Tidepool, a programmable game world for kids

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Tidepool, a programmable game world for kids

Timothy Falconer-2

Hi everyone,

We just released the second alpha version of Tidepool, our own attempt to make something new from what we learned over the years from Etoys, Scratch, Logo, and Sugar.

To see Tidepool in action, or to get notified when we open things up to more testers, go here:


If you’re interested in joining the discussion as I design a new programming model for kids, chime in on TIGSource:


Also, if any of you are attending ISTE in Philadelphia this June, I’d love to say hi!  Feel free to email or call me anytime.

Take care,


Timothy Falconer
Waveplace Foundation
<a href="tel:%2B%201%20610%20797%203100%20x33" value="+16107973100" target="_blank">+ 1 610 797 3100 x33
Skype: teefal

Twitter: http://twitter.com/teefal   
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/teefal

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