Updated trunk image (Squeak4.2-10160-alpha.zip)

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Updated trunk image (Squeak4.2-10160-alpha.zip)

Folks -

Per Goran's reminder, I just uploaded a current trunk image to


As you can see I've bumped the version to 4.2alpha to indicate the new
status. The list of changes is included below.

   - Andreas

(for the full history refer to the "What's new" section in the image)

[------------------------- updated 05/24/10 ---------------------------]

Several edge cases in the compiler have been fixed evolving around
handling of certain accesses to temps and global variables. The number
of arguments in an FFI spec is now validated against the number of
arguments to that method.

HelpSystem has been added to the core image to provide a light-weight
framework for improved documentation. It can be accessed via Help>>Help
Browser. Various bits of documentation, including how to load some
important packages, has been added.

All test cases now have an associated timeout after which the test is
considered failed. The purpose of the timeout is to catch issues like
infinite loops, unexpected user input etc. in automated test
environments. Timeouts can be set on an individual test basis using the
<timeout: seconds> tag or for an entire test case by implementing the
#defaultTimeout method.

Reading PNG images has been significantly sped up for some common cases.
The improvements are in 50-200x range and heavily affect interactive
uses of such files.