Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tools-ul.630.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-ul.630 Author: ul Time: 14 August 2015, 7:50:48.75 pm UUID: 7dce94fa-8532-413d-a547-2fa120b92092 Ancestors: Tools-cmm.629 #includesSubString: -> #includesSubstring: #allCharacters -> #allByteCharacters =============== Diff against Tools-cmm.629 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeList>>scanCategory (in category 'scanning') ----- scanCategory "Scan anything that involves more than one chunk; method name is historical only" | itemPosition item tokens stamp anIndex | itemPosition := file position. item := file nextChunk. + ((item includesSubstring: 'commentStamp:') + or: [(item includesSubstring: 'methodsFor:') - ((item includesSubString: 'commentStamp:') - or: [(item includesSubString: 'methodsFor:') or: [item endsWith: 'reorganize']]) ifFalse: ["Maybe a preamble, but not one we recognize; bail out with the preamble trick" ^ self addItem: (ChangeRecord new file: file position: itemPosition type: #preamble) text: ('preamble: ' , item contractTo: 50)]. tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: item. tokens size >= 3 ifTrue: [stamp := ''. anIndex := tokens indexOf: #stamp: ifAbsent: [nil]. anIndex ifNotNil: [stamp := tokens at: (anIndex + 1)]. tokens second == #methodsFor: ifTrue: [^ self scanCategory: tokens third class: tokens first meta: false stamp: stamp]. tokens third == #methodsFor: ifTrue: [^ self scanCategory: tokens fourth class: tokens first meta: true stamp: stamp]]. tokens second == #commentStamp: ifTrue: [stamp := tokens third. self addItem: (ChangeRecord new file: file position: file position type: #classComment class: tokens first category: nil meta: false stamp: stamp) text: 'class comment for ' , tokens first, (stamp isEmpty ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: ['; ' , stamp]). file nextChunk. ^ file skipStyleChunk]. self assert: tokens last == #reorganize. self addItem: (ChangeRecord new file: file position: file position type: #reorganize class: tokens first category: nil meta: false stamp: stamp) text: 'organization for ' , tokens first, (tokens second == #class ifTrue: [' class'] ifFalse: ['']). file nextChunk! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeList>>selectContentsMatching (in category 'menu actions') ----- selectContentsMatching | pattern | pattern := UIManager default request: 'pattern to match'. pattern isEmpty ifTrue: [^self]. ^Cursor execute showWhile: [self selectSuchThat: ((pattern includesAnyOf: '?*') ifTrue: [[ :change | pattern match: change string]] + ifFalse: [[ :change | change string includesSubstring: pattern]])]! - ifFalse: [[ :change | change string includesSubString: pattern]])]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassListBrowser class>>example1 (in category 'examples') ----- example1 "Put up a ClassListBrowser that shows all classes that have the string 'Pluggable' in their names" + self browseClassesSatisfying: [:cl | cl name includesSubstring: 'Pluggable'] title: 'Pluggables' - self browseClassesSatisfying: [:cl | cl name includesSubString: 'Pluggable'] title: 'Pluggables' "ClassListBrowser example1" ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Debugger class>>openInterrupt:onProcess: (in category 'opening') ----- openInterrupt: aString onProcess: interruptedProcess "Open a notifier in response to an interrupt. An interrupt occurs when the user types the interrupt key (cmd-. on Macs, ctrl-c or alt-. on other systems) or when the low-space watcher detects that memory is low." | debugger | <primitive: 19> "Simulation guard" debugger := self new. debugger process: interruptedProcess controller: ((Smalltalk isMorphic not and: [ScheduledControllers activeControllerProcess == interruptedProcess]) ifTrue: [ScheduledControllers activeController]) context: interruptedProcess suspendedContext. debugger externalInterrupt: true. Preferences logDebuggerStackToFile ifTrue: + [(aString includesSubstring: 'Space') & (aString includesSubstring: 'low') - [(aString includesSubString: 'Space') & (aString includesSubString: 'low') ifTrue: [Smalltalk logError: aString inContext: debugger interruptedContext to: 'LowSpaceDebug.log'] "logging disabled for 4.3 release, see http://lists.squeak.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2011-December/162503.html" "ifFalse: [Smalltalk logSqueakError: aString inContext: debugger interruptedContext]"]. Preferences eToyFriendly ifTrue: [World stopRunningAll]. ^debugger openNotifierContents: nil label: aString; yourself ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageSet class>>parse:toClassAndSelector: (in category 'utilities') ----- parse: methodRef toClassAndSelector: csBlock "Decode strings of the form <className> [class] <selectorName>." | tuple cl | self flag: #mref. "compatibility with pre-MethodReference lists" methodRef ifNil: [^ csBlock value: nil value: nil]. methodRef isString ifFalse: [^methodRef setClassAndSelectorIn: csBlock]. methodRef isEmpty ifTrue: [^csBlock value: nil value: nil]. + tuple := (methodRef asString includesSubstring: '>>') - tuple := (methodRef asString includesSubString: '>>') ifTrue: [(methodRef findTokens: '>>') fold: [:a :b| (a findTokens: ' '), {b first = $# ifTrue: [b allButFirst] ifFalse: [b]}]] ifFalse: [methodRef asString findTokens: ' .']. cl := Smalltalk at: tuple first asSymbol ifAbsent: [^ csBlock value: nil value: nil]. ^(tuple size = 2 or: [tuple size > 2 and: [(tuple at: 2) ~= 'class']]) ifTrue: [csBlock value: cl value: (tuple at: 2) asSymbol] ifFalse: [csBlock value: cl class value: (tuple at: 3) asSymbol]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodFinder>>initialize2 (in category 'initialize') ----- (excessive size, no diff calculated) Item was changed: ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>nextContext (in category 'process list') ----- nextContext | initialProcessIndex initialStackIndex | searchString isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^false ]. initialProcessIndex := self processListIndex. initialStackIndex := self stackListIndex. initialProcessIndex to: self processList size do: [:pi | self processListIndex: pi. self stackNameList withIndexDo: [:name :si | (pi ~= initialProcessIndex or: [si > initialStackIndex]) + ifTrue: [(name includesSubstring: searchString) - ifTrue: [(name includesSubString: searchString) ifTrue: [self stackListIndex: si. ^true]]]]. self processListIndex: initialProcessIndex. self stackListIndex: initialStackIndex. ^ false! |
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