On 31.01.2011, at 16:25, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Görge Albrecht wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when updating to the latest Trunk (10949) and saving the image, typing german umlauts (äöüßÄÖÜ) into the Workspace leads to wrong characters being displayed. When only updating and not saving the image it works fine.
>> I updated from 10910.
>> Does anyone see the same behavior?
> I can enter the following characters on windows using 10949: äë.öüÄË.ÖÜ (that's aieouAEIOU with umlauts).
Happens on Mac when using a Cog VM. MacUnicodeInputInterpreter relies on extracting version info from "Smalltalk vmVersion". But Cog VMs follow a different version scheme. Interpreter VMs are fine.
IMHO the version check is unnecessary nowadays since all closure-aware Mac VMs populate the utf32 field in keyboard events.
Fixed in Multilingual-bf.136. Thanks for reporting, Görge!
- Bert -