Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of BytecodeSets to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/BytecodeSets.spur-eem.69.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: BytecodeSets.spur-eem.69 Author: eem Time: 19 January 2017, 10:54:11.143861 am UUID: fafd1edb-03a6-444a-a8e1-82079af95fc2 Ancestors: BytecodeSets.spur-eem.68 Decode, but do not define, callLowcodeInlinePrimitive:extA:extB:. Add description of branch If Instance Of alongside branch If Not Instance Of. =============== Diff against BytecodeSets.spur-eem.68 =============== Item was changed: BytecodeEncoder subclass: #EncoderForSistaV1 (excessive size, no diff calculated) Item was changed: ----- Method: InstructionStream>>interpretNext3ByteSistaV1Instruction:for:extA:extB:startPC: (in category '*BytecodeSets-SistaV1-decoding') ----- interpretNext3ByteSistaV1Instruction: bytecode for: client extA: extA extB: extB startPC: startPC "Send to the argument, client, a message that specifies the next instruction. This method handles the three-byte codes. For a table of the bytecode set, see EncoderForSistaV1's class comment." | method byte2 byte3 literal | method := self method. byte2 := method at: pc. byte3 := method at: pc + 1. pc := pc + 2. + + "** 248 (2) 11111000 iiiiiiii mssjjjjj Call Primitive #iiiiiiii + (jjjjj * 256) + m=1 means inlined primitive, no hard return after execution. + ss defines the unsafe operation set used to encode the operations. + (ss = 0 means sista unsafe operations, ss = 01 means lowcode operations, other numbers are not used) + Lowcode inlined primitives may have extensions." - "we search the bytecodes by what we expect to be the static frequency." bytecode = 248 ifTrue: + [| primitiveSetSelector primitiveNumber | + byte3 < 128 ifTrue: + [ "Maybe this should be restricted to the 13 bit primitiveNumber too..." + ^client callPrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 bitShift: 8)]. + primitiveSetSelector := (byte3 bitShift: -5) bitAnd: 3. + primitiveNumber := byte2 + ((byte3 bitAnd: 31) bitShift: 8). + primitiveSetSelector = 0 ifTrue: "Sista inline primitives" - [byte3 >= 128 ifTrue: [^client callInlinePrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 - 128 bitShift: 8)]. + primitiveSetSelector = 1 ifTrue: "Lowcode inline primitives" + [^client callLowcodeInlinePrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 - 128 bitShift: 8) extA: extA extB: extB]. + "fall through to ^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC below"]. + - ^client callPrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 bitShift: 8)]. "* 249 11111001 xxxxxxxx siyyyyyy push Closure Compiled block literal index xxxxxxxx (+ Extend A * 256) numCopied yyyyyy receiverOnStack: s = 1 ignoreOuterContext: i = 1" bytecode = 249 ifTrue: [literal := method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte2 + 1. ^client pushFullClosure: literal numCopied: (byte3 bitAnd: 16r3F)]. bytecode = 250 ifTrue: ["** 250 11111010 eeiiikkk jjjjjjjj Push Closure Num Copied iii (+ExtA//16*8) Num Args kkk (+ ExtA\\16*8) BlockSize jjjjjjjj (+ExtB*256). ee = num extensions" ^client pushClosureCopyNumCopiedValues: ((byte2 bitShift: -3) bitAnd: 7) + (extA // 16 bitShift: 3) numArgs: (byte2 bitAnd: 7) + (extA \\ 16 bitShift: 3) blockSize: byte3 + (extB bitShift: 8)]. bytecode = 251 ifTrue: [^client pushRemoteTemp: byte2 inVectorAt: byte3]. bytecode = 252 ifTrue: [^client storeIntoRemoteTemp: byte2 inVectorAt: byte3]. bytecode = 253 ifTrue: [^client popIntoRemoteTemp: byte2 inVectorAt: byte3]. "** 254 11111110 kkkkkkkk jjjjjjjj branch If Not Instance Of Behavior/Array Of Behavior kkkkkkkk (+ Extend A * 256, where Extend A >= 0) distance jjjjjjjj (+ Extend B * 256, where Extend B >= 0)" bytecode = 254 ifTrue: "The sign bit of extB inverts the operation. Would like to have extB < -128, but this is good enough for now." [extB < 0 ifTrue: [^client branchIfInstanceOf: literal distance: (extB + 128 bitShift: 8) + byte3]. ^client branchIfNotInstanceOf: literal distance: (extB bitShift: 8) + byte3]. ^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC! |
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