UserManager class missing in Pharo 5

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UserManager class missing in Pharo 5

The UserManager class has disappeared in Pharo 5.

I was using it as a convenient way to restrict what a user can do with a delivered application:

UserManager currentUser permissions isRoot: false.

Is the class gone for good? Is there a equivalent in Pharo 5?
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Re: UserManager class missing in Pharo 5

We removed it because it was a plague.
The design was totally wrong a huge global variable with everybody
refering to it.
This was exactly the same bad design as the one of the Preferences
singleton facade that we replaced
by the great Settings design.

Did you read the chapter on Settings? Do you understand its design?
Each component defines its own setting and provide a way to change them.
The flow is local to the component.
Then via introspection a tool the setting browser can collect metadata
on setting and
let the user change them.

So we get a modular and layered architecture.
Settings can be applied on minimal image without any problem
we can have a kernel without settings or with.

Because we would like to do the same for permissions.
In a nutshell:
     Every tools or application should define it permission
     And provide a way to change them.

Tell me if you need more explanation.
Now it will not be for Pharo 50.


/16 14:28, kmo a écrit :

> The UserManager class has disappeared in Pharo 5.
> I was using it as a convenient way to restrict what a user can do with a
> delivered application:
> UserManager currentUser permissions isRoot: false.
> Is the class gone for good? Is there a equivalent in Pharo 5?
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

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Re: UserManager class missing in Pharo 5

I'm sure the new permissions design will be great. Pharo moves on. I'll rewrite my start up script not to use UserManager. It's not a big deal.