tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tools-tpr.783.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tools-tpr.783
Author: tpr
Time: 27 December 2017, 3:05:37.548886 pm
UUID: ec5d9e01-4d82-434d-8788-a3610092b229
Ancestors: Tools-tpr.782
Small tidy ups for subdirectory handling
=============== Diff against Tools-tpr.782 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>hasMoreDirectories: (in category 'directory tree') -----
hasMoreDirectories: aDirectory
"The directory tree morph needs to know if a specific directory has subdirectories; we cache the answer to speed up later visits to the same directory"
^directoryCache at: aDirectory ifAbsentPut:[
+ [aDirectory hasSubDirectories] on: Error do:[:ex| true].
- [aDirectory directoryNames notEmpty] on: Error do:[:ex| true].
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>rootDirectoryList (in category 'directory tree') -----
"Return a list of know root directories; forms the root nodes ot the directory tree morph"
| dirList dir |
+ dir := FileDirectory root.
+ dirList := self subDirectoriesOf: dir.
- dir := FileDirectory on: ''.
- dirList := dir directoryNames collect:[:each| dir directoryNamed: each]..
dirList isEmpty ifTrue:[dirList := Array with: FileDirectory default].
+ ^dirList ,(ServerDirectory servers values) "looks odd because #servers returns the Dictionary of known servers with local names instead of the actaul server directories"!
- ^dirList!