Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker:
http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/Cog-eem.357.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Cog-eem.357
Author: eem
Time: 7 October 2019, 9:43:09.345367 am
UUID: fcefd92b-60bd-4281-97b8-2e8e246345ce
Ancestors: Cog-eem.356
Handle ModRegInd reads (offset zero) on x64.
=============== Diff against Cog-eem.356 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>handleMovGvEvFailureAt:in:rex: (in category 'error handling') -----
handleMovGvEvFailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" rex: rexByteOrNil "<Integer|nil>"
"Convert an execution primitive failure for a register load into a ProcessorSimulationTrap signal."
| modrmByte getter setter offset |
self assert: rexByteOrNil notNil.
modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 3.
setter := self registerStateSetters at: ((modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 4) << 1) + 1).
(modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC7) = 16r5 ifTrue: "ModRegInd & disp32"
pc: pc
nextpc: pc + 7
address: (memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 4 bigEndian: false)
type: #read
accessor: setter)
getter := self registerStateGetters at: ((modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 1) << 3) + 1).
(modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifTrue: "ModRegRegDisp32"
[offset := memoryArray longAt: pc + 4 bigEndian: false.
pc: pc
nextpc: pc + 7
address: (self perform: getter) + offset
type: #read
accessor: setter)
(modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r40 ifTrue: "ModRegRegDisp8"
[offset := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 4.
offset > 16r7F ifTrue:
[offset := offset - 16r100].
pc: pc
nextpc: pc + 4
address: (self perform: getter) + offset
type: #read
accessor: setter)
+ (modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r00 ifTrue: "ModRegInd"
+ [^(ProcessorSimulationTrap
+ pc: pc
+ nextpc: pc + 3
+ address: (self perform: getter)
+ type: #read
+ accessor: setter)
+ signal].
^self reportPrimitiveFailure!