On 21-Feb-06, at 4:42 PM, Yanni Chiu wrote:
> Do your objects redefine #hash?
> What kind of database are you retrieving your objects from?
The Objects are stored in a MySQL database. I wrote a library called
IOSPersistent (
http://squeaksource.com/IOSPersistent.html ) that
examimines the object a , creates the tables , saves/updates, and
restores object automatically. Currently it's MySQL specific but I
would like to change that in the future (if anyone would like to do
this have at it!) .
When the objects are fetched from the database they are put into the
cache. The cache consists of two parts. A connection cache (A
dictionary with the Index being the oid) and a WeakSet that contains
references to all connection caches on that database.
The error usually (I can't remember it happening anywhere else) is
thrown on the connection cache dictionary.
This problem only occurs in a Live image adding to the problems I am
having with debugging it. Running the image somewhere else is also a
problem because the application relies heavaly on external (out side
the image) resources.
> Does restoring one of these stored objects interfere with
> the hashing strategy of Set?
> HTH.
> --
> Yanni Chiu