VM Maker: CMakeVMMaker-MarianoMartinezPeck.101.mcz

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VM Maker: CMakeVMMaker-MarianoMartinezPeck.101.mcz

Mariano Martínez Peck uploaded a new version of CMakeVMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CMakeVMMaker-MarianoMartinezPeck.101
Author: MarianoMartinezPeck
Time: 26 April 2011, 9:05:56 pm
UUID: dbd0f91c-8ff6-450a-9b93-7af3d3aa7dcd
Ancestors: CMakeVMMaker-MarianoMartinezPeck.100

Finally fix the problem with asserts:

For release confs:
 a) turn debugging off  (-DDEBUGVM=0)
 b) suppress assertions (-DNDEBUG)

For debugging debug confs:
 a) turn all debugging on (-DDEBUGVM=1)
 b) enable assertions (omit defining -DNDEBUG)