Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Traits to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Traits-ul.276.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Traits-ul.276
Author: ul
Time: 3 January 2010, 6:39:38 am
UUID: fb753d44-9786-0f4c-90c8-78f1395b6789
Ancestors: Traits-ar.275
- fix #unloadTraits, by temorarily moving ClassOrganizer >> #traitComposition from the Traits package to Kernel. This avoids an MNU while the Traits package is being unloaded.
=============== Diff against Traits-ar.275 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Trait class>>unloadTraits (in category 'load-unload') -----
"Trait unloadTraits"
Trait traitImpl == self ifTrue:[Trait traitImpl: nil].
self removeAllTraits.
Behavior compileSilently: 'updateTraits' classified: 'accessing'.
+ ClassDescription removeSelectorSilently: #updateTraits.
+ ClassOrganizer organization classify: #traitComposition under: 'accessing'.
(MCPackage named: 'Traits') unload.
+ ClassOrganizer removeSelectorSilently: #traitComposition.
Behavior removeSelectorSilently: #updateTraits.
Compiler recompileAll.!