Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Traits to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Traits-ar.272 Author: ar Time: 1 January 2010, 7:27:09 am UUID: 065dc8bf-9996-f345-8842-76af957c5dd9 Ancestors: Traits-ar.271 Making traits unloadable: Three new operations on class trait to support loading and unloading. - Trait removeAllTraits flattens all classes and traits, converting traits to classes and storing supplemental information to support traits recovery. - Trait restoreAllTraits restores traits from previously flattened classes based on the supplemental information stored via removeAllTraits. - Trait unloadTraits first removes all traits and then unloads the traits package via Monticello. =============== Diff against Traits-ar.271 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>restoreCompositionOf: (in category 'load-unload') ----- + restoreCompositionOf: aClass + "Restore the trait composition for the given class" + | method requires composition | + method := aClass compiledMethodAt: #traitInfo ifAbsent:[^self]. + aClass removeSelector: #traitInfo. + requires := (method pragmaAt: #traitRequires:) + ifNil:[#()] + ifNotNil:[:pragma| pragma arguments first]. + (requires allSatisfy:[:tn| (Smalltalk at: tn ifAbsent:[nil]) isKindOf: Trait]) + ifFalse:[^self inform: 'Cannot restore composition of ', aClass name]. + composition := (method pragmaAt: #traitComposition:) + ifNil:[^self] + ifNotNil:[:pragma| Compiler evaluate: pragma arguments first]. + aClass uses: composition. + aClass traitComposition selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| + | oldMethod newMethod | + newMethod := meth methodHome compiledMethodAt: sel. + oldMethod := aClass compiledMethodAt: sel ifAbsent:[newMethod]. + oldMethod timeStamp = newMethod timeStamp + ifTrue:[aClass removeSelector: sel]].! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>storeTraitInfoInClass: (in category 'load-unload') ----- + storeTraitInfoInClass: aClass + "Store trait information in the given class" + | code | + code := WriteStream on: (String new: 100). + code nextPutAll: 'traitInfo + "This method contains information to restore the trait structure + for the receiver when traits are loaded or unloaded"'. + aClass isTrait ifTrue:[ + code crtab; nextPutAll: '"This class was originally a trait"'. + code crtab; nextPutAll: '<traitDefinition: true>'. + ]. + aClass hasTraitComposition ifTrue:[ + code crtab; nextPutAll: '"The trait composition for the receiver"'. + code crtab; nextPutAll: '<traitComposition: ', aClass traitCompositionString storeString,'>'. + code crtab; nextPutAll: '"The required traits for this trait"'. + code crtab; nextPutAll: '<traitRequires: ', (aClass traits collect:[:t| t baseTrait name]),'>'. + ]. + aClass compile: code contents. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>convertTraitToClass: (in category 'load-unload') ----- + convertTraitToClass: aTrait + "Convert the given trait to a class" + | aClass | + "Move the trait out of the way" + Smalltalk removeKey: aTrait name. + "Create the class in its place" + aClass := Object subclass: aTrait name + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: aTrait category. + + aTrait organization commentRemoteStr ifNotNil:[ + aClass classComment: aTrait organization classComment + stamp: aTrait organization commentStamp]. + + aTrait selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| + aClass compile: (aTrait sourceCodeAt: sel) + classified: (aTrait organization categoryOfElement: sel) + withStamp: (aTrait compiledMethodAt: sel) timeStamp + notifying: nil]. + + aTrait classSide selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| + aClass classSide compile: (aTrait classSide sourceCodeAt: sel) + classified: (aTrait classSide organization categoryOfElement: sel) + withStamp: (aTrait classSide compiledMethodAt: sel) timeStamp + notifying: nil]. + + aTrait obsolete. + ^aClass + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>unloadTraits (in category 'load-unload') ----- + unloadTraits + "Trait unloadTraits" + Trait traitImpl == self ifTrue:[Trait traitImpl: nil]. + self removeAllTraits. + Behavior compileSilently: 'updateTraits' classified: 'accessing'. + (MCPackage named: 'Traits') unload. + Behavior removeSelectorSilently: #updateTraits. + Compiler recompileAll.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>removeAllTraits (in category 'load-unload') ----- + removeAllTraits "Trait removeAllTraits" + "Removes all traits currently in use. + Preserves enough information so that traits can be recovered." + | converted remain | + converted := Set new. + Smalltalk allClasses do:[:aClass| + self flattenTraitMethodsInClass: aClass classSide. + self flattenTraitMethodsInClass: aClass. + converted add: aClass. + ] displayingProgress: 'Flattening classes'. + + remain := Smalltalk allTraits asSet. + (1 to: remain size) do:[:i| | trait | + trait := remain + detect:[:any| any users allSatisfy:[:aClass| converted includes: aClass]] + ifNone:[self error: 'Cyclic traits detected']. + remain remove: trait. + self flattenTraitMethodsInClass: trait classSide. + self flattenTraitMethodsInClass: trait. + converted add: trait. + ] displayingProgress: 'Flattening traits'. + + "Convert all traits to classes" + Smalltalk allTraits + do:[:trait| self convertTraitToClass: trait] + displayingProgress:[:trait| 'Converting ', trait name]. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>convertClassToTrait: (in category 'load-unload') ----- + convertClassToTrait: aClass + "Convert the given class to a trait" + | aTrait | + "Move the class out of the way" + Smalltalk removeKey: aClass name. + + "Create the trait in its place" + aTrait := Trait named: aClass name + uses: {} + category: aClass category. + + aClass organization commentRemoteStr ifNotNil:[ + aTrait classComment: aClass organization classComment + stamp: aClass organization commentStamp]. + + aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| + aTrait compile: (aClass sourceCodeAt: sel) + classified: (aClass organization categoryOfElement: sel) + withStamp: (aClass compiledMethodAt: sel) timeStamp + notifying: nil]. + + aClass classSide selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| + aTrait classSide compile: (aClass classSide sourceCodeAt: sel) + classified: (aClass classSide organization categoryOfElement: sel) + withStamp: (aClass classSide compiledMethodAt: sel) timeStamp + notifying: nil]. + + aClass obsolete. + ^aTrait + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>flattenTraitMethodsInClass: (in category 'load-unload') ----- + flattenTraitMethodsInClass: aClass + "Flatten all the trait methods in the given class" + | oldClass | + (aClass isTrait or:[aClass hasTraitComposition]) ifFalse:[^self]. + self storeTraitInfoInClass: aClass. + aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| + (aClass includesLocalSelector: sel) ifFalse:[ + oldClass := meth methodHome. + aClass compile: (aClass sourceCodeAt: sel) + classified: (aClass organization categoryOfElement: sel) + withStamp: (oldClass compiledMethodAt: sel ifAbsent:[meth]) timeStamp + notifying: nil]]. + aClass traitComposition: #().! Item was added: + ----- Method: Trait class>>restoreAllTraits (in category 'load-unload') ----- + restoreAllTraits "Trait restoreAllTraits" + "Restores traits that had been previously removed. + This is the inverse operation to removeAllTraits." + | classes method | + classes := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:aClass| aClass includesSelector: #traitInfo]. + classes do:[:aClass| + method := aClass compiledMethodAt: #traitInfo. + (method pragmaAt: #traitDefinition:) ifNotNil:[:pragma| + pragma arguments first + ifTrue:[self convertClassToTrait: aClass]]. + ] displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Creating trait ', aClass name]. + classes := Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits select:[:aClass| + (aClass includesSelector: #traitInfo) + or:[aClass classSide includesSelector: #traitInfo]]. + classes do:[:aClass| + self restoreCompositionOf: aClass. + self restoreCompositionOf: aClass classSide. + ] displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Updating ', aClass name]. + ! |
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