VALS semester of code

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VALS semester of code

Martin Bähr

i am a mentor for FOSSASIA, which is signing up for VALS semester of code:

VALS semester of code is similar to Google summer of code, except that students
work for class credit instead of money.

while discussing potential projects on irc, the suggestion came up that since
squeak and pharo have been participating in the Google summer of code before
through ESUG, you might be interested in the VALS semester of code too.

the only issue is, the signup deadline is on the 13th of january. that is tomorrow!

instructions to join are here:

in short, an email needs to be sent to scott wilson.

his email address can be found on this page:
(scroll down. sorry for the inconvenience, i don't want to republish personal
email addresses without permission)

for FOSSASIA i'll be mentoring a few projects that involve the use of pharo,
and i think it would be nice to see squeak and pharo involved directly with
your own projects as well.

greetings, martin.

eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
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Martin Bähr          working in china

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Re: VALS semester of code

Martin Bähr
Excerpts from Martin Bähr's message of 2015-01-12 04:01:59 +0100:
> i am a mentor for FOSSASIA, which is signing up for VALS semester of code:
> while discussing potential projects on irc, the suggestion came up that since
> squeak and pharo have been participating in the Google summer of code before
> through ESUG, you might be interested in the VALS semester of code too.

I don't know if anyone from ESUG, squeak and pharo orgs have tried to sign up,
but in case they haven't, in the meantime FOSSASIA has been accepted, and since
i am mentoring a few smalltalk projects, i would like to invite squeak and
pharo developers to join me as mentors, and also offer you to mentor your own

my smalltalk projects are here:

Registration for mentors is by invitation, so if you are able to mentor projects
please send me an email with details about projects you would like to mentor.

We only have a short time to register mentors and list projects, so please
reply as soon as you can.

The name of the project
Describe the project
    At a minimum, please include the expected outcome of the project, a potential mentor, the skills and/or languages required to complete the project, and a general "difficulty" level. The project should take about 3 months to complete. Please bear in mind that it's better to start with a smaller project that can be extended if your student proves to be capable rather than have an over-ambitious idea which can't be completed in time.
The url of this project
    This could be for example a link to a bug tracker issue or google doc that describes the project idea.
Some tags to facilitate searching (Delimited by comma i.e. php, javascript, html)

greetings, martin.

eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
chief engineer                                             
pike programmer
foresight developer                  
unix sysadmin
Martin Bähr          working in china