The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 12: Mar 18 - May 5, 2007

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The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 12: Mar 18 - May 5, 2007

Michael Haupt-3
Dear Squeakers,

welcome to the The WeeklySqueakSummary, an irregular traffic-dependent
report on what's going on in the world of Squeak based on the
WeeklySqueak blog.

Highlights of the past weeks:

Two software "releases" can be celebrated: Croquet 1.0 is there [2],
and Plopp [3] is available for free download (a serial number is
required, though, for full functionality).

The Squeak projects for this year's Google Summer of Code are out
[10]. Five projects have been selected, supporting both the more
developer-oriented (compiler, package model, and collaborative
development) and user-oriented (Wiki, and a HTML/CSS viewer) sides of

There also are some remarks on comments in Squeak code [11] that are
definitely worth reading.

Smalltalk Solutions is over, and the Squeak booth at the conference
has been a success [14], also regarding fund raising [5].

ESUG 2007 calls for contributions [13].

Finally, there is going to be a meeting of the German Squeak
association in Potsdam, Germany, this coming Saturday [9]. You are
invited. Yes, you. ;-)

The past weeks' news items:

[1] SqueakFest '07 at Columbia College Chicago

[2] Croquet SDK 1.0 released

[3] Plopp, The Cool 3D Painting Tool is now available for download

[4] OLPC for ME?

[5] From the Press Room: Squeak Badge Fund Raiser Campaign

[6] From the Press Room: Squeak At 2007 Smalltalk Solutions Conference

[7] Thot talks about Squeak, Etoys and V-Toys

[8] Help improving the Smalltalk experience on the OLPC machine

[9] Squeak meeting in Potsdam, Germany

[10] Google Summer Of Code - Squeak'n style

[11] What's in a Comment?

[12] Don't Miss Smalltalk Solutions - April 30th - May 2nd 2007

[13] ESUG 2007 Call for Contributions

[14] A report from Squeak's booth @ Smalltalk Solutions 2007

You can find this and much more on The WeeklySqueak blog, the newsblog
dedicated to the world of Squeak:

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Happy squeaking,

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