TraitOrganizer seems oddly empty

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TraitOrganizer seems oddly empty

Frank Shearar-3
I'm playing around with traits, making a field (the abstract algebra
kind) by glomming together two groups. A TGroup defines #*, #identity
and #inverse. Obviously one has to resolve name clashes, and a
TraitAlias is just the thing:

Trait named: #TField
    uses: TGroup @ {#identity->#zero. #* -> #+. #inverse->#negated} +
        TGroup @ {#identity->#one. #inverse->#reciprocal}
category: 'Group-Theory'.

Great. Except that I'd expected to see stubs for the aliased methods, like

    self requirement.

(I'd also expect, if one altered the alias, to see the stub vanish and
be replaced by a stub on the new name.)

Because of the lack of stubs, TField organization allMethodSelectors
is much emptier than I'd like.

Am I being unreasonable?
