Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of TrueType to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: TrueType-nice.12 Author: nice Time: 27 December 2009, 3:28:25 am UUID: 28257b14-8f77-4ab3-adc0-4cb1eed4ee30 Ancestors: TrueType-nice.11 Cosmetic: move or remove a few temps inside closures =============== Diff against TrueType-nice.11 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TTCompositeGlyph>>referenceVertexAt: (in category 'initialize') ----- referenceVertexAt: index "Only used while reading before constructing contours" + | i | - | i p | i := index. + self glyphsAndTransformationsDo: [:glyph :transform | | p | - self glyphsAndTransformationsDo: [:glyph :transform | p := glyph referenceVertexAt: i. p isPoint ifTrue: [^transform localPointToGlobal: p]. i := i - p]. self error: ['this should not happen']! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription>>glyphAt: (in category 'glyphs') ----- glyphAt: charOrCode "Answer the glyph with the given code point" + | codePoint glyph | - | codePoint glyphIndex glyph | codePoint := charOrCode asCharacter charCode. + self withFileDo:[:fontFile| | glyphIndex | - self withFileDo:[:fontFile| glyphIndex := self readCmapTableAt: codePoint fromFile: fontFile. glyph := self readGlyphAt: glyphIndex fromFile: fontFile. self updateGlyphMetrics: glyph fromFile: fontFile. ]. ^glyph! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFontReader>>processGlyphDataTable:offsets: (in category 'processing') ----- processGlyphDataTable: entry offsets: offsetArray "Read the actual glyph data from the font. offsetArray contains the start offsets in the data for each glyph." + | initialOffset | - | initialOffset glyph nextOffset glyphLength glyphOffset nContours origin corner | initialOffset := entry offset. glyphs := Array new: nGlyphs. 1 to: nGlyphs do:[:i | glyphs at: i put: (TTGlyph new glyphIndex: i-1)]. 'Reading glyph data' displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint + from: 1 to: nGlyphs during:[:bar| | nContours glyphOffset origin corner glyphLength glyph nextOffset | - from: 1 to: nGlyphs during:[:bar| 1 to: nGlyphs do:[:glyphIndex | bar value: glyphIndex. glyph := glyphs at: glyphIndex. glyphOffset := offsetArray at: glyphIndex. nextOffset := offsetArray at: glyphIndex+1. glyphLength := nextOffset - glyphOffset. glyphLength = 0 ifFalse:[ entry offset: initialOffset + glyphOffset. nContours := entry nextShort. origin := entry nextShort @ entry nextShort. corner := entry nextShort @ entry nextShort. glyph bounds: (origin corner: corner). nContours >= 0 ifTrue:[ self processSimpleGlyph: glyph contours: nContours from: entry ] ifFalse:[ glyph := self processCompositeGlyph: glyph contours: nContours from: entry. glyphs at: glyphIndex put: glyph]]] ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>fontFromUser:allowKeyboard: (in category 'user interaction') ----- fontFromUser: priorFont allowKeyboard: aBoolean "TTFileDescription fontFromUser" + | fontMenu fontNames builder resultBlock style font widget result | - | fontMenu active ptMenu label fontNames builder resultBlock result item style font widget | builder := ToolBuilder default. fontNames := self allFontsAndFiles keys asArray sort. fontMenu := builder pluggableMenuSpec new. fontMenu label: 'Non-portable fonts'. resultBlock := [:value| result := value]. + fontNames do: [:fontName | | active ptMenu item | - fontNames do: [:fontName | active := priorFont familyName sameAs: fontName. ptMenu := builder pluggableMenuSpec new. + TTCFont pointSizes do: [:pt | | label | - TTCFont pointSizes do: [:pt | label := pt printString, ' pt'. item := ptMenu add: label target: resultBlock selector: #value: argumentList: {{fontName. pt}}. item checked: (active and:[pt = priorFont pointSize]). ]. item := fontMenu add: fontName action: nil. item subMenu: ptMenu. item checked: active. ]. widget := builder open: fontMenu. builder runModal: widget. result ifNil:[^nil]. style := (TextStyle named: result first) ifNil:[self installFamilyNamed: result first]. style ifNil: [^ self]. font := style fonts detect: [:any | any pointSize = result last] ifNone: [nil]. ^ font ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTGlyph>>referenceVertexAt: (in category 'private-initialization') ----- referenceVertexAt: index "Only used while reading before constructing contours" + | count | - | count vertices | count := 0. + contours do: [:construction | | vertices | - contours do: [:construction | vertices := construction points. index - count > vertices size ifTrue: [count := count + vertices size] ifFalse: [^(vertices at: index - count) asPoint]]. ^count! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>allFamilyNamesAndFiles (in category 'font paths') ----- allFamilyNamesAndFiles "Answer a dictionary of all known family names and their corresponding file names." + - | names | AllFontsAndFiles ifNil:[ AllFontsAndFiles := Dictionary new. + Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font| | names | - Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font| names := AllFontsAndFiles at: font familyName ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new]. names add: font fileName]]]. ^AllFontsAndFiles ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>findFontFile: (in category 'font paths') ----- findFontFile: fontFileName "Find the path containing the font with the given name. If it can't be found, return nil." + + self fontPathsDo:[:path| | fd | - | fd | - self fontPathsDo:[:path| fd := FileDirectory on: path. ([fd fileExists: fontFileName] on: Error do:[false]) ifTrue:[^fd fullNameFor: fontFileName]. ]. ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFontReader>>decodeCmapFmtTable: (in category 'private') ----- decodeCmapFmtTable: entry + | cmapFmt length entryCount segCount segments offset cmap firstCode | - | cmapFmt length cmap firstCode entryCount segCount segments offset code | cmapFmt := entry nextUShort. length := entry nextUShort. entry skip: 2. "skip version" cmapFmt = 0 ifTrue: "byte encoded table" [length := length - 6. "should be always 256" length <= 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. "but sometimes, this table is empty" cmap := Array new: length. entry nextBytes: length into: cmap startingAt: entry offset. ^ cmap]. cmapFmt = 4 ifTrue: "segment mapping to deltavalues" [segCount := entry nextUShort // 2. entry skip: 6. "skip searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift" segments := Array new: segCount. segments := (1 to: segCount) collect: [:e | Array new: 4]. 1 to: segCount do: [:i | (segments at: i) at: 2 put: entry nextUShort]. "endCount" entry skip: 2. "skip reservedPad" 1 to: segCount do: [:i | (segments at: i) at: 1 put: entry nextUShort]. "startCount" 1 to: segCount do: [:i | (segments at: i) at: 3 put: entry nextShort]. "idDelta" offset := entry offset. 1 to: segCount do: [:i | (segments at: i) at: 4 put: entry nextUShort]. "idRangeOffset" entryCount := segments inject: 0 into: [:max :seg | max max: seg second]. cmap := Array new: entryCount+1 withAll: 0.. segments withIndexDo: + [:seg :si | | code | - [:seg :si | seg first to: seg second do: [:i | seg last > 0 ifTrue: ["offset to glypthIdArray - this is really C-magic!!" entry offset: i - seg first - 1 * 2 + seg last + si + si + offset. code := entry nextUShort. code > 0 ifTrue: [code := code + seg third]] ifFalse: ["simple offset" code := i + seg third]. cmap at: i + 1 put: code]]. ^ cmap]. cmapFmt = 6 ifTrue: "trimmed table" [firstCode := entry nextUShort. entryCount := entry nextUShort. cmap := Array new: entryCount + firstCode withAll: 0. entryCount timesRepeat: [cmap at: (firstCode := firstCode + 1) put: entry nextUShort]. ^ cmap]. ^ nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>allFontsAndFiles (in category 'font paths') ----- allFontsAndFiles "Answer a dictionary of all known family names and their corresponding file names." + - | names | AllFontsAndFiles ifNil:[ AllFontsAndFiles := Dictionary new. + Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font| | names | - Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font| names := AllFontsAndFiles at: font familyName ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new]. names add: font fileName]]]. ^AllFontsAndFiles ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>installFamilyNamed: (in category 'instance creation') ----- installFamilyNamed: familyName "Install all the corresponding fonts for this family" " TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Arial'. TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Batang'. " + | fontFiles | - | fontFiles ttDesc | fontFiles := self allFontsAndFiles at: familyName ifAbsent:[#()]. + fontFiles do:[:fileName| | ttDesc | - fontFiles do:[:fileName| ttDesc := (self readFontsFrom: fileName) detect:[:fnt| fnt familyName = familyName]. TTCFont newTextStyleFromTT: ttDesc. ]. ^TextStyle named: familyName! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTGlyph>>buildContours (in category 'private-initialization') ----- buildContours "Build the contours in the receiver glyph. The contour is constructed by converting the points form each contour into an absolute value and then compressing the contours into PointArrays." + | tx ty | - | tx ty points | tx := ty := 0. + contours := contours collect:[:contour| | points | - contours := contours collect:[:contour| contour isCollection ifTrue:[^self]. "already built" points := contour points. points do:[:pt| pt x: (tx := tx + pt x). pt y: (ty := ty + pt y)]. contour asCompressedPoints].! Item was changed: ----- Method: TTFileDescription>>readCmapTableAt:fromFile: (in category 'glyphs') ----- readCmapTableAt: codePoint fromFile: fontFile + | cmapFmt length firstCode entryCount segCount segIndex startCode idDelta idRangeOffset offset | - | cmapFmt length firstCode entryCount segCount segIndex startCode endCode idDelta idRangeOffset offset | fontFile position: cmapOffset. cmapFmt := fontFile nextNumber: 2. length := fontFile nextNumber: 2. fontFile skip: 2. "skip version" cmapFmt = 0 ifTrue:["byte encoded table" codePoint > 255 ifTrue:[^0]. length := length - 6. "should be always 256" length <= 0 ifTrue: [^0]. "but sometimes, this table is empty" fontFile skip: codePoint. "move to correct byte offset in table" ^fontFile next]. cmapFmt = 4 ifTrue:[ "segment mapping to deltavalues" codePoint > 16rFFFF ifTrue:[^0]. segCount := (fontFile nextNumber: 2) // 2. fontFile skip: 6. "skip searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift" segIndex := (0 to: segCount-1) + detect:[:i| | endCode | (endCode := (fontFile nextNumber: 2)) >= codePoint]. - detect:[:i| (endCode := (fontFile nextNumber: 2)) >= codePoint]. fontFile position: cmapOffset + 16 + (segCount*2) + (segIndex*2). startCode := fontFile nextNumber: 2. startCode <= codePoint ifFalse:[^0]. "not in segment range" fontFile position: cmapOffset + 16 + (segCount*4) + (segIndex*2). idDelta := fontFile nextNumber: 2. fontFile position: cmapOffset + 16 + (segCount*6) + (segIndex*2). idRangeOffset := fontFile nextNumber: 2. idRangeOffset = 0 ifTrue:[^(idDelta + codePoint) bitAnd: 16rFFFF]. offset := (fontFile position - 2) + idRangeOffset + ((codePoint - startCode) * 2). fontFile position: offset. ^fontFile nextNumber: 2. ]. cmapFmt = 6 ifTrue:[ "trimmed table" firstCode := fontFile nextNumber: 2. entryCount := fontFile nextNumber: 2. (codePoint between: firstCode and: firstCode+entryCount) ifFalse:[^0]. fontFile skip: (codePoint-firstCode) * 2. ^fontFile nextNumber: 2]. ^0! |
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