Trouble updating a Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image

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Trouble updating a Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image

Chris Muller-3
I seem to no longer be able to trivially catch up to the latest trunk
images from a Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image.  Maybe its just a
load-order problem, I'm not sure..

First, there I encounter an issue with "Please check the size of the
special objects array."  So, I exited (without saving), restarted,
Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image, and updated the "System" package, which
rebuilds that Array to the new size of 56.

However, an attempt to then update at that point results in a "Method
is already compact" type of error..

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Re: Trouble updating a Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image

Nicolas Cellier
2010/6/13 Chris Muller <[hidden email]>:

> I seem to no longer be able to trivially catch up to the latest trunk
> images from a Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image.  Maybe its just a
> load-order problem, I'm not sure..
> First, there I encounter an issue with "Please check the size of the
> special objects array."  So, I exited (without saving), restarted,
> Squeak4.2-10160-alpha image, and updated the "System" package, which
> rebuilds that Array to the new size of 56.
> However, an attempt to then update at that point results in a "Method
> is already compact" type of error..

I encountered the same halt: and simply proceed
