User Images Links on Announcement

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User Images Links on Announcement

Brad Fuller

The Squeak WebTeam is providing a place to describe and access commonly
used images created by users. If you have an image that you believe
others would like to use (a good example is the v3.9 developers image),
please let us know and we will include the description and link location
on the "download" page of the web site.

We are also offering to store your image on the site, but
it is not mandatory (you can keep your own location to save
space and WebTeam labor.)

If you would like to donate your image, return the following information
to: [hidden email]

Image Name:  <The name that represents the image>

Creator: <Who developed the image>

Description of Image: <Include the contents of the image, how it might
be used, who would benefit from it's use, etc.>

Image Base: <the version used to create this image, e.g. 3.8-6665>

Image Filename: <the name of the image>
Image full URL:  <The full path to the latest .image file or directory.
Or state if you'd like the WebTeam to host your image - you'll need to
provide a location from which we can ftp the file(s))

Squeak WebTeam
Announcements and News from the Squeak Community
[hidden email]