There are still some problem with #become: in Cog

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There are still some problem with #become: in Cog

Igor Stasenko
Segmentation fault Tue May 24 01:46:20 2011

C stack backtrace:
0   CogVM                               0x00082e09 reportStackState + 121^@
1   CogVM                               0x0008304b sigsegv + 123^@
2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9514246b _sigtramp + 43^@
3   ???                                 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295^@
4   CogVM                               0x0004076c
becomewithtwoWaycopyHash + 3436^@
5   CogVM                               0x00040eb5
primitiveArrayBecomeOneWay + 37^@
6   ???                                 0x1c1eaf39 0x0 + 471772985^@
7   CogVM                               0x00074674
initStackPagesAndInterpret + 564^@
8   CogVM                               0x00088aa3 EventLoopEventHandler + 147^@
9   HIToolbox                           0x92cc8ecf
+ 1567^@
10  HIToolbox                           0x92cc8196
+ 411^@
11  HIToolbox                           0x92cc7ff5
SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 58^@
12  HIToolbox                           0x92cfcc18
+ 3006^@
13  HIToolbox                           0x92cc9320
+ 2672^@
14  HIToolbox                           0x92cc8196
+ 411^@
15  HIToolbox                           0x92ceaa07 SendEventToEventTarget + 52^@
16  HIToolbox                           0x92e73d2b ToolboxEventDispatcher + 86^@
17  HIToolbox                           0x92e73e63
RunApplicationEventLoop + 243^@
18  CogVM                               0x0008828f
RunApplicationEventLoopWithSqueak + 239^@
19  CogVM                               0x000840ce main + 3838^@
20  CogVM                               0x000063d5 start + 53^@
21  ???                                 0x00000002 0x0 + 2^@

Smalltalk stack dump:
0xbff6466c M CompiledMethod(Object)>becomeForward: 492642732: a(n)
0xbff64690 M CompiledMethod>setSourcePointer: 492642732: a(n) CompiledMethod
0xbff646ac M CompiledMethod>setSourcePosition:inFile: 492642732: a(n)
0xbff646d4 M CompiledMethod>putSource:fromParseNode:inFile:withPreamble:
492642732: a(n) CompiledMethod
0xbff6470c I Trait(TraitBehavior)>addTraitSelector:withMethod:
492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff64740 I [] in
Trait(TraitBehavior)>updateMethodDictionarySelector: 492596428: a(n)
0xbff64760 M OrderedCollection>do: 492621684: a(n) OrderedCollection
0xbff6478c I Trait(TraitBehavior)>updateMethodDictionarySelector:
492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff647b8 I [] in Trait(TraitBehavior)>noteChangedSelectors:
492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff647d8 M [] in IdentitySet(Set)>do: 492617636: a(n) IdentitySet
0xbff647fc M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 492620720: a(n) Array
0xbff64818 M IdentitySet(Set)>do: 492617636: a(n) IdentitySet
0xbff64840 I Trait(TraitBehavior)>noteChangedSelectors: 492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff64868 I Trait(TraitBehavior)>applyChangesOfNewTraitCompositionReplacing:
492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff64890 I Trait(TraitDescription)>applyChangesOfNewTraitCompositionReplacing:
492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff648b8 I Trait>applyChangesOfNewTraitCompositionReplacing:
492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff648e0 I Trait(TraitBehavior)>setTraitComposition: 492596428: a(n) Trait
0xbff64910 I Trait class>named:uses:category:env: 473441580: a(n) Trait class
0xbff64944 I Trait class>named:uses:category: 473441580: a(n) Trait class
0xbff64974 I TraitCompositionTest(TraitsTestCase)>createTraitNamed:uses:
489548004: a(n) TraitCompositionTest
0xbff6499c M TraitCompositionTest>testProvidedMethodBindingsWithConflicts
489548004: a(n) TraitCompositionTest
0xbff649b4 M TraitCompositionTest(TestCase)>performTest 489548004:
a(n) TraitCompositionTest
0xbff649cc M [] in TraitCompositionTest(TestCase)>runCase 489548004:
a(n) TraitCompositionTest

With traits there could be some caveats, since they are manipulating
with classes and methods..
and so.. it could be that they could install
a method, which not belongs to the class, or something else.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.