Ok, yea. I see that. At some point Alice has to go down the rabbit hole.
The depiction of events in Smalltalk has to stop making sense at some
point. So, #dispatchOn:in: ceases to refer to things on this level of
For the second question, I think I've been having a problem grokking
what ObjectMemory is. What's the depiction of memory between regular
objects as I see them in a browser and the RAM? Hmmm... that'd be
ObjectMemory itself.
MicroSqueakImageBuilder creates a ByteArray. That gets pulled into
ObjectMemory>>#memory. And the #specialObjectsOop gets pulled in from
the same ByteArray. (Well, it's a binary at this point.)
In the same way that MicroSqueakImageBuilder saved a ByteArray and it
became a fresh, new image. After we've changed the state of the image,
and we Snapshot&Quit, I guess the contents of Object>>#memory get filed
into that same image with altered state.
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