VM Maker: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.98.mcz

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VM Maker: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.98.mcz

Timothy M uploaded a new version of CMakeVMMakerSqueak to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.98
Author: tty
Time: 6 December 2014, 3:35:32.954 pm
UUID: 6138923d-433c-43f1-8ba4-6a4ceb18cbe6
Ancestors: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.97

Removed Android build tree as it uses specialized generators I do not feel like porting to the CMake template system. If there is massive interest, I will port once the major platforms are in place.

Refactored Mac stack pushing all configureXZYPlugin and ConfigureByTemplateXYZPlugin up to SqueakMacintoshConfig.

Started process of removing the 'generate' methods in favor of the generateByTemplate methods.

CMake build breaks, but that is expected during this major refactoring.

=============== Diff against CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.97 ===============

Item was changed:
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #CMakeVMMakerSqueak!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Android'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-BSD32x86'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Builder'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-CMakeCompositeTemplates'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-CMakeCustomTemplates'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-CMakeTemplates'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Help'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-IA32-Bochs'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-IOS'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Libs'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Linux32ARMv6'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Linux32x86'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Linux64X86-32BitCompatibility'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-LinuxX86-64'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-MacOSPowerPC'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-MacOSX32x86'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-SunOS32x86'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Tests'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-VMPlugins'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Win32x86'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeIfAddDefinitionsElseAddDefinitions>>condition:ifdefinitions:elsedefinitions: (in category 'accessing') -----
  condition: cString ifdefinitions:iString elsedefinitions:eString
  ifdefinitions:= iString.
+ elsedefinitions:=eString.
- elsedefinitions:=eString
  self content:'
  IF(', condition ,')
  add_definitions(', ifdefinitions,')
  ELSE(', condition ,')
  add_definitions(', elsedefinitions,')
  ENDIF(', condition ,')'

Item was removed:
- CMakeTemplate subclass: #CMakePluginInternalTemplate
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- classVariableNames: ''
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'CMakeVMMakerSqueak'!
- !CMakePluginInternalTemplate commentStamp: 'tty 7/11/2014 10:52' prior: 0!
- An Internal Plugin is configured by CMake using the following template:
- MESSAGE ("${@plugin@_definitions}")
- ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DSQUEAK_BUILTIN_PLUGIN=1 ${@plugin@_definitions})
- LINK_DIRECTORIES (${@plugin@_link_directories})
- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${@plugin@_include_directories}
-     ${bld}
-     ${src}/vm
-     ${cross}/vm
-     ${src}/plugins/@plugin@
-     ${unix}/vm
-     ${unix}/plugins/@plugin@
-     ${unix}/@plugin@
-     ${cross}/plugins/@plugin@
- )
- ADD_LIBRARY (@plugin@ STATIC @plugin_sources@)
- Just fill me in and print me out
- !

Item was removed:
- SqueakCMakeVMMakerAbstractBuilder subclass: #SqueakAndroidBuilder
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- classVariableNames: ''
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Builder'!
- !SqueakAndroidBuilder commentStamp: 'tty 6/7/2014 11:23' prior: 0!
- I am a facade.
- I query, and invoke CMakeVMMakerSqueak configurations.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidBuilder>>configurationsCategory (in category 'queries') -----
- configurationsCategory
- ^'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Android'!

Item was removed:
- SqueakUnixConfig subclass: #SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- classVariableNames: ''
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'CMakeVMMakerSqueak-Android'!
- !SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig commentStamp: 'tty 6/25/2014 16:25' prior: 0!
- A class to configure the Event-driven Stack Cog for Android. This configuration does not lead to building an executable; rather it prepares the source tree to be plugged into the jni subdirectory of an Android project.
- Requires AndroidPlugin
- Ported from pharo to squeak.
- tty: a lot of 'build' methods are included in this class in order to let the testing framework work consistently. They are not used.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>availableBuildTypes (in category 'cmake') -----
- availableBuildTypes
- ^SqueakCMakeVMMakerAbstractBuilder  default  noBuildTypes
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>buildDirName (in category 'cmake') -----
- buildDirName
- ^'do not build. see class comment'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>cmakeAddDefinitionsBuild (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- cmakeAddDefinitionsBuild
- "Compiler flags for Android. Leave empty for now"
- ^  {' -DDEBUG=22 '}!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>cogitClass (in category 'source generation') -----
- cogitClass
- ^ StackToRegisterMappingCogit
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>compilerFlagsBuild (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- compilerFlagsBuild
- "Compiler flags for Android. Leave empty for now"
- ^  ' -DDEBUG=22 '!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureFileCopyPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFileCopyPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for DropPlugin"
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqAndroidFileCopyPlugin.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureFilePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFilePlugin: maker
- "extra rules for FilePlugin"
- super configureFilePlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqAndroidFile.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureFloatMathPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFloatMathPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for FloatMathPlugin"
- maker addCrossSources: #(
- 'acos.c' 'acosh.c' 'asin.c' 'asinh.c' 'atan.c' 'atan2.c' 'atanh.c'
- 'copysign.c' 'cos.c' 'cosh.c' 'exp.c' 'expm1.c' 'finite.c' 'fmod.c'
- 'hypot.c' 'isnan.c' 'k_cos.c' 'k_rem_pio2.c' 'k_sin.c' 'k_tan.c' 'ldexp.c'
- 'log.c' 'log10.c' 'log1p.c' 'modf.c' 'pow.c' 'rem_pio2.c' 'rint.c'
- 'scalb.c' 'scalbn.c' 'sin.c' 'sinh.c' 'sqrt.c' 'tan.c' 'tanh.c' ).
- "according to http://www.netlib.org/fdlibm/readme
- it should be compiled with no optimizations"
- maker addDefinitions: '-O0'.
- " compile with -D__LITTLE_ENDIAN
- This macro is set automatically in fdlibm.h when compiled ith -m32 but
- not when compiled with -m64 (Nicolas Cellier)
- "
- self isLittleEndian ifTrue: [
- maker addDefinitions: '-D__LITTLE_ENDIAN=1' ].
- maker addDefinitions: '-DNO_ISNAN'.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureJoystickTabletPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for JoystickTabletPlugin"
- super configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources:
- #( 'sqAndroidJoystickTablet.c' )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureLocalePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureLocalePlugin: maker
- "extra rules for LocalePlugin"
- super configureLocalePlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqAndroidLocale.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureSecurityPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSecurityPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for MIDIPlugin"
- super configureSecurityPlugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqAndroidSecurity.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>configureSocketPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSocketPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SocketPlugin"
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqAndroidSocket.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>coreSources (in category 'source files') -----
- coreSources
- "files to include from src/vm dir"
- ^ #(
- 'gcc3x-interp.c'
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>crossSources (in category 'source files') -----
- crossSources
- ^#(
- 'sqHeapMap.c'
- 'sqNamedPrims.c'
- 'sqVirtualMachine.c'
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>customizeVMPlugins (in category 'plugins') -----
- customizeVMPlugins
- "do nothing"!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>defaultExternalPlugins (in category 'plugins') -----
- defaultExternalPlugins
- ^ #()!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>defaultInternalPlugins (in category 'plugins') -----
- defaultInternalPlugins
- " took from unixbuild/bld/plugins.int"
- ^ #(
- AndroidPlugin
- BitBltSimulation "BitBltPlugin"
- BalloonEnginePlugin "B2DPlugin"
- BMPReadWriterPlugin
- CroquetPlugin
- DSAPlugin "DSAPrims"
- FFTPlugin
- FileCopyPlugin
- FilePlugin
- FloatArrayPlugin
- FloatMathPlugin
- JoystickTabletPlugin
- JPEGReaderPlugin
- LargeIntegersPlugin "LargeIntegers"
- Matrix2x3Plugin
- LocalePlugin
- RePlugin
- SecurityPlugin
- JPEGReadWriter2Plugin
- SocketPlugin
- MiscPrimitivePlugin
- DeflatePlugin  "ZipPlugin"
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>dirBuildLanguageVMMM (in category 'cmake') -----
- dirBuildLanguageVMMM
- "the directory under buildPlatformDir  example: newspeak.cog.spur. use squeak.cog.v3 as default"
- ^self eventStackV3!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>dirBuildPlatform (in category 'cmake') -----
- dirBuildPlatform
- "the directory for the platform. example: build.linux32x86"
- ^self dirAndroid!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>excludeFromBuild (in category 'cmake') -----
- excludeFromBuild
- "over-ride to exclude yourself from a build or not"
- ^true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>executableName (in category 'cmake') -----
- executableName
- ^ self vmStackExecutableName!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>externalPluginsBuild (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- externalPluginsBuild
- ^ externalPlugins ifNil: [ externalPlugins := self defaultExternalPlugins ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>extraVMSettingsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- extraVMSettingsBuild: aMaker
- super extraVMSettingsBuild: aMaker.
- (enabledebugmessages)
- ifTrue:[ templates
- addLast:((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name) , 'extraVMSettingsBuild: aMaker')
- ] .
- self flag: 'tty'. "copied from pharo class. what is this?"
- "
- versionC := 'version.c'.
- aMaker
- puts: '$(buildDir)/',versionC, ':' ;
- puts: ({Character tab}, '$(platformsDir)/android/config/verstamp ', '$(buildDir)/', versionC,' gcc');
- puts: {Character cr};
- puts: ('LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(buildDir)/', versionC);
- puts: {Character cr}.
- .
- "!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>generate (in category 'source generation') -----
- generate
- ^ CMakeAndroidGenerator generate: self
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>internalPluginsBuild (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- internalPluginsBuild
- ^ internalPlugins ifNil: [ internalPlugins := self defaultInternalPlugins ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>interpreterClass (in category 'source generation') -----
- interpreterClass
- "Does not exist in squeak"
- " ^ StackEvtAndroidInterpreter"!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>mkFileList:baseDir: (in category 'utils') -----
- mkFileList: anArray baseDir: aDir
- "answer the concatenated contents of the array interspersed with backslash-newline sequences"
- ^ (anArray collect: [ :s | aDir, s]) inject: '' into: [ :s :n | s , #($\), {Character cr}, n ].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>platformName (in category 'source generation') -----
- platformName
- ^ 'android'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>platformSources (in category 'source files') -----
- platformSources
- "files added from platform/android/vm dir "
- ^ #(
- 'aio.c'
- 'debug.c'
- 'osExports.c'
- 'sqAndroidCharConv.c'
- 'sqAndroidExternalPrims.c'
- 'sqAndroidEvtBeat.c'
- 'sqAndroidEvtMain.c'
- 'sqAndroidMemory.c'
- 'sqAndroidVMProfile.c'
- 'sqAndroidSemaphores.c'
- 'sqAndroidSoundNull.c'
- 'sqAndroidDisplay.c'
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakAndroidStackEvtConfig>>prepareForGeneration (in category 'source generation') -----
- prepareForGeneration
- "force using LF on Macs"
- CrLfFileStream defaultToLF.
- ^ self prepareForStackVMGeneration
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for B3DAcceleratorPlugin"
- super configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker.  
- maker
- includeDirectories: '/usr/X11/include';  "for GL.h"
- addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacOpenGL.c' 'sqMacOpenGLInfo.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureByTemplateB3DAcceleratorPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateB3DAcceleratorPlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "consider portablility of /user/X11/include"
- super configureByTemplateB3DAcceleratorPlugin: aMaker.  
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '/usr/X11/include')); "for GL.h  <--tty. I don't think this is portable. Revisit on refactor"
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new)
- list:'sources'
- elements: (OrderedCollection
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacOpenGL.c'  
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacOpenGLInfo.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: aMaker
- super configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: aMaker.  
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacCroquet.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureCroquetPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureCroquetPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for CroquetPlugin"
- super configureCroquetPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #('sqMacCroquet.c').
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureFFIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFFIPlugin: maker
- super configureFFIPlugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( "'sqMacIntel-Win32.c'"
- 'x86-sysv-MacIntel.c'
- 'x86-sysv-asm-MacIntel.S'
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureFT2Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFT2Plugin: maker
- "extra rules for Freetype plugin.
- a custom rule to build freetype library"
- | lib |
- maker isExternal ifFalse: [
- self error: 'building internal FT2Plugin is not supported yet'  
- ].
- "add freetype library into loop"
- lib := self addThirdpartyLibrary: 'freetype2'.
- "link plugin with freetype lib"
- maker addExternalLibrary: lib targetForLinking.
- maker includeDirectories: lib includeDir.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureInternetConfigPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureInternetConfigPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for InternetConfigPlugin"
- super configureInternetConfigPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacInternetConfiguration.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureJoystickTabletPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for JoystickTabletPlugin"
- super configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources:
- #(
- 'HID_Error_Handler.c'
- 'HID_Name_Lookup.c'
- 'HID_Queue_Utilities.c'
- 'HID_Utilities.c'
- 'sqMacJoystickAndTablet.c'
- )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureLocalePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureLocalePlugin: maker
- "extra rules for LocalePlugin"
- super configureLocalePlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacLocaleCarbon.c' )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureMIDIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureMIDIPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for MIDIPlugin"
- super configureMIDIPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacMIDI.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureMpeg3Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureMpeg3Plugin: maker
- super configureMpeg3Plugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #(
- 'sqMacFileBits.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureObjectiveCPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureObjectiveCPlugin: maker
- maker doNotGenerate: true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureQuicktimePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureQuicktimePlugin: maker
- maker includeDirectories: '${pluginPlatform}'.
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/SurfacePlugin'.
- " yes, this is not a typo , a file is named 'inteface' instead of 'interface' "
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacQuicktimeInteface.c' ).
- maker addFrameworks: #( 'Carbon' 'QuickTime' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureSecurityPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSecurityPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SecurityPlugin"
- super configureSecurityPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacSecurity.c' )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureSerialPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSerialPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SerialPlugin"
- super configureSoundPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin'.
- maker
- addSources: #('sqUnixSerial.c')
- prefixed: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin/'
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureSocketPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSocketPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SoundPlugin"
- super configureSoundPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin'.
- maker
- addSources: #('sqUnixSocket.c')
- prefixed: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin/'
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureSoundGenerationPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSoundGenerationPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SoundPlugin"
- maker doNotGenerate: true.
- " The sources in platforms/Cross/plugins/SoundGenerationPlugin/sqOldSoundPrims.c
- are out of date and need to be fixed before it can be built
- maker
- addCrossSources: #('sqOldSoundPrims.c')
- "
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureTestOSAPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureTestOSAPlugin: maker
- maker addFrameworks: #( 'Carbon'  'ApplicationServices' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>configureUnixOSProcessPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureUnixOSProcessPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for UnixOSProcessPlugin"
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for B3DAcceleratorPlugin"
- super configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker.  
- maker
- includeDirectories: '/usr/X11/include';  "for GL.h"
- addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacOpenGL.c' 'sqMacOpenGLInfo.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureCroquetPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureCroquetPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for CroquetPlugin"
- super configureCroquetPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #('sqMacCroquet.c').
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureFFIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFFIPlugin: maker
- super configureFFIPlugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( "'sqMacIntel-Win32.c'"
- 'x86-sysv-MacIntel.c'
- 'x86-sysv-asm-MacIntel.S'
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureFT2Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFT2Plugin: maker
- "extra rules for Freetype plugin.
- a custom rule to build freetype library"
- | lib |
- maker isExternal ifFalse: [
- self error: 'building internal FT2Plugin is not supported yet'  
- ].
- "add freetype library into loop"
- lib := self addThirdpartyLibrary: 'freetype2'.
- "link plugin with freetype lib"
- maker addExternalLibrary: lib targetForLinking.
- maker includeDirectories: lib includeDir.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureInternetConfigPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureInternetConfigPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for InternetConfigPlugin"
- super configureInternetConfigPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacInternetConfiguration.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureJoystickTabletPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for JoystickTabletPlugin"
- super configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources:
- #(
- 'HID_Error_Handler.c'
- 'HID_Name_Lookup.c'
- 'HID_Queue_Utilities.c'
- 'HID_Utilities.c'
- 'sqMacJoystickAndTablet.c'
- )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureLocalePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureLocalePlugin: maker
- "extra rules for LocalePlugin"
- super configureLocalePlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacLocaleCarbon.c' )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureMIDIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureMIDIPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for MIDIPlugin"
- super configureMIDIPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacMIDI.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureMpeg3Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureMpeg3Plugin: maker
- super configureMpeg3Plugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #(
- 'sqMacFileBits.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureObjectiveCPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureObjectiveCPlugin: maker
- maker doNotGenerate: true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configurePlugin:with: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configurePlugin: aPlugin with: generator
- generator isExternal ifTrue: [
- " set output directory for dynamic library to Resources subdir in .app bundle location "
- generator
- toString: '${externalModulesDir}'
- ].
- ^ super configurePlugin: aPlugin with: generator
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureQuicktimePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureQuicktimePlugin: maker
- maker includeDirectories: '${pluginPlatform}'.
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/SurfacePlugin'.
- " yes, this is not a typo , a file is named 'inteface' instead of 'interface' "
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacQuicktimeInteface.c' ).
- maker addFrameworks: #( 'Carbon' 'QuickTime' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureSecurityPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSecurityPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SecurityPlugin"
- super configureSecurityPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacSecurity.c' )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureSerialPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSerialPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SerialPlugin"
- super configureSoundPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin'.
- maker
- addSources: #('sqUnixSerial.c')
- prefixed: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin/'
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureSocketPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSocketPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SoundPlugin"
- super configureSoundPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin'.
- maker
- addSources: #('sqUnixSocket.c')
- prefixed: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin/'
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureSoundGenerationPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSoundGenerationPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SoundPlugin"
- maker doNotGenerate: true.
- " The sources in platforms/Cross/plugins/SoundGenerationPlugin/sqOldSoundPrims.c
- are out of date and need to be fixed before it can be built
- maker
- addCrossSources: #('sqOldSoundPrims.c')
- "
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureTestOSAPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureTestOSAPlugin: maker
- maker addFrameworks: #( 'Carbon'  'ApplicationServices' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSX32x86Config>>configureUnixOSProcessPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureUnixOSProcessPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for UnixOSProcessPlugin"
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for B3DAcceleratorPlugin"
- super configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker.  
- maker
- includeDirectories: '/usr/X11/include';  "for GL.h"
- addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacOpenGL.c' 'sqMacOpenGLInfo.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateB3DAcceleratorPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateB3DAcceleratorPlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "Consider portability of the include below"
- super configureByTemplateB3DAcceleratorPlugin: aMaker.  
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '/usr/X11/include'));   "for GL.h <--tty portability problem?"
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new)
- list:'sources'
- elements: (OrderedCollection
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacOpenGL.c'
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacOpenGLInfo.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: aMaker
- super configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: aMaker.  
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacCroquet.c'))
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateFFIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateFFIPlugin: aMaker
- super configureByTemplateFFIPlugin: aMaker.
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new)
- list:'sources'
- elements: (OrderedCollection
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/x86-sysv-MacIntel.c'
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/x86-sysv-asm-MacIntel.S')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateFT2Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateFT2Plugin: aMaker
- | lib |
- self flag:'tty'. "is internalFT2 still not supported?"
- aMaker isExternal ifFalse: [self error: 'building internal FT2Plugin is not supported yet' ].
- self flag:'tty'. "I haven't been down the addThirdpartyLibrary rabbit hole yet"
- lib := self addThirdpartyLibrary: 'freetype2'.
- aMaker templates   "link plugin with freetype lib"
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'LINKLIBS' elements: (OrderedCollection with:  (lib targetForLinking)));
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: lib includeDir)).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateInternetConfigPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateInternetConfigPlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureInternetConfigPlugin has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacInternetConfiguration.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateJoystickTabletPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateJoystickTabletPlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureJoystickTabletPlugin has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new)
- list:'sources'
- elements: (OrderedCollection
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Error_Handler.c'
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Name_Lookup.c'
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Queue_Utilities.c'
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Utilities.c'
- with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacJoystickAndTablet.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateLocalePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateLocalePlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureLocalePlugin: has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacLocaleCarbon.c'))
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateMIDIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateMIDIPlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureMIDIPlugin: has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacMIDI.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateMpeg3Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateMpeg3Plugin: aMaker
- super configureByTemplateMpeg3Plugin: aMaker.
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacFileBits.c'))
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateObjectiveCPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateObjectiveCPlugin: aMaker
- aMaker doNotGenerate: true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateQuicktimePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateQuicktimePlugin: aMaker
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new)  
- dirs: (OrderedCollection
- with: '${pluginPlatform}'
- with: '${crossDir}/plugins/SurfacePlugin'));
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacQuicktimeInteface.c')).
-            " not a typo , a file is named 'inteface' instead of 'interface' "
- aMaker addFrameworksByTemplate: #( 'Carbon' 'QuickTime' ) maker: aMaker.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateSecurityPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateSecurityPlugin: aMaker
- self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureSecurityPlugin: has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'));
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacSecurity.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateSerialPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateSerialPlugin: aMaker
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with:  '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin' ));
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin/sqUnixSerial.c'))
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateSocketPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateSocketPlugin: aMaker
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin'));
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin/sqUnixSocket.c')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateSoundGenerationPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateSoundGenerationPlugin: maker
- maker doNotGenerate: true.
- "pharo code comment:  The sources in platforms/Cross/plugins/SoundGenerationPlugin/sqOldSoundPrims.c
- are out of date and need to be fixed before it can be built
- aMaker templates
- addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '$(pluginCross)/sqOldSoundPrims.c'));
- "
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateTestOSAPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateTestOSAPlugin: aMaker
- aMaker addFrameworksByTemplate: #( 'Carbon'  'ApplicationServices' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureByTemplateUnixOSProcessPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureByTemplateUnixOSProcessPlugin: aMaker
- aMaker templates
- addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin')).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureCroquetPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureCroquetPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for CroquetPlugin"
- super configureCroquetPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #('sqMacCroquet.c').
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureFFIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFFIPlugin: maker
- super configureFFIPlugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( "'sqMacIntel-Win32.c'"
- 'x86-sysv-MacIntel.c'
- 'x86-sysv-asm-MacIntel.S'
- )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureFT2Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureFT2Plugin: maker
- "extra rules for Freetype plugin.
- a custom rule to build freetype library"
- | lib |
- maker isExternal ifFalse: [
- self error: 'building internal FT2Plugin is not supported yet'  
- ].
- "add freetype library into loop"
- lib := self addThirdpartyLibrary: 'freetype2'.
- "link plugin with freetype lib"
- maker addExternalLibrary: lib targetForLinking.
- maker includeDirectories: lib includeDir.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureInternetConfigPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureInternetConfigPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for InternetConfigPlugin"
- super configureInternetConfigPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacInternetConfiguration.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureJoystickTabletPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for JoystickTabletPlugin"
- super configureJoystickTabletPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources:
- #(
- 'HID_Error_Handler.c'
- 'HID_Name_Lookup.c'
- 'HID_Queue_Utilities.c'
- 'HID_Utilities.c'
- 'sqMacJoystickAndTablet.c'
- )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureLocalePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureLocalePlugin: maker
- "extra rules for LocalePlugin"
- super configureLocalePlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacLocaleCarbon.c' )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureMIDIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureMIDIPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for MIDIPlugin"
- super configureMIDIPlugin: maker.  
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacMIDI.c')!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureMpeg3Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureMpeg3Plugin: maker
- super configureMpeg3Plugin: maker.
- maker addPlatformSources: #(
- 'sqMacFileBits.c')
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureObjectiveCPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureObjectiveCPlugin: maker
- maker doNotGenerate: true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureQuicktimePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureQuicktimePlugin: maker
- maker includeDirectories: '${pluginPlatform}'.
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/SurfacePlugin'.
- " yes, this is not a typo , a file is named 'inteface' instead of 'interface' "
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacQuicktimeInteface.c' ).
- maker addFrameworks: #( 'Carbon' 'QuickTime' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureSecurityPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSecurityPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SecurityPlugin"
- super configureSecurityPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'.
- maker addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacSecurity.c' )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureSerialPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSerialPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SerialPlugin"
- super configureSoundPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin'.
- maker
- addSources: #('sqUnixSerial.c')
- prefixed: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin/'
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureSocketPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSocketPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SoundPlugin"
- super configureSoundPlugin: maker.  
- maker includeDirectories: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin'.
- maker
- addSources: #('sqUnixSocket.c')
- prefixed: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin/'
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureSoundGenerationPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureSoundGenerationPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for SoundPlugin"
- maker doNotGenerate: true.
- " The sources in platforms/Cross/plugins/SoundGenerationPlugin/sqOldSoundPrims.c
- are out of date and need to be fixed before it can be built
- maker
- addCrossSources: #('sqOldSoundPrims.c')
- "
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureTestOSAPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureTestOSAPlugin: maker
- maker addFrameworks: #( 'Carbon'  'ApplicationServices' ).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakMacOSXPowerPCConfig>>configureUnixOSProcessPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
- configureUnixOSProcessPlugin: maker
- "extra rules for UnixOSProcessPlugin"
- maker includeDirectories: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'.
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker
+ "extra rules for B3DAcceleratorPlugin"
+ super configureB3DAcceleratorPlugin: maker.  
+ maker
+ includeDirectories: '/usr/X11/include';  "for GL.h"
+ addPlatformSources: #( 'sqMacOpenGL.c' 'sqMacOpenGLInfo.c')
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: aMaker
+ super configureByTemplateCroquetPlugin: aMaker.  
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacCroquet.c'))
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateFFIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateFFIPlugin: aMaker
+ super configureByTemplateFFIPlugin: aMaker.
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new)
+ list:'sources'
+ elements: (OrderedCollection
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/x86-sysv-MacIntel.c'
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/x86-sysv-asm-MacIntel.S')).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateFT2Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateFT2Plugin: aMaker
+ | lib |
+ self flag:'tty'. "is internalFT2 still not supported?"
+ aMaker isExternal ifFalse: [self error: 'building internal FT2Plugin is not supported yet' ].
+ self flag:'tty'. "I haven't been down the addThirdpartyLibrary rabbit hole yet"
+ lib := self addThirdpartyLibrary: 'freetype2'.
+ aMaker templates   "link plugin with freetype lib"
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'LINKLIBS' elements: (OrderedCollection with:  (lib targetForLinking)));
+ addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: lib includeDir)).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateInternetConfigPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateInternetConfigPlugin: aMaker
+ self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureInternetConfigPlugin has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacInternetConfiguration.c')).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateJoystickTabletPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateJoystickTabletPlugin: aMaker
+ self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureJoystickTabletPlugin has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new)
+ list:'sources'
+ elements: (OrderedCollection
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Error_Handler.c'
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Name_Lookup.c'
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Queue_Utilities.c'
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/HID_Utilities.c'
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacJoystickAndTablet.c')).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateLocalePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateLocalePlugin: aMaker
+ self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureLocalePlugin: has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacLocaleCarbon.c'))
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateMIDIPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateMIDIPlugin: aMaker
+ self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureMIDIPlugin: has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacMIDI.c')).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateMpeg3Plugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateMpeg3Plugin: aMaker
+ super configureByTemplateMpeg3Plugin: aMaker.
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacFileBits.c'))
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateObjectiveCPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateObjectiveCPlugin: aMaker
+ aMaker doNotGenerate: true
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateQuicktimePlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateQuicktimePlugin: aMaker
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new)  
+ dirs: (OrderedCollection
+ with: '${pluginPlatform}'
+ with: '${crossDir}/plugins/SurfacePlugin'));
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacQuicktimeInteface.c')).
+            " not a typo , a file is named 'inteface' instead of 'interface' "
+ aMaker addFrameworksByTemplate: #( 'Carbon' 'QuickTime' ) maker: aMaker.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateSecurityPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateSecurityPlugin: aMaker
+ self flag:'tty'. "pharo's configureSecurityPlugin: has a super call to an empty method that I omit here. "
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin'));
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${pluginPlatform}/sqMacSecurity.c')).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateSerialPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateSerialPlugin: aMaker
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with:  '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin' ));
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SerialPlugin/sqUnixSerial.c'))
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateSocketPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateSocketPlugin: aMaker
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin'));
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '${platformsDir}/unix/plugins/SocketPlugin/sqUnixSocket.c')).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateSoundGenerationPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateSoundGenerationPlugin: maker
+ maker doNotGenerate: true.
+ "pharo code comment:  The sources in platforms/Cross/plugins/SoundGenerationPlugin/sqOldSoundPrims.c
+ are out of date and need to be fixed before it can be built
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast:((CMakeListAppend new) list:'sources' elements: (OrderedCollection with: '$(pluginCross)/sqOldSoundPrims.c'));
+ "
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateTestOSAPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateTestOSAPlugin: aMaker
+ aMaker addFrameworksByTemplate: #( 'Carbon'  'ApplicationServices' ).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakMacintoshConfig>>configureByTemplateUnixOSProcessPlugin: (in category 'plugin extra rules') -----
+ configureByTemplateUnixOSProcessPlugin: aMaker
+ aMaker templates
+ addLast: ((CMakeIncludeDirectories new) dirs: (OrderedCollection with: '${crossDir}/plugins/FilePlugin')).
+ !