Tour of Uruguay / Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguya

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Tour of Uruguay / Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguya

Carlos Rabassa
Respondo a la reciente solicitud de ideas para proyectos relacionados con la pr?xima Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay:
S042 - Entendiendo la Bicicleta

May I answer the recent request for ideas for projects related to the forthcoming Tour of Uruguay.
E042 - Understanding the Bicycle

Carlos Rabassa
Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
Montevideo, Uruguay

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Tour of Uruguay / Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguya

Carlos Rabassa wrote:

> May I answer the recent request for ideas for projects related to the
> forthcoming Tour of Uruguay.
> E042 - Understanding the Bicycle

Great projects.

I think 2 3 and 4 have straightforward answers from high school physics.

But the first project is very interesting but is much more difficult
and controversial. It may be sufficient to have tested some
hypotheses, without confidently discovering  "the correct

It could be a lesson in critical reading of scientific literature.

I think some links on this BBC page may help: