Unix Locale plugin problem. Solved :)

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Unix Locale plugin problem. Solved :)

Igor Stasenko

today i checked if i can fix an issue #1  (Locale not working on unix)

and found that the reason why it not works, because LocalePlugin
simply missing from build!!!


Smalltalk listBuiltinModules select: [:each | each beginsWith: 'Locale' ] #()

So, i missed it in CMake as well, since originally, when i was
creating CMakeVMMaker,
i taken the list of default plugins from plugins.int file, which is
default one which use by makefiles
produced by Eliot.

cat unixbuild/bld/plugins.int  | grep Local
sig@lokernaere: ~/projects/cog/sig-cog $

I added LocalePlugin to unix builds and it works ok. See details on

(The latest builds on Hudson should have it fixed..
Smalltalk listBuiltinModules detect: [:each | each beginsWith:
'Locale' ] 'LocalePlugin VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.95 (i)'

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.