are in the text, so split them apart and then change both directory and the match for the filenames before updating the file list" - - | base pat aString | - aString := stringOrText asString. - base := aString copyUpToLast: directory pathNameDelimiter. - pat := aString copyAfterLast: directory pathNameDelimiter. - self changed: #inputText. "avoid asking if it's okToChange" - - self directory: (FileDirectory on: base). - self pattern: pat. - self updateFileList. - self changed: #inputText. - self changed: #selectedPath.! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog>>openOn:pattern: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- - openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString - "open a modal dialog to choose a file from aDirectory as filtered by aPattern" - - ^self openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString message: nil - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileChooserDialog>>openOn:pattern:message: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- - openOn: aDirectory pattern: aPatternString message: messageString - "open a modal dialog to choose a file from aDirectory as filtered by aPattern" - - directory := aDirectory. - self pattern: aPatternString. - message := messageString. - - ToolBuilder open: self. - ^self finalChoice! Item was changed: FileAbstractSelectionDialog subclass: #FileSaverDialog instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tools-FileDialogs'! + !FileSaverDialog commentStamp: 'tpr 11/21/2017 17:53' prior: 0! - !FileSaverDialog commentStamp: 'tpr 11/13/2017 11:49' prior: 0! A FileSaverDialog is a modal dialog for choosing a file name to use for saving a file. + Users can enter a filename in the text input view that will a) if it exists in the current directry listing, be selected + b) over ride any filenames in the current directory, providing a way to specify a completely new file. - b) over ride any filenames in the current directry, providing a way to specify a completely new file. This will not affect the selected directory path. Normal usage would be + myFilename := FileSaverDialog openOnInitialFilename: myApp saveFileName + which would derive a directory, an initial filename and filename suffix from the given file name. Thus a typical application save might be + ... openOnInitialFilename: '/home/pi/myApp/examplePicture.jpg' + and would set the initial directory to /home/pi/myapp, the initial filename to examplePicture.jpg and set a suffix pattern of 'jpg'. Only filenames with the specified suffix will appear in the file list view. It is possible to specify several suffices, (see #suffixList:) and use wildcards within the suffix. + myFilename := FileSaverDialog openOn: myApplicationDefaultDirectory initialFilename: 'foo.myapp' + would set directory initial choice set to myApplicationDefaultDirectory and ignore any directory found in the filename. It would be quite possible to choose a file from any other directory and with any other name that matches the suffix if the user wishes, so the file name must be carefully checked. - to find a file with a name matching foo.myapp and with the directory initial choice set to myApplicationDefaultDirectory. It would be quite possible to choose a file from any other directory and with any other name if the user wishes, so the file name must be carefully checked. The full set of options would invovle - myFilename := FileSaverDialog openOn: myApplicationDefaultDirectory initialFilename: 'foo.myapp' pattern: '*.mya' message: 'Save your myApp file to ... ' + The full set of options would involve + myFilename := FileSaverDialog openOn: myApplicationDefaultDirectory initialFilename: 'foo.myapp' suffix: 'mya' message: 'Save your myApp file to ... ' + + It is also possible to set a more general pattern to match filenames against but since this seems less useful for normal application usage ther are no convenience messages as yet. + + See the class side methods for details. See my parent class for most implementation details! - Simpler usage might be - myFilename := FileSaverDialog open - or - myFilename := FileSaverDialog openOn: FileDirectory default - - see the class side methods for details. See my parent class for most implementation details! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileSaverDialog class>>openOn: (in category 'instance creation') ----- openOn: aDirectory "open a modal dialog to save a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and no suggested file name" + ^self new directory: aDirectory; + getUserResponse - ^self new openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: nil ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileSaverDialog class>>openOn:initialFilename: (in category 'instance creation') ----- openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aString + "open a modal dialog to save a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and the suggested file name. Note that we set the directory after the initialFilename becuase we want a specific directory and not neccesarily the directory of the file" - "open a modal dialog to save a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and the suggested file name" + ^self new + initialFilename: aString; + directory: aDirectory; + getUserResponse - ^self new openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aString ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileSaverDialog class>>openOn:initialFilename:pattern: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aString pattern: patternString - "open a modal dialog to save a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and the suggested file name. Visible filenames are limited by the pattern" - - ^self new openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aString pattern: patternString - - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileSaverDialog class>>openOn:initialFilename:pattern:message: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aString pattern: patternString message: messageString - "open a modal dialog to save a file. Start the dialog with aDirectory selected and the suggested file name. Visible filenames are limited by the pattern. Use the messageString to explain what ther user needs to know" - - ^self new openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aString pattern: patternString message: messageString - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileSaverDialog class>>openOnInitialFilename: (in category 'instance creation') ----- + openOnInitialFilename: filenameString - openOnInitialFilename: aString "open a modal dialog to save a file. Start the dialog with the default directory selected and the suggested file name" + + ^self new initialFilename: filenameString; + getUserResponse - ^self new openOn: FileDirectory default initialFilename: aString ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>buildWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- buildWith: builder + "assemble the spec for the saver dialog UI and build the window" - "assemble the spec for the common chooser/saver dialog UI" + | window windowSpec | + windowSpec := self buildWindowWith: builder specs: { + (self topConstantHeightFrame: self textViewHeight + fromLeft: 0 + width: 1) -> [self buildTextInputWith: builder]. + (self frameOffsetFromTop: self textViewHeight + fromLeft: 0.25 + width: 0.75 + offsetFromBottom: self buttonHeight) -> [self buildFileListWith: builder]. + (self frameOffsetFromTop: self textViewHeight + fromLeft: 0 + width: 0.25 + offsetFromBottom: self buttonHeight) -> [self buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder]. + }. + windowSpec buttons add:( builder pluggableButtonSpec new + model: self; + label: 'Accept'; + action: #acceptFileName). + windowSpec buttons add:( builder pluggableButtonSpec new + model: self; + label: 'Cancel'; + action: #cancelFileChooser). + window := builder build: windowSpec. + self changed: #selectedPath. - | window | - window := super buildWith: builder. self inputText: fileName. ^window ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>fileListIndex: (in category 'file list') ----- - fileListIndex: anInteger - "We've selected the file at the given index, so find the file name." - - self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self]. - listIndex := anInteger. - listIndex = 0 - ifTrue: [fileName := nil] - ifFalse: [fileName := nameList at: anInteger]. "open the file selected" - - self - changed: #fileListIndex; - changed: #inputText! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>initialFilename: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- + initialFilename: aFilename + "Set the initial choice of filename to highlight. + We split the potential filename to see if it includes a path and if so, use that as the chosen directory - the client can manually change that with a subsequent send of #directory: if wanted. + We split the root filename to find an extension and use that as the suffix - again, the client can manually change that later" + + | e f p | + p := FileDirectory dirPathFor: aFilename. + p isEmpty ifFalse:[self directory: (FileDirectory on: p)]. + f := FileDirectory localNameFor: aFilename. + fileName := f. + e := FileDirectory extensionFor: f. + e isEmpty ifFalse:[self suffix: e]! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>inputText (in category 'filename') ----- inputText "return the filename to appear in the text field" + ^fileName ifNil:['Enter a filename here or choose from list' translated]! - ^fileName ifNil:['Enter a filename here']! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>inputText: (in category 'filename') ----- inputText: aText "user has entered a potential filename in the text field. Check it against the current pattern; if it is ok we can accept it and then if it is a file in the current list, highlight it. If it would not match the pattern, alert the user as best we can" | candidate | candidate := aText asString. + (patternList anySatisfy: [:p | p match: candidate]) - (self parsePatternString anySatisfy: [:p | p match: candidate]) ifTrue: [fileName := candidate. listIndex := nameList findFirst: [:nm | nm = fileName]. self changed: #fileListIndex. ^true] ifFalse: [fileName := nil. + self changed: #flash. ^false]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>openOn:initialFilename: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- - openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aFilename - "open a modal dialog to choose a file name to save to aDirectory" - - ^self openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aFilename pattern: nil! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>openOn:initialFilename:pattern: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- - openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aFilename pattern: patternString - "open a modal dialog to choose a file name to save to aDirectory; limit visible files in the file list with the pattern" - - ^self openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aFilename pattern: patternString message: nil - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FileSaverDialog>>openOn:initialFilename:pattern:message: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- - openOn: aDirectory initialFilename: aFilename pattern: patternString message: messageString - "open a modal dialog to choose a file name to save to aDirectory; limit visible files in the file list with the pattern. Set the user message" - - directory := aDirectory. - fileName := aFilename. - message:= messageString. - self pattern: patternString. - - ToolBuilder open: self. - ^self finalChoice! |
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