Unix VM file locking?

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Unix VM file locking?

Hi -

Had a fun morning this morning with some customer trouble which was
partly caused by the Unix VM not using write locks. E.g., the Unix VM
will happily do things like:

f1 := FileStream newFileNamed: 'foo.bar'.
f1 nextPutAll: 'Hello World'.
f2 := FileStream oldFileNamed: 'foo.bar'.
f2 nextPutAll: 'Oh, noes'.

etc. Is there an easy way to patch the Unix file code to avoid this,
e.g., behave like Windows in such that it would disallow opening the
same file for multiple writes?

   - Andreas
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Re: Unix VM file locking?

David T. Lewis
On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 05:12:39PM -0800, Andreas Raab wrote:

> Colin Putney wrote:
> >
> >On 25-Jan-08, at 10:38 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:
> >
> >>etc. Is there an easy way to patch the Unix file code to avoid this,
> >>e.g., behave like Windows in such that it would disallow opening the
> >>same file for multiple writes?
> >
> >I've been bitten by this as well, but in reverse. Code that works great
> >on Unix is totally broken on Windows because you can't open the same
> >file for writing twice.
> Easy to change. In sqWin32FilePrims.c function sqFileOpen() modify:
>   h = CreateFileW(win32Path,
>       "... etc ..."
> to read:
>   h = CreateFileW(win32Path,
>       "... etc ..."
> So what's the equivalent change for Unix?

The Unix VM is opening the file with fopen(), which does not provide
such a control. However, you could use open() to open a file descriptor
with the O_EXCL and O_CREAT flags, then pass that file descriptor to
fdopen() to get the (FILE *) handle. I have not tested this, but I
think it would do what you are looking for here.


p.s. The Windows VM uses lower level HANDLE rather than the (FILE *)
used on other VMs. It would be interesting to know which approach
produces the best overall Squeak performance for applications that
do significant file I/O.