The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

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The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Installing the (head)s of:
    XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
    XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.

Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.

An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

    votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?


_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)

> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Installing the (head)s of:
>    XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
>    XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
>    XMLParser-StAX
>    XMLParser-HTML
> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
> ___

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha


XML parsing is already in the image and thus should get the latest treatments. :-)


Am 05.10.2020 11:43:40 schrieb Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]>:

Hi All,

votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?


_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)

> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty wrote:
> Installing the (head)s of:
> XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
> XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
> XMLParser-StAX
> XMLParser-HTML
> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
> ___

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Tobias Pape
In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2

> On 05.10.2020, at 11:43, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>    votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?
> +1
> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Installing the (head)s of:
>>   XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
>>   XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
>>   XMLParser-StAX
>>   XMLParser-HTML
>> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
>> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
>> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
>> ___

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Levente Uzonyi
In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2

After a bit of analysis, I came to the conclusion that it would be a bad
idea to include those packages in the Trunk. Why?

1. There are more important things than XML
2. These packages are huge
3. The code is not backwards compatible
4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
5. Some undeclared variables


1. There are more important things than XML

I think there's not much to say here. Among the serialization formats,
JSON, YAML are far more popular than XML nowadays. Yet, we have neither
supported in the Trunk (apart from a minimal hence incomplete JSON
implementation in WebClient. It's really amazing how small it is though.)

2. These packages are huge

The current version of the XML-Parser in Trunk has the following stats:

classes: 26
methods: 379
linesOfCode: 2069

It's obviously incomplete though.
The proposed packages have the following stats:

classes: 758 (21.5% of all classes in the Trunk including the XML packages)
methods: 10129 (14%)
linesOfCode: 73897 (13.7%)

That's 25x-35x more than the current implementation.
When the packages are loaded in the current Trunk image, they take up
21.5%, 14%, 13.7% of all classes, methods, linesOfCode, respectively.
One could say that the extensive tests are responsible for the bloat, but
no, it's probably related to the complexity of XML. Without tests, the
numbers are:

classes: 512 (15.6%)
methods: 6744 (9.8%)
linesOfCode: 32886 (6.6%)

I don't think XML is important enough in general to justify those numbers.

3. The code is not backwards compatible

The code is not a drop-in replacement. The interface is different. Code
using the current package would have to be migrated.

4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause

The code uses various collections similar to those in the Trunk but not
compatible with them and not in the same class hierarchy:

BitmapCharcterSet - An independent character set implementation. Not a
subclass of CharacterSet.

StandardOrderedDictioanry (and its 5 subclasses) - An alternative to
OrderedDictionary implementation. A subclass of Collection, so not part of
the HashedCollection hierarchy (for good reasons).

If these were part of the Trunk, one could be wondering which one to use:
OrderedDictionary or OrderPreservingDictionary? What's the difference?
Maybe StandardOrderedDictionary?

5. Some undeclared variables

The code is written with compatibility in mind, so it supports Pharo and
Squeak. Even if you use Squeak, code related to Zinc, Pharo's HTTP library
will still be loaded directly referencing Zinc's classes.

Without going any deeper, I think the best would be to not include these
packages in the Trunk.
I'd go even further: I would remove the current XML-Parser as well but
provide an easy way to load either version. That way the image would be
smaller, simpler.
If we had the CI infrastructure (we probably have, but I'm not sure), we
could even test whether these packages work as expected, and treat them
as official external packages.

There's currently one method that depends on the XML-Parser package in
Trunk: SugarLauncher >> #gconfPropertiesAt:.
It uses the current XML-Parser API, so even if we decide to include the
more complete XML implementation in Trunk, we will still have to change
it to make it work.


On Mon, 5 Oct 2020, Eliot Miranda wrote:

> Hi All,
>    votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?
> +1
> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Installing the (head)s of:
>>    XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
>>    XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
>>    XMLParser-StAX
>>    XMLParser-HTML
>> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
>> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
>> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
>> ___

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

I believe I suggested the same thing you did (just removing the old parser from the image, which would remove the warning during SM installation).

The undeclared global var refs to Zinc classes were mistakenly left in during development (done on Pharo), and will be made indirect like other Zn class refs. (The offending methods are in classes that aren't used unless Zinc is installed, which is why they don't cause any Squeak test failures.)

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi
Hi Levente,

thanks for this review. The points (4), (3), and (2) are very serious. There needs to be a lot of work done before this can be treated as a valuable addition to Trunk's XML implementation. Especially backwards compatibility must be considered.

I am -1 then. Sorry for not taking a look at the code before. I would still like to see improvements happen in the Trunk's XML implementation.


Am 05.10.2020 21:53:34 schrieb Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:


After a bit of analysis, I came to the conclusion that it would be a bad
idea to include those packages in the Trunk. Why?

1. There are more important things than XML
2. These packages are huge
3. The code is not backwards compatible
4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
5. Some undeclared variables


1. There are more important things than XML

I think there's not much to say here. Among the serialization formats,
JSON, YAML are far more popular than XML nowadays. Yet, we have neither
supported in the Trunk (apart from a minimal hence incomplete JSON
implementation in WebClient. It's really amazing how small it is though.)

2. These packages are huge

The current version of the XML-Parser in Trunk has the following stats:

classes: 26
methods: 379
linesOfCode: 2069

It's obviously incomplete though.
The proposed packages have the following stats:

classes: 758 (21.5% of all classes in the Trunk including the XML packages)
methods: 10129 (14%)
linesOfCode: 73897 (13.7%)

That's 25x-35x more than the current implementation.
When the packages are loaded in the current Trunk image, they take up
21.5%, 14%, 13.7% of all classes, methods, linesOfCode, respectively.
One could say that the extensive tests are responsible for the bloat, but
no, it's probably related to the complexity of XML. Without tests, the
numbers are:

classes: 512 (15.6%)
methods: 6744 (9.8%)
linesOfCode: 32886 (6.6%)

I don't think XML is important enough in general to justify those numbers.

3. The code is not backwards compatible

The code is not a drop-in replacement. The interface is different. Code
using the current package would have to be migrated.

4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause

The code uses various collections similar to those in the Trunk but not
compatible with them and not in the same class hierarchy:

BitmapCharcterSet - An independent character set implementation. Not a
subclass of CharacterSet.

StandardOrderedDictioanry (and its 5 subclasses) - An alternative to
OrderedDictionary implementation. A subclass of Collection, so not part of
the HashedCollection hierarchy (for good reasons).

If these were part of the Trunk, one could be wondering which one to use:
OrderedDictionary or OrderPreservingDictionary? What's the difference?
Maybe StandardOrderedDictionary?

5. Some undeclared variables

The code is written with compatibility in mind, so it supports Pharo and
Squeak. Even if you use Squeak, code related to Zinc, Pharo's HTTP library
will still be loaded directly referencing Zinc's classes.

Without going any deeper, I think the best would be to not include these
packages in the Trunk.
I'd go even further: I would remove the current XML-Parser as well but
provide an easy way to load either version. That way the image would be
smaller, simpler.
If we had the CI infrastructure (we probably have, but I'm not sure), we
could even test whether these packages work as expected, and treat them
as official external packages.

There's currently one method that depends on the XML-Parser package in
Trunk: SugarLauncher >> #gconfPropertiesAt:.
It uses the current XML-Parser API, so even if we decide to include the
more complete XML implementation in Trunk, we will still have to change
it to make it work.


On Mon, 5 Oct 2020, Eliot Miranda wrote:

> Hi All,
> votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?
> +1
> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty wrote:
>> Installing the (head)s of:
>> XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
>> XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
>> XMLParser-StAX
>> XMLParser-HTML
>> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
>> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
>> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
>> ___

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Tobias Pape

> On 06.10.2020, at 09:22, Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Levente,
> thanks for this review. The points (4), (3), and (2) are very serious. There needs to be a lot of work done before this can be treated as a valuable addition to Trunk's XML implementation. Especially backwards compatibility must be considered.
> I am -1 then. Sorry for not taking a look at the code before. I would still like to see improvements happen in the Trunk's XML implementation.

I like the idea of "removing" XML and making it loadable in either the Old form or monty's package.
But in that case, we somehow need a mechanism to communicate the fact that these two exists…


> Best,
> Marcel
>> Am 05.10.2020 21:53:34 schrieb Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>> -1
>> After a bit of analysis, I came to the conclusion that it would be a bad
>> idea to include those packages in the Trunk. Why?
>> 1. There are more important things than XML
>> 2. These packages are huge
>> 3. The code is not backwards compatible
>> 4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
>> confusion
>> 5. Some undeclared variables
>> Details:
>> 1. There are more important things than XML
>> I think there's not much to say here. Among the serialization formats,
>> JSON, YAML are far more popular than XML nowadays. Yet, we have neither
>> supported in the Trunk (apart from a minimal hence incomplete JSON
>> implementation in WebClient. It's really amazing how small it is though.)
>> 2. These packages are huge
>> The current version of the XML-Parser in Trunk has the following stats:
>> classes: 26
>> methods: 379
>> linesOfCode: 2069
>> It's obviously incomplete though.
>> The proposed packages have the following stats:
>> classes: 758 (21.5% of all classes in the Trunk including the XML packages)
>> methods: 10129 (14%)
>> linesOfCode: 73897 (13.7%)
>> That's 25x-35x more than the current implementation.
>> When the packages are loaded in the current Trunk image, they take up
>> 21.5%, 14%, 13.7% of all classes, methods, linesOfCode, respectively.
>> One could say that the extensive tests are responsible for the bloat, but
>> no, it's probably related to the complexity of XML. Without tests, the
>> numbers are:
>> classes: 512 (15.6%)
>> methods: 6744 (9.8%)
>> linesOfCode: 32886 (6.6%)
>> I don't think XML is important enough in general to justify those numbers.
>> 3. The code is not backwards compatible
>> The code is not a drop-in replacement. The interface is different. Code
>> using the current package would have to be migrated.
>> 4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
>> confusion
>> The code uses various collections similar to those in the Trunk but not
>> compatible with them and not in the same class hierarchy:
>> BitmapCharcterSet - An independent character set implementation. Not a
>> subclass of CharacterSet.
>> StandardOrderedDictioanry (and its 5 subclasses) - An alternative to
>> OrderedDictionary implementation. A subclass of Collection, so not part of
>> the HashedCollection hierarchy (for good reasons).
>> If these were part of the Trunk, one could be wondering which one to use:
>> OrderedDictionary or OrderPreservingDictionary? What's the difference?
>> Maybe StandardOrderedDictionary?
>> 5. Some undeclared variables
>> The code is written with compatibility in mind, so it supports Pharo and
>> Squeak. Even if you use Squeak, code related to Zinc, Pharo's HTTP library
>> will still be loaded directly referencing Zinc's classes.
>> Without going any deeper, I think the best would be to not include these
>> packages in the Trunk.
>> I'd go even further: I would remove the current XML-Parser as well but
>> provide an easy way to load either version. That way the image would be
>> smaller, simpler.
>> If we had the CI infrastructure (we probably have, but I'm not sure), we
>> could even test whether these packages work as expected, and treat them
>> as official external packages.
>> There's currently one method that depends on the XML-Parser package in
>> Trunk: SugarLauncher >> #gconfPropertiesAt:.
>> It uses the current XML-Parser API, so even if we decide to include the
>> more complete XML implementation in Trunk, we will still have to change
>> it to make it work.
>> Levente
>> On Mon, 5 Oct 2020, Eliot Miranda wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >
>> > votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?
>> >
>> > +1
>> >
>> > _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>> >
>> >> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Installing the (head)s of:
>> >> XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
>> >> XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
>> >> XMLParser-StAX
>> >> XMLParser-HTML
>> >> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
>> >>
>> >> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
>> >>
>> >> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
>> >> ___
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha


I believe it was called YAXO originally, and the SM project is still there. Just create a new YAXO release based on the most recent trunk version of XMLParser, remove it from the trunk, and direct people to "XMLParser" unless they specifically want the old version, then you direct them to "YAXO." Problem solved.

> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 at 10:41 AM
> From: "Tobias Pape" <[hidden email]>
> To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha
> Hi
> > On 06.10.2020, at 09:22, Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Levente,
> >
> > thanks for this review. The points (4), (3), and (2) are very serious. There needs to be a lot of work done before this can be treated as a valuable addition to Trunk's XML implementation. Especially backwards compatibility must be considered.
> >
> > I am -1 then. Sorry for not taking a look at the code before. I would still like to see improvements happen in the Trunk's XML implementation.
> I like the idea of "removing" XML and making it loadable in either the Old form or monty's package.
> But in that case, we somehow need a mechanism to communicate the fact that these two exists…
> -t
> >
> > Best,
> > Marcel
> >> Am 05.10.2020 21:53:34 schrieb Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
> >>
> >> -1
> >>
> >> After a bit of analysis, I came to the conclusion that it would be a bad
> >> idea to include those packages in the Trunk. Why?
> >>
> >> 1. There are more important things than XML
> >> 2. These packages are huge
> >> 3. The code is not backwards compatible
> >> 4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
> >> confusion
> >> 5. Some undeclared variables
> >>
> >>
> >> Details:
> >>
> >> 1. There are more important things than XML
> >>
> >> I think there's not much to say here. Among the serialization formats,
> >> JSON, YAML are far more popular than XML nowadays. Yet, we have neither
> >> supported in the Trunk (apart from a minimal hence incomplete JSON
> >> implementation in WebClient. It's really amazing how small it is though.)
> >>
> >>
> >> 2. These packages are huge
> >>
> >> The current version of the XML-Parser in Trunk has the following stats:
> >>
> >> classes: 26
> >> methods: 379
> >> linesOfCode: 2069
> >>
> >> It's obviously incomplete though.
> >> The proposed packages have the following stats:
> >>
> >> classes: 758 (21.5% of all classes in the Trunk including the XML packages)
> >> methods: 10129 (14%)
> >> linesOfCode: 73897 (13.7%)
> >>
> >> That's 25x-35x more than the current implementation.
> >> When the packages are loaded in the current Trunk image, they take up
> >> 21.5%, 14%, 13.7% of all classes, methods, linesOfCode, respectively.
> >> One could say that the extensive tests are responsible for the bloat, but
> >> no, it's probably related to the complexity of XML. Without tests, the
> >> numbers are:
> >>
> >> classes: 512 (15.6%)
> >> methods: 6744 (9.8%)
> >> linesOfCode: 32886 (6.6%)
> >>
> >> I don't think XML is important enough in general to justify those numbers.
> >>
> >>
> >> 3. The code is not backwards compatible
> >>
> >> The code is not a drop-in replacement. The interface is different. Code
> >> using the current package would have to be migrated.
> >>
> >>
> >> 4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
> >> confusion
> >>
> >> The code uses various collections similar to those in the Trunk but not
> >> compatible with them and not in the same class hierarchy:
> >>
> >> BitmapCharcterSet - An independent character set implementation. Not a
> >> subclass of CharacterSet.
> >>
> >> StandardOrderedDictioanry (and its 5 subclasses) - An alternative to
> >> OrderedDictionary implementation. A subclass of Collection, so not part of
> >> the HashedCollection hierarchy (for good reasons).
> >>
> >> If these were part of the Trunk, one could be wondering which one to use:
> >> OrderedDictionary or OrderPreservingDictionary? What's the difference?
> >> Maybe StandardOrderedDictionary?
> >>
> >> 5. Some undeclared variables
> >>
> >> The code is written with compatibility in mind, so it supports Pharo and
> >> Squeak. Even if you use Squeak, code related to Zinc, Pharo's HTTP library
> >> will still be loaded directly referencing Zinc's classes.
> >>
> >>
> >> Without going any deeper, I think the best would be to not include these
> >> packages in the Trunk.
> >> I'd go even further: I would remove the current XML-Parser as well but
> >> provide an easy way to load either version. That way the image would be
> >> smaller, simpler.
> >> If we had the CI infrastructure (we probably have, but I'm not sure), we
> >> could even test whether these packages work as expected, and treat them
> >> as official external packages.
> >>
> >> There's currently one method that depends on the XML-Parser package in
> >> Trunk: SugarLauncher >> #gconfPropertiesAt:.
> >> It uses the current XML-Parser API, so even if we decide to include the
> >> more complete XML implementation in Trunk, we will still have to change
> >> it to make it work.
> >>
> >>
> >> Levente
> >>
> >> On Mon, 5 Oct 2020, Eliot Miranda wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hi All,
> >> >
> >> > votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?
> >> >
> >> > +1
> >> >
> >> > _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
> >> >
> >> >> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Installing the (head)s of:
> >> >> XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
> >> >> XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
> >> >> XMLParser-StAX
> >> >> XMLParser-HTML
> >> >> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
> >> >>
> >> >> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
> >> >>
> >> >> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
> >> >> ___
> >> >>
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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Squeak - Dev mailing list
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi

Hi Levente,

thanks for doing that analysis.

The work on decoupling XTreams from the XML makes little sense then.

"Just accept" the conflict on a per-project basis and devote time to more important projects.

let me know if you disagree.



---- On Mon, 05 Oct 2020 15:51:13 -0400 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote ----


After a bit of analysis, I came to the conclusion that it would be a bad
idea to include those packages in the Trunk. Why?

1. There are more important things than XML
2. These packages are huge
3. The code is not backwards compatible
4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause
5. Some undeclared variables


1. There are more important things than XML

I think there's not much to say here. Among the serialization formats,
JSON, YAML are far more popular than XML nowadays. Yet, we have neither
supported in the Trunk (apart from a minimal hence incomplete JSON
implementation in WebClient. It's really amazing how small it is though.)

2. These packages are huge

The current version of the XML-Parser in Trunk has the following stats:

classes: 26
methods: 379
linesOfCode: 2069

It's obviously incomplete though.
The proposed packages have the following stats:

classes: 758 (21.5% of all classes in the Trunk including the XML packages)
methods: 10129 (14%)
linesOfCode: 73897 (13.7%)

That's 25x-35x more than the current implementation.
When the packages are loaded in the current Trunk image, they take up
21.5%, 14%, 13.7% of all classes, methods, linesOfCode, respectively.
One could say that the extensive tests are responsible for the bloat, but
no, it's probably related to the complexity of XML. Without tests, the
numbers are:

classes: 512 (15.6%)
methods: 6744 (9.8%)
linesOfCode: 32886 (6.6%)

I don't think XML is important enough in general to justify those numbers.

3. The code is not backwards compatible

The code is not a drop-in replacement. The interface is different. Code
using the current package would have to be migrated.

4. It would introduce parallel collection hierarchies which would cause

The code uses various collections similar to those in the Trunk but not
compatible with them and not in the same class hierarchy:

BitmapCharcterSet - An independent character set implementation. Not a
subclass of CharacterSet.

StandardOrderedDictioanry (and its 5 subclasses) - An alternative to
OrderedDictionary implementation. A subclass of Collection, so not part of
the HashedCollection hierarchy (for good reasons).

If these were part of the Trunk, one could be wondering which one to use:
OrderedDictionary or OrderPreservingDictionary? What's the difference?
Maybe StandardOrderedDictionary?

5. Some undeclared variables

The code is written with compatibility in mind, so it supports Pharo and
Squeak. Even if you use Squeak, code related to Zinc, Pharo's HTTP library
will still be loaded directly referencing Zinc's classes.

Without going any deeper, I think the best would be to not include these
packages in the Trunk.
I'd go even further: I would remove the current XML-Parser as well but
provide an easy way to load either version. That way the image would be
smaller, simpler.
If we had the CI infrastructure (we probably have, but I'm not sure), we
could even test whether these packages work as expected, and treat them
as official external packages.

There's currently one method that depends on the XML-Parser package in
Trunk: SugarLauncher >> #gconfPropertiesAt:.
It uses the current XML-Parser API, so even if we decide to include the
more complete XML implementation in Trunk, we will still have to change
it to make it work.


On Mon, 5 Oct 2020, Eliot Miranda wrote:

> Hi All,
> votes for & against inclusion of Monty’s XML in trunk/6 beta?
> +1
> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>> On Oct 4, 2020, at 12:44 PM, monty <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Installing the (head)s of:
>> XMLParser (which loads "XMLWriter" too)
>> XMLParser-XPath (be careful not to install the old, unfinished "XPath" project)
>> XMLParser-StAX
>> XMLParser-HTML
>> from the SqueakMap works fine; all the tests still pass. XMLParser installation still pops up a warning you have to click through b/c of a conflict with the old XMLParser in the image, but it's fine other than that.
>> Supposedly there are conflicts with XStreams, but I have nothing to do with that.
>> An aside: some tests are skipped by default because they rely on external resources, like the file system or HTTP, which makes it easier to distinguish real regressions from something like a network outage. The skipping is more obvious on Pharo because their TestCase has a #skip message that the TestRunner UI supports. On Squeak these tests just silently pass. To run them, send XMLSkippableTest #stopSkippingAll. Unfortunately b/c of the W3C rate limiting, the tests using xhtml DTDs timeout if you run them more than once. You could say they should be cached (the default resolver does just that), but the purpose of these tests is to test real HTTP retrieval, so that defeats the purpose.
>> ___

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Re: The XML libraries run fine on Squeak 6 alpha

Eliot Miranda-2
In reply to this post by monty-3
Hi All,

> On Oct 5, 2020, at 5:01 PM, monty <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I believe I suggested the same thing you did (just removing the old parser from the image, which would remove the warning during SM installation).

Cool, there seems to be consensus fir removing.  Thinking about implementing this I thought off the top of my head that having a postscript in a suitable package, Installer UpdateStream etc, that asked the used dud they want the package unloaded, would work.  Am I right to think that if and when we remove the package from the update map nothing will happen other than the package will no longer be subject to automatic updates?

> The undeclared global var refs to Zinc classes were mistakenly left in during development (done on Pharo), and will be made indirect like other Zn class refs. (The offending methods are in classes that aren't used unless Zinc is installed, which is why they don't cause any Squeak test failures.)
> ___