Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of TrueType to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: TrueType-nice.15
Author: nice
Time: 28 March 2010, 7:10:44.962 pm
UUID: 6a8e5e5b-bcf5-4e58-8edf-6f5fa1f9f3c5
Ancestors: TrueType-nice.14
Authorize parsing of TTCF file version 2.
That certainly is not sufficient, but at least, that allows (TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Arial') to work on Mac Snow Leopard.
=============== Diff against TrueType-nice.14 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>allFamilyNamesAndFiles (in category 'font paths') -----
"Answer a dictionary of all known family names and their corresponding file names."
AllFontsAndFiles ifNil:[
AllFontsAndFiles := Dictionary new.
+ Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font|
+ | names |
- Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font| | names |
names := AllFontsAndFiles at: font familyName
ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new].
names add: font fileName]]].
^AllFontsAndFiles !
Item was changed:
----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>allFontsAndFiles (in category 'font paths') -----
"Answer a dictionary of all known family names and their corresponding file names."
AllFontsAndFiles ifNil:[
AllFontsAndFiles := Dictionary new.
+ Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font|
+ | names |
- Cursor wait showWhile:[self allFontsDo:[:font| | names |
names := AllFontsAndFiles at: font familyName
ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new].
names add: font fileName]]].
^AllFontsAndFiles !
Item was changed:
----- Method: TTFileDescription class>>fontOffsetsInFile: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fontOffsetsInFile: file
"Answer a collection of font offsets in the given file"
| tag version nFonts |
file position: 0.
tag := file next: 4.
+ tag caseOf: {
- tag caseOf:{
['true' asByteArray] -> ["Version 1.0 TTF file"
" The values 'true' (0x74727565) and 0x00010000 are recognized by the Mac OS
as referring to TrueType fonts."
^Array with: 0 "only one font"
[#[0 1 0 0]] -> ["Version 1.0 TTF file"
^Array with: 0 "only one font"
['ttcf' asByteArray] -> ["TTC file"
version := file next: 4.
+ (version = #[0 1 0 0] or: [version = #[0 2 0 0]]) ifFalse: [^self error: 'Unsupported TTC version'].
- version = #(0 1 0 0) asByteArray ifFalse:[^self error: 'Unsupported TTC version'].
nFonts := file nextNumber: 4.
+ ^(1 to: nFonts) collect: [:i | file nextNumber: 4].
- ^(1 to: nFonts) collect:[:i| file nextNumber: 4].
} otherwise:[
self error: 'This is not a valid Truetype file'.