Unable to load older my.prefs file

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Unable to load older my.prefs file

In a latest trunk image, fully updated, I tried to 'load from disk’ my older preferences. It fails because in DiskProxy>comeFullyUpOnReload: the code does

        globalObj := Smalltalk at: symbol ifAbsent: [
                preSelector == nil & (constructorSelector = #yourself) ifTrue: [
                        Transcript cr; show: symbol, ' is undeclared.'.
                        (Undeclared includesKey: symbol) ifTrue: [^ Undeclared at: symbol].
                        Undeclared at: symbol put: nil.
                        ^ nil].
                ^ self error: 'Global "', symbol, '" not found'].
The symbol is #Context

Saving a new preferences file and reloading seems to work. I’ve no idea where the #Context comes from and pretty much any attempt to look through the stack starts firing off annoying notifiers because the ‘aDataStream’ parameter in the IdentityDictionary>readDataFrom:size: is nil by this point.
Is this crucially important? Probably not but it will annoy anyone with a preferences file.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Science is imagination equipped with grappling hooks.

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Re: Unable to load older my.prefs file

Chris Muller-3
I have no problem loading my preferences.  If you're able to resave a
new prefs file and load that, maybe your prefs file was just old..?

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 2:58 PM, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:

> In a latest trunk image, fully updated, I tried to 'load from disk’ my older preferences. It fails because in DiskProxy>comeFullyUpOnReload: the code does
>         globalObj := Smalltalk at: symbol ifAbsent: [
>                 preSelector == nil & (constructorSelector = #yourself) ifTrue: [
>                         Transcript cr; show: symbol, ' is undeclared.'.
>                         (Undeclared includesKey: symbol) ifTrue: [^ Undeclared at: symbol].
>                         Undeclared at: symbol put: nil.
>                         ^ nil].
>                 ^ self error: 'Global "', symbol, '" not found'].
> The symbol is #Context
> Saving a new preferences file and reloading seems to work. I’ve no idea where the #Context comes from and pretty much any attempt to look through the stack starts firing off annoying notifiers because the ‘aDataStream’ parameter in the IdentityDictionary>readDataFrom:size: is nil by this point.
> Is this crucially important? Probably not but it will annoy anyone with a preferences file.
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
> Science is imagination equipped with grappling hooks.

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Re: Unable to load older my.prefs file


On 06-07-2015, at 2:44 PM, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I have no problem loading my preferences.  If you're able to resave a
> new prefs file and load that, maybe your prefs file was just old..?

It’s possible, though the file in question is dated mid-april this year. I don’t actually interact much with the preferences since I’m either doing vm hacking and an image gets run for a short while to crash or not, or doing Scratch work and the prefs get set once and then left alone.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Fractured Idiom:- FUI GENERIS - What's mine is mine

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Re: Unable to load older my.prefs file

Eliot Miranda-2
In reply to this post by timrowledge
Hi Tim,

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 12:58 PM, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
In a latest trunk image, fully updated, I tried to 'load from disk’ my older preferences. It fails because in DiskProxy>comeFullyUpOnReload: the code does

        globalObj := Smalltalk at: symbol ifAbsent: [
                preSelector == nil & (constructorSelector = #yourself) ifTrue: [
                        Transcript cr; show: symbol, ' is undeclared.'.
                        (Undeclared includesKey: symbol) ifTrue: [^ Undeclared at: symbol].
                        Undeclared at: symbol put: nil.
                        ^ nil].
                ^ self error: 'Global "', symbol, '" not found'].
The symbol is #Context

Is there any way a Pharo preferences file could have muddied the waters? Pharo refactored ContextPart and MethodContext to Context recently.  But Squeak is still using the ContextPart/MethodContext names, and while BlockCOntext remains, it isn't used. 

Saving a new preferences file and reloading seems to work. I’ve no idea where the #Context comes from and pretty much any attempt to look through the stack starts firing off annoying notifiers because the ‘aDataStream’ parameter in the IdentityDictionary>readDataFrom:size: is nil by this point.
Is this crucially important? Probably not but it will annoy anyone with a preferences file.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Science is imagination equipped with grappling hooks.


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Re: Unable to load older my.prefs file


On 06-07-2015, at 8:10 PM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Is there any way a Pharo preferences file could have muddied the waters? Pharo refactored ContextPart and MethodContext to Context recently.  But Squeak is still using the ContextPart/MethodContext names, and while BlockCOntext remains, it isn't used.
It’s not completely impossible, but somewhat unlikely. But the explanation makes sense, so...

tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.