The BlueBook page 582 shows the layout of a BlockContext. Note that the MethodContext has an area labeled 'other temporaries' and the BlockContext does not.
I have modified Eliot's "push n first' factorial copy example as such:
| factorial n |
thisContext inspect.
factorial := [:factorialArgument |
n := factorialArgument.
n = 1
Transcript show: (n asString), '->', thisContext identityHash asString;cr.
thisContext inspect.
Transcript show: (n asString), '->', thisContext identityHash asString;cr.
thisContext inspect.
n * (factorial copy value: n-1)]].
(3 to: 5) collect: factorial copy.
What I am trying to verify (and I think it is true, but I want to run it by you) is that in the BlockContext section of the CompiledMethod, there are several pushTemps.
70 <C8> send: blockCopy:
71 <A4 36> jumpTo: 127
73 <6A> popIntoTemp: 2
74 <12> pushTemp: 2
75 <69> popIntoTemp: 1
76 <11> pushTemp: 1
77 <76> pushConstant: 1
78 <B6> send: =
79 <AC 14> jumpFalse: 101
81 <41> pushLit: Transcript
82 <88> dup
83 <11> pushTemp: 1
84 <D4> send: asString
85 <25> pushConstant: '->'
86 <E3> send: ,
87 <89> pushThisContext:
88 <D6> send: identityHash
89 <D4> send: asString
90 <E3> send: ,
91 <E2> send: show:
92 <87> pop
93 <D7> send: cr
94 <87> pop
95 <89> pushThisContext:
96 <D0> send: inspect
97 <87> pop
98 <76> pushConstant: 1
99 <A4 19> jumpTo: 126
101 <41> pushLit: Transcript
102 <88> dup
103 <11> pushTemp: 1
104 <D4> send: asString
105 <25> pushConstant: '->'
106 <E3> send: ,
107 <89> pushThisContext:
108 <D6> send: identityHash
109 <D4> send: asString
110 <E3> send: ,
111 <E2> send: show:
112 <87> pop
113 <D7> send: cr
114 <87> pop
115 <89> pushThisContext:
116 <D0> send: inspect
117 <87> pop
118 <11> pushTemp: 1
119 <10> pushTemp: 0
120 <D8> send: copy
121 <11> pushTemp: 1
122 <76> pushConstant: 1
123 <B1> send: -
124 <CA> send: value:
125 <B8> send: *
126 <7D> blockReturn
My assumption is, that as the BlockContexts switch in and out, these pushTemps are referencing the 'other temporaries' on the MethodContext, even though we are operating within a BlockContext.
Yes or No appreciated.
thx for your time.
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