Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of WebClient-Tests to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: WebClient-Tests-pre.58
Author: pre
Time: 30 April 2019, 7:08:57.816906 pm
UUID: e3079bfa-808e-204f-9484-ca955f8848d5
Ancestors: WebClient-Tests-pre.57
Fixes a test which does not deal well with time precision beyond a second.
=============== Diff against WebClient-Tests-pre.57 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: WebClientServerTest>>testCookieExpiryParsing (in category 'tests - cookies') -----
"Test parsing of cookie expiry dates"
| exp a b |
+ exp := DateAndTime today.
- exp := DateAndTime date: Date today time: Time now.
a := WebCookie new.
a name: 'test'.
a expiry: exp.
b := WebCookie new readFrom: a asString readStream.
self assert: b expiry = exp asUTC.
b := WebCookie new readFrom: (a asString copyReplaceAll: '-' with: ' ') readStream.
self assert: b expiry = exp asUTC.