The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 2: Oct 8 - Oct 14, 2006

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The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 2: Oct 8 - Oct 14, 2006

Michael Haupt-3
Dear Squeakers,

welcome to the The Weekly Squeak Summary, a weekly report on what's
going on in the world of Squeak based on the Weekly Squeak blog.

Highlights of the week:

For their bi-weekly meetings, the Squeak Foundation board are calling
for agenda item suggestions [3]. Suggestions can be made on a
dedicated web page.

David Griswold has called for a common Smalltalk VM summit [4]. Will
this be successful? In any case, it is a cause of lively discussions
on Squeak and Strongtalk mailing lists. Apparently, what is needed
most now is that experienced C++ hackers with some VM background
invest some effort.

Aside from VM hacking (but nevertheless causally connected), Exupery
is an important point of interest. Based on an interview with its
creator Bryce Kampjes, the 1.0 version of an Exupery FAQ has been
published as a news item, and some detailed information on Exupery has
been given on Squeak-dev [5,7].

Squeak is going portable! It runs on the Nokia 770, and Aaron Reichow
has posted some experience reports [13].

The crypto code in Squeak is heading for certification. The Squeak
Cryptography Team now has a Certification Validation Officer, Krishna
Sankar, who is taking care of this [15].

CONGRATULATIONS to Seaside and its creators for 200,000 downloads
[18]! This does not include VisualWorks-related downloads, mark you.

Finally, the second release candidate for the 3.9 image is out and
available for testing [19].

Last week's news items:

[1] New Releases in the Squeak world

[2] Spoon progress report - October 3rd 2006

[3] A call for suggestions for the Foundation Board meetings' agenda items

[4] Common Smalltalk VM Summit

[5] Exupery FAQ 1.0

[6] Squeak startup process, explained

[7] More info on Exupery

[8] The NewCompiler project

[9] Squeak Foundation Board meeting notes - October 4th, 2006

[10] Alternative URL for The Weekly Squeak

[11] Latest announcements in the Squeak world

[12] September team reports

[13] Using Squeak on the Nokia 770

[14] An explaination of continuations

[15] Squeak's Path To Security

[16] CurlPlugin - call for testing

[17] down on Friday

[18] 200,000 dowloads for Seaside

[19] Squeak 3.9 RC2

You can find this and much more on The Weekly Squeak blog, the
newsblog dedicated to the world of Squeak:

Subscribe to the Weekly Squeak RSS feed:

Happy squeaking,

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