VM Maker: CMakeVMMaker-IgorStasenko.116.mcz

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VM Maker: CMakeVMMaker-IgorStasenko.116.mcz

Igor Stasenko uploaded a new version of CMakeVMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CMakeVMMaker-IgorStasenko.116
Author: IgorStasenko
Time: 6 July 2011, 6:05:41 am
UUID: a649372e-b3a4-429b-8239-3453a1199149
Ancestors: CMakeVMMaker-IgorStasenko.115

- added new API in CPlatformConfig to ease building VMs with custom set of plugins.

StackMacOSConfig new
        addExternalPlugins: #( FT2Plugin );
        addInternalPlugins: #( UnixOSProcessPlugin );
        generateSources; generate.
- removed FT2Plugin from default external plugins in mac configs

- added initial support for building OSProcessPlugin on macs.
You should load the VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-eem.30 from
(currently it can be built only as internal one, and not all tests are green)