Using SqueakSSL with Seaside

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Using SqueakSSL with Seaside

Hi -

For those folks interesting in using SSL with Seaside directly instead
of either stunneling or using mod_ssl, I've posted a quick tutorial for
using SqueakSSL and Seaside:

   - Andreas

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Re: Using SqueakSSL with Seaside

David T. Lewis
On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 10:43:51PM -0700, Andreas Raab wrote:
> Hi -
> For those folks interesting in using SSL with Seaside directly instead
> of either stunneling or using mod_ssl, I've posted a quick tutorial for
> using SqueakSSL and Seaside:


Thanks, this is very clear and well written. You should consider doing
a book some time when you run out of other things to keep you busy ;)

In my day job, I deal with IT people ("Information Technology", the
current buzzword), and occasionally hear the assertion that "developers
don't like to document things". This seems to be a widely held belief,
as the statement usually goes unchallenged.

There are exceptions to every rule, but my experience with Squeak
leads to the opposite conclusion. The best and most talented developers
tend to be good writers, who enjoy and take pride in communicating
their ideas clearly. Good writing seems to correlate with clear
thinking and good software.

In a commercial (I hesitate to say "professional") environment,
I assume that someone who cannot or will not document their work
is likely to be doing shoddy work. This is occasionally unfair,
but usually not.


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Blogging (Re: [squeak-dev] Using SqueakSSL with Seaside)

On 8/7/2010 7:23 AM, David T. Lewis wrote:
> Thanks, this is very clear and well written. You should consider doing
> a book some time when you run out of other things to keep you busy ;)

Thanks, but no thanks :-) I'll say though that the blog format really
works for me. The structure of a blog being a stream instead of a graph
makes it a lot easier to just dump a brainful of stuff. It also works
well for my compulsive writing style - I would never spend more than an
hour writing so being able to quickly dump this in a reasonable format
is critical for me. And it's valuable both in the technical as well as
in the marketing sense - Wiki pages don't get aggregated, Blog posts do.
So people see that stuff is going on with Squeak. Case in point:

I can only encourage others to blog about their work with, on, and in
Squeak. It's good for the community.

   - Andreas

> <OT>
> In my day job, I deal with IT people ("Information Technology", the
> current buzzword), and occasionally hear the assertion that "developers
> don't like to document things". This seems to be a widely held belief,
> as the statement usually goes unchallenged.
> There are exceptions to every rule, but my experience with Squeak
> leads to the opposite conclusion. The best and most talented developers
> tend to be good writers, who enjoy and take pride in communicating
> their ideas clearly. Good writing seems to correlate with clear
> thinking and good software.
> In a commercial (I hesitate to say "professional") environment,
> I assume that someone who cannot or will not document their work
> is likely to be doing shoddy work. This is occasionally unfair,
> but usually not.
> </OT>
> Dave

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RE: Blogging (Re: [squeak-dev] Using SqueakSSL with Seaside)

Ken Causey-3
Andreas spake,
> I can only encourage others to blog about their work with, on, and in
> Squeak. It's good for the community.
> Cheers,
>    - Andreas

On this note, I've just noticed that we don't link to Planet Squeak on
the front page of, it seems to me that
deserves to be in the Links box.


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Re: Blogging (Re: Using SqueakSSL with Seaside)

Simon Michael
In reply to this post by Andreas.Raab
On 8/7/10 1:01 PM, Andreas Raab wrote:
> I can only encourage others to blog about their work with, on, and in
> Squeak. It's good for the community.

+1. Also remember to send me blog urls for adding to, and promote that site to people getting
interested in squeak.