There are now Sunit tests for unimplemented calls

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There are now Sunit tests for unimplemented calls

Jerome Peace
Hi all,

Checking for unimplemented calls is a good way to catch bugs.

Often times they point to simple spelling errors or lost punctuation.

The sq 9787 image has 198 of them. Down from 205 thanks to the nice efforts of Nicolas.

I've completed (for now) my work on them. There are tests to find them and fixes to eliminate a handful of them.

As an MC luddite, I need to find some help getting them from change sets and goodies into the image. But it should help improve the overall quality of what gets commited.

See: Mantis
7483: [tests] [fixes] Tests and fixes for unimplemented calls updated for sq 9787

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace, Fearless bug tracker