Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Traits to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Traits-nice.280 Author: nice Time: 4 February 2010, 8:21:32.572 pm UUID: c73f76e5-ba68-4e91-bc27-ef1754513b29 Ancestors: Traits-ar.279 push some temp declarations inside blocks =============== Diff against Traits-ar.279 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Trait classSide>>flattenTraitMethodsInClass: (in category 'load-unload') ----- flattenTraitMethodsInClass: aClass "Flatten all the trait methods in the given class" + - | oldClass | (aClass isTrait or:[aClass hasTraitComposition]) ifFalse:[^self]. self storeTraitInfoInClass: aClass. + aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| | oldClass | - aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :meth| (aClass includesLocalSelector: sel) ifFalse:[ oldClass := meth methodHome. aClass compile: (aClass sourceCodeAt: sel) classified: (aClass organization categoryOfElement: sel) withStamp: (oldClass compiledMethodAt: sel ifAbsent:[meth]) timeStamp notifying: nil]]. aClass traitComposition: #().! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>assembleTraitMethodsFrom: (in category '*Traits-NanoKernel') ----- assembleTraitMethodsFrom: aTraitComposition "Assemble the resulting methods for installing the given trait composition. Returns a Dictionary instead of a MethodDictionary for speed (MDs grow by #become:)" + | methods | - | methods oldMethod | methods := Dictionary new. "Stick in the local methods first, since this avoids generating conflict methods unnecessarily" self selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :newMethod| (self isLocalMethod: newMethod) ifTrue:[methods at: sel put:newMethod]]. "Now assemble the traits methods" aTraitComposition do:[:trait| + trait selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :newMethod| | oldMethod | - trait selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :newMethod| oldMethod := methods at: sel ifAbsentPut:[newMethod]. newMethod == oldMethod ifFalse:["a conflict" (self isLocalMethod: oldMethod) ifFalse:[ methods at: sel put: (self resolveTraitsConflict: sel from: oldMethod to: newMethod)]]]]. ^methods! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>installTraitMethodDict: (in category '*Traits-NanoKernel') ----- installTraitMethodDict: methods "After having assembled the trait composition, install its methods." + | oldCategories removals | - | oldCategories oldMethod removals | "Apply the changes. We first add the new or changed methods." oldCategories := Set new. + methods keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :newMethod| | oldMethod | - methods keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :newMethod| oldMethod := self compiledMethodAt: sel ifAbsent:[nil]. oldMethod == newMethod ifFalse:[ self traitAddSelector: sel withMethod: newMethod. (self organization categoryOfElement: sel) ifNotNil:[:cat| oldCategories add: cat]. self organization classify: sel under: (newMethod methodHome organization categoryOfElement: newMethod selector)]]. "Now remove the old or obsoleted ones" removals := OrderedCollection new. self selectorsDo:[:sel| (methods includesKey: sel) ifFalse:[removals add: sel]]. removals do:[:sel| self traitRemoveSelector: sel]. "Clean out empty categories" oldCategories do:[:cat| (self organization isEmptyCategoryNamed: cat) ifTrue:[self organization removeCategory: cat]]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>updateTraitsFrom: (in category '*Traits-NanoKernel') ----- updateTraitsFrom: instanceTraits "ClassTrait/Metaclass only. Update me from the given instance traits" + | map newTraits | - | map newTraits trait | self isMeta ifFalse:[self error: 'This is a metaclass operation']. map := Dictionary new. self traitComposition do:[:composed| map at: composed trait put: composed]. + newTraits := (instanceTraits collect:[:composed| | trait | - newTraits := (instanceTraits collect:[:composed| trait := composed trait classTrait. map at: trait ifAbsent:[trait]] ), (self traitComposition select:[:comp| comp trait isBaseTrait]). self installTraitsFrom: newTraits! Item was changed: ----- Method: Trait classSide>>restoreAllTraits (in category 'load-unload') ----- restoreAllTraits "Trait restoreAllTraits" "Restores traits that had been previously removed. This is the inverse operation to removeAllTraits." + | classes | - | classes method | classes := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:aClass| aClass includesSelector: #traitInfo]. + classes do:[:aClass| | method | - classes do:[:aClass| method := aClass compiledMethodAt: #traitInfo. (method pragmaAt: #traitDefinition:) ifNotNil:[:pragma| pragma arguments first ifTrue:[self convertClassToTrait: aClass]]. ] displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Creating trait ', aClass name]. classes := Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits select:[:aClass| (aClass includesSelector: #traitInfo) or:[aClass classSide includesSelector: #traitInfo]]. classes do:[:aClass| self restoreCompositionOf: aClass. self restoreCompositionOf: aClass classSide. ] displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Updating ', aClass name]. ! |
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