David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of XML-Parser to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/XML-Parser-monty.40.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: XML-Parser-monty.40
Author: monty
Time: 3 February 2017, 10:16:46.010855 pm
UUID: 2275e939-142b-4c7d-ab90-827c5853f985
Ancestors: XML-Parser-topa.39
Changed the send of #applyLanguageInfomation: to use the correctly-spelled #applyLanguageInformation: defined on String and ByteString, and changed the #applyLanguageInfomation: XML-Parser extension to just forward to #applyLanguageInformation: with a comment explaining it
=============== Diff against XML-Parser-topa.39 ===============
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ByteString>>applyLanguageInfomation: (in category '*xml-parser') -----
- applyLanguageInfomation: languageEnvironment
- !
Item was changed:
----- Method: SAXDriver>>handlePCData: (in category 'handling tokens') -----
handlePCData: aString
self languageEnvironment
+ ifNotNil: [aString applyLanguageInformation: self languageEnvironment].
- ifNotNil: [aString applyLanguageInfomation: self languageEnvironment].
self saxHandler
characters: aString!
Item was changed:
----- Method: String>>applyLanguageInfomation: (in category '*xml-parser') -----
applyLanguageInfomation: languageEnvironment
+ "this is here for backwards compatibility but now just forwards to the
+ correctly-spelled version defined directly on String and ByteString"
+ self applyLanguageInformation: languageEnvironment!
- | leadingChar |
- leadingChar := languageEnvironment leadingChar.
- self withIndexDo: [:each :idx |
- each asciiValue > 255
- ifTrue: [self at: idx put: (Character leadingChar: leadingChar code: each asUnicode)]]!