Fellow Squeakers,
This must be a difficult one ?
Opposed to previous questions put to the Squeak community/individuals,
This one triggers very few replies.
Having said this, I suspect a few hardcore squeakers are on holiday...
Meanwhile, I have made some progress:
(after getting the Squeak.Net bridge basics working)
With the NET.SDK bin\TlbImp.exe, convert X:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICExx\MSWORD.OLB to MSWORD.DLL. (there are more .OLB files in that directory - for the other MS Office apss...)
copied MSWORD.DLL to my squeak dir, and then:
doc _ nil.
app _ nil.
dotNet := DotNet startNew.
dotNet Assembly loadFrom: 'Word.dll'.
app _ dotNet ApplicationClass new.
It does create a WINWORD.EXE process (according to the Windows task manager).
(it also hangs my squeak every so often - Semaphore>waitTimeoutMSecs:)
As to how to open an actual document, extract the document properties, and convert the document to text or xml... A few more hours needed...
Unless you have some hints for us?